Examples of the the word, expedient , in a Sentence Context

The word ( expedient ), is the 12883 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Twenty-three votes. At length the cardinals agreed to resort to the old, expedient ,of electing a cardinal of advanced years, and proposed Cardinal Altair, an
  2. Then a bond was sworn to get rid of Darnley by other means:" It was thought, expedient ,and most profitable for the common wealth, ... that such a young fool and proud
  3. However, most systems were too complicated and unreliable. A successful, expedient ,to increase the sending rate was the development of telegraphese. Other
  4. Reduced the death rate of new mothers from child bed fever by the simple, expedient ,of requiring physicians to clean their hands before attending to women in
  5. And lack of respect generated in his Italian allies. The belated, expedient ,to nominate Field Marshall Bestselling as Supreme Commander Mediterranean, too
  6. Ratified on 6 March. The Soviets viewed the treaty as merely a necessary and, expedient ,means to end the war. Therefore, they ceded large amounts of territory to the
  7. Situations where access to state-of-the-art instruments are not available or, expedient , Gravimetric analysis involves determining the amount of
  8. Must not detect the signal. If radio silence is necessary, the pre-electronic, expedient ,of a cord linking the groups, tugged once or twice as a signal, may be employed
  9. Or illness. The book was, from the outset, intended only as a temporary, expedient , as Buyer was assured having met Cranmer for the first time in April 1549:
  10. Of the age-of-consent laws either permanently or as a temporary, practical, expedient , By country or region Specific jurisdictions' laws relating to age of consent
  11. The sovereign is not obliged to, it is advisable for him, as a practical, expedient , to convene a senate from whom he can obtain advice, to delegate some power to
  12. Several years had been administered on the principle that it was safer and more, expedient ,to leave the law in abeyance if collision with any faction of the Irish people
  13. Which were not functional. Anti-aircraft defenses were preserved by the simple, expedient ,of not turning them on, preventing NATO aircraft from detecting them, but
  14. Carry moved into a flat which the landlord had created through the unusual, expedient ,of subdividing a larger flat by means of a horizontal rather than a vertical
  15. And were liable to be court-martialed, but it was considered more politically, expedient ,to hold them up as examples of a rejuvenated militarism. The conflict soon
  16. Of Virginia," and that its admission was therefore both constitutional and, expedient , The convention was reconvened on February 12, 1863,and the demand was met.
  17. Of packed dirt, reducing gamma rays by 1024 times (210). Usually,an, expedient ,purpose-built fallout shelter is a trench, with a strong roof buried by c. 1 m
  18. De la Tremolo) all but omnipotent with the king, and for a time he judged it, expedient ,to use her influence in carrying out his plans. Upon the death of the Queen (
  19. Complex, is often summarized by his statement that" the 'true' is only the, expedient ,in our way of thinking, just as the 'right' is only the expedient in our way
  20. Studies have also been done on briefer" dynamic" treatments; these are more, expedient ,to measure, and shed light on the therapeutic process to some extent. Brief
  21. n. A clever programming trick intended to solve a particular nasty case in an, expedient , if not clear, manner. Often used to repair bugs. Often involves Dockery and
  22. Rewards. In fact, the Ch'ŏngsan-ni Method appeared to accommodate almost any, expedient ,to spur production. The method, however,subsequently was undercut by
  23. Citizen employees time off to attend the assembly, as well as having the simple, expedient ,of wealth. Contemporary opponents of majoritarianism (arguably the principle
  24. For the Burmese people. Around this time, Suu FYI chose non-violence as an, expedient ,political tactic. 1996 attack On 9 November 1996,the motorcade that she was
  25. Called their invention the Pathogen (" riding car" ). It was designed as an, expedient ,tested for their new engine, rather than a true prototype vehicle. Many
  26. Open on top both to save weight and to accommodate a larger gun. The earliest, expedient ,design was an M3 Half-track mounting an M1897 gun in a limited-traverse mount
  27. And indeed, to perform any other works of charity, according to what will seem, expedient ,for the glory of God and the common good ". History Foundation On 15 August
  28. Dorms of the 1950s and 1960s (Macomb, East,North and South),calling them, expedient ," slabs" of" sleeping and feeding space," and this protest soon took on
  29. By the Charities and Penetrates and some recent recruits from Path, found it, expedient ,to flee. The priests Radon and Abraham remained behind in Jerusalem, and their
  30. Agreed to divide Albania among Yugoslavia, Italy,and Greece as a diplomatic, expedient ,aimed at finding a compromise solution to the territorial conflict between
  31. In return for his protection, early suggested to the emperors and kings the, expedient ,of rewarding their warriors with rich abbeys held in commend am. During the
  32. To" discuss matters of practical interest, and pronounce what we deem, expedient ,in resolutions which may serve as safe guides to future action. " Since then
  33. Caught on a reef and was almost lost. After the sailors waited three days for, expedient ,tides and dumped cargo, they freed the baroque. Befriending a sultan king of the
  34. Then, appealed to the sword. They resolved to prolong the war as the best, expedient ,for prolonging their power. They were thus driven to rely upon the armies
  35. Popular enthusiasm for the crusade as there had been in 1095. Bernard found it, expedient ,to dwell upon the taking of the cross as a potent means of gaining absolution
  36. Had little or no loyalty to Theodosius. Theodosius was reduced to the costly, expedient ,of shipping his recruits to Egypt and replacing them with more seasoned Romans
  37. Of the fledgling nation in the American War for Independence – likely with the, expedient ,of transforming their previous British red ensigns by adding white stripes –
  38. Fonts display this as क् followed by ल, rather than forming a conjunct. This, expedient ,is used by ASCII and South Asian scripts of Unicode. ) Thus a closed syllable
  39. Machinery makers. Although starting the whole system at once was politically, expedient , it delayed completion, and forced even more reliance on temporary experts
  40. The variances of climate in North Africa led the French Army to the sensible, expedient ,of letting local commanders decide on the appropriate" tenure de four" (
  41. Is only the expedient in our way of thinking, just as the 'right' is only the, expedient ,in our way of behaving. " By this, James meant that truth is a quality the
  42. Assignments of meaning. As chemistry and other technologies advanced, it became, expedient ,to use coloration as a signal for telling apart things that would otherwise be
  43. But to" discuss matters of practical interest, and pronounce what we deem, expedient ,in resolutions which may serve as safe guides to future action. " Chicago
  44. Camps. As a result of these inspections, the Nazis searched for a new and more, expedient ,way to kill, which culminated in the use of the gas chambers. Himmler wanted to
  45. For more than a single voice is to be repeated) to be the most reasonable, expedient , You will therefore cause some posters to this effect to be printed. " The
  46. Have adjusted their focus to emphasize different periods and have found it, expedient ,to use slightly different definitions to help them interpret events. For
  47. Displayed a placard with Sir Joshua Reynolds' famous quotation:" There is no, expedient ,to which a man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking. " This
  48. Printed. Acceding to the wishes of many of the bishops, Pope Pius XII judged it, expedient ,also to reduce the rubrics of the missal to a simpler form, a simplification
  49. When education became widespread and a simpler writing system was found more, expedient ,for teaching and communication with the general population. A Vietnamese
  50. Open for a longer period after cut-off on the admission side has occurred. This, expedient ,has since been generally considered satisfactory for most purposes and makes

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