Examples of the the word, anime , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anime ), is the 12893 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. End of the decade by Yoshiyuki Domino who developed the Real Robot genre. Robot, anime ,like the Gun dam and The Super Dimension Fortress Across series became instant
  2. In nostalgic contexts. Visual characteristics Many commentators refer to, anime ,as an art form. As a visual medium, it can emphasize visual styles. The styles
  3. Pioneered in France, Germany,the United States, and Russia. The oldest known, anime ,in existence first screened in 1917 – a two-minute clip of a samurai trying to
  4. Literature, and even pornography. While animation for children exists, most of, anime ,have more adult oriented themes. Distribution While anime had entered markets
  5. The story, or to dramatize a point for humorous effect. See for example the, anime ,Are Kano. Character design Proportions Body proportions emulated in anime come
  6. And checking of drawings before they are shot – practices favored by the, anime ,industry. Other mediums are mostly limited to independently made short films
  7. Added emphasis. Most super deformed characters are two to four heads tall. Some, anime ,works like Crayon Shanahan completely disregard these proportions, such that
  8. A common noun, normally functions as a mass noun (for example:" Do you watch, anime , "," How much anime have you collected? "). However, in casual usage the word
  9. From the French phrase design anime . English-language dictionaries define, anime ,as" a Japanese style of motion-picture animation" or as" a style of
  10. Across series became instant classics in the 1980s,and the robot genre of, anime ,is still one of the most common in Japan and worldwide today. In the 1980s
  11. In Japan and recognition throughout the world. Distributors can release, anime ,via television broadcasts, directly to video, or theatrically, as well as
  12. The anime Are Kano. Character design Proportions Body proportions emulated in, anime ,come from proportions of the human body. The height of the head is considered
  13. As definitive of anime in general. However, this does not mean that all modern, anime ,share one strict, common art-style. Much anime have a very different art style
  14. In katakana as アニメーション (Animesh, pronounced ), and the term アニメ (, anime , pronounced in Japanese) emerged in the 1970s as an abbreviation. Others claim
  15. Anime can also be used as a supportive adjective or classifier noun (" The, anime ,"). Synonyms English-speakers occasionally refer to anime as" Jap animation "
  16. Star-Racers; different viewers may or may not consider this anime . In English, anime , when used as a common noun, normally functions as a mass noun (for example: "
  17. Releases, and represents most, if not all, genres of fiction. As the market for, anime ,increased in Japan, it also gained popularity in East and Southeast Asia. Anime
  18. Saving). Story themes A wide variety of stories have been adapted into, anime , They are sourced from Japanese history, classical literature, and even
  19. Touch" approach to localization has favored viewers formerly unfamiliar with, anime , Robotic and Star Blazers were the earliest attempts to present anime (albeit
  20. Anime has also had commercial success in Asia, Europe and Latin America, where, anime , has become more mainstream than in the United States. For example, the Saint
  21. Exists,most anime have more adult oriented themes. Distribution While, anime ,had entered markets beyond Japan in the 1960s,it grew as a major cultural
  22. Calligraphy and Japanese painting also characterize linear qualities of the, anime ,style. The round ink brush traditionally used for writing kanji and for
  23. Much anime have a very different art style from what would commonly be called ", anime ,style ", yet fans still use the word" anime " to refer to these titles.
  24. Animation developed in Japan ". Non-Japanese works that borrow utilization from, anime ,are commonly referred to as" anime -influenced animation" but it is not
  25. What would commonly be called" anime style ", yet fans still use the word ", anime ," to refer to these titles. Generally, the most common form of anime drawings
  26. The word" anime " to refer to these titles. Generally, the most common form of, anime ,drawings include" exaggerated physical features such as large eyes, big hair
  27. Jap animation" saw the most usage during the 1970s and 1980s,but the term ", anime ," supplanted it in the mid-1990s as the material became more widely known in
  28. Off-air. Anime distribution companies handled the licensing and distribution of, anime ,outside Japan. Licensed anime is modified by distributors through dubbing into
  29. Can vary as long as the remainder of the body remains proportional. Most, anime ,characters are about seven to eight heads tall, and extreme heights are set
  30. Field – inspired characteristics and genres that remain fundamental elements of, anime ,today. The giant robot genre (known as" Mecca" outside Japan),for instance
  31. Being that closely resembles a human; also referred to in many series (mostly, anime ,) as Bio Android Although human morphology is not necessarily the ideal form
  32. Such stylized eyes as inherently more or less foreign. However, not all, anime ,have large eyes. For example,some work of Hayes Miyazaki and Toshiba
  33. The past (e.g. Vol tron),but its use has declined because of the demand for, anime ,in its original form. This" light touch" approach to localization has favored
  34. Which has become one of the most widely recognized motifs of conventional, anime ,) or produce a visibly red blush or set of parallel (sometimes squiggly)
  35. Does not know the country of origin of such material to refer to it as simply ", anime ,". Some works result from co-productions with non-Japanese companies, such as
  36. Is still one of the most common in Japan and worldwide today. In the 1980s, anime , became more accepted in the mainstream in Japan (although less than manga)
  37. Does not mean that all modern anime share one strict, common art-style. Many, anime ,have a very different art style from what would commonly be called" anime
  38. GPX or Ban Star-Racers; different viewers may or may not consider these, anime , In English, anime ,when used as a common noun, normally functions as a mass
  39. Cultural export during its market expansion during the 1980s and 1990s. The, anime ,market for the United States alone is" worth approximately $4.35 billion
  40. From a government using animation in education and propaganda. The first talkie, anime ,was Chiara to Anna no Yo no NASA, produced by Masada in 1933. The first
  41. And experienced a boom in production. Following a few successful adaptations of, anime ,in overseas markets in the 1980s, anime gained increased acceptance in those
  42. Such as panning, zooming,facial closeup, and panoramic. The large majority of, anime ,uses traditional animation, which better allows for division of labor, pose to
  43. Echoing Boeing (US,1951),Yellow Submarine (UK,1968),and much of the, anime ,produced in Japan. Its primary use, however,has been in producing
  44. Or theatrically, as well as online. Both hand-drawn and computer-animated, anime ,exist. It is used in television series, films,video, video games, commercials
  45. Japanese cartoons were produced in the ensuing decades, the characteristic, anime ,style developed in the 1960s—notably with the work of SAMU Tea—and became
  46. Functions as a mass noun (for example:" Do you watch anime ? "," How much, anime ,have you collected? "). However, in casual usage the word also appears as a
  47. A few successful adaptations of anime in overseas markets in the 1980s, anime , gained increased acceptance in those markets in the 1990s and even more at the
  48. Handled the licensing and distribution of anime outside Japan. Licensed, anime ,is modified by distributors through dubbing into the language of the country
  49. Noun (" The anime " ). Synonyms English-speakers occasionally refer to, anime ,as" Jap animation ", but this term has fallen into disuse. " Jap animation" saw
  50. Stylistic elements have become so common that describe them as definitive of, anime ,in general. However, this does not mean that all modern anime share one strict

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