Examples of the the word, bore , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bore ), is the 6402 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sarah, the granddaughter of the Visigoth king Wittily, married a Muslim man and, bore ,two sons who were later counted among the ranks of the highest Arab nobility.
  2. Modest origins too obvious. However, despite the fact that he never officially, bore ,the name Octavia nus, to save confusing the dead dictator with his heir
  3. Then prayed in behalf of Abimelech and the women in his household, so that they, bore ,children, since God had stricken the women with infertility because of the
  4. Or alpine horn is a aerophone, consisting of a natural wooden horn of conical, bore , having a wooden cup-shaped mouthpiece, used by mountain dwellers in
  5. To the Mongols: the first carried letters from Pope Innocent IV and the second, bore ,gifts and letters from Louis IX of France to Guy Khan. Well acquainted with
  6. Public Julius Lupus (a man of consular rank) effect consul in 98,and, bore ,him two daughters Aria Cupola and Julia Padilla. Marriage and children As a
  7. A palace intrigue kept her away from the king. This eventually ended, and she, bore ,a son. It is from her exclamation" I am now without sorrow ", that Ashoka got
  8. The death of Sarah, he took another wife, or concubine, named Return, who, bore , Abraham six sons: Imran, Jokshan, Medan,Median, Ishbak, and Shah. Abraham is
  9. Family connections over merit. Alexios' policy of integration of the nobility, bore ,the fruit of continuity: every Byzantine emperor who reigned after Alexios I
  10. He would stay — with ranging commitment — for the rest of his life. The couple, bore ,a son, Auguste-Eugène Beret (1866–1934). That year, Rodin offered his first
  11. Sunday morning, courtesy of Noonday, I met for the first time an Anita Hill who, bore ,little resemblance to the woman who had worked for me at EEOC and the Education
  12. Dorian invasion of the Peloponnese. They then moved into the region that later, bore ,the name of Achaean. A scholarly consensus has not yet been reached on the
  13. From his blood sprang a red flower, as at the death of Hyacinths, which, bore , on its leaves the initial letters of his name Ai, also expressive of lament.
  14. Wife Pythias died and Aristotle became involved with Herpyllis of Niagara, who, bore , him a son whom he named after his father, Nicomachus. According to the Sudan, he
  15. Diffusion his conquests engendered. Alexander founded some twenty cities that, bore ,his name. His settlement of Greek colonists and the resulting spread of Greek
  16. The rape of Aura by Dionysus. Aura became a mad and dangerous killer. When she, bore ,twin sons, she ate one of them while the other one, Iakhos, was saved by
  17. N905NA,originally belonged to American Airlines, and in its early years still, bore ,the distinct American pin striping. By the early 1980s,however, NASA decided to
  18. For one who had been an Arminius, etc.) there is no evidence that he ever, bore ,the name Octavia nus, as it would have made his modest origins too obvious.
  19. Aristotle married Hermias's adoptive daughter (or niece) Pythias. She, bore ,him a daughter, whom they named Pythias. Soon after Hermits' death, Aristotle
  20. In planting native trees and plants in their school grounds. This vision, bore ,fruit and schools in New Zealand have long planted native trees on Arbor Day.
  21. Atlas may also refer to: Greek mythology * Atlas (mythology),a Titan who, bore ,the spheres of the heavens; inspiring the widely used image of a man carrying a
  22. Also developed the saxotromba family, valved brass instruments with narrower, bore ,than the sax horns, in 1845,though they survived only briefly. Sax horn
  23. Its playing venue is the Scholz-Arena situated in the west of the city, which, bore , the name Starfishes Waldstadion Allen (“ Civic Forest Stadium of Allen” )
  24. Note that Hera was so annoyed at Zeus producing a child that she conceived and, bore ,Hephaestus by herself. Plato, in Craters (407B) gave the etymology of her
  25. Which brought forth almond flowers. According to tradition, the rod of Aaron, bore ,sweet almonds on one side and bitter on the other; if the Israelites followed
  26. Area of 771 mile² (1997 km²),and a population of 78,236 in 1901. The rulers, bore ,the title of Sakai maharajah. He commanded an estimated annual revenue of about
  27. Poseidon fell in love with Plato, the daughter of Evener and Leucine, who, bore , him five pairs of male twins. The eldest of these, Atlas,was made rightful
  28. It was not. Peter was openly in love with Ines, recognized all the children she, bore , and, worst of all, favoured the Castilians that surrounded her. Moreover
  29. Due to her bad breath, Darab sent back the girl to her homeland and there she, bore ,a child named Standard, who later rose to power and waged war with Iran. Data
  30. For about 20 % of the Earth's fresh water entering the ocean. The tidal, bore ,is the reason the Amazon does not have a protruding delta; the ocean rapidly
  31. On a day when almost a thousand Jews were murdered. The documents supposedly, bore ,annotations in Speer's own handwriting. Speer biographer Gotta Serena stated
  32. Cook from Albion sailed, : To trace wide oceans o'er, : True British courage, bore ,him on, : Til he landed on our shore.: Then here he raised Old England's flag,
  33. At birth. The highest animals laid warm and wet creatures alive, the lowest, bore ,theirs cold, dry,and in thick eggs. Aristotle also held that the level of a
  34. Government found that as Minister of Defense during the 1982 Lebanon War Sharon, bore ,personal, but indirect, responsibility for the massacre by Lebanese militias of
  35. Wisdom While You Waite ", and his mock-obituary on the passing of Waite, bore ,the title" Dead Waite ". Mexico, India and Paris: 1900–1903 In 1900,Crowley
  36. Equipped with arms and armor nearly identical to each other. Each hop lite, bore ,the Spartan emblem and a scarlet uniform. The main pieces of this armor were a
  37. Regina was a daughter of the river god As opus and the nymph Met ope. She, bore ,at least two children: Genetics by Actor, and Abacus by Zeus. When Zeus
  38. From 13 March 1881 until his death in 1894. Early life. In disposition, he, bore , little resemblance to his soft-hearted, liberal father, and still less to his
  39. Life caring for the poor and assisting the most disadvantaged Romans. Faustino, bore ,Antoninus four children, two sons and two daughters. They were: * Marcus
  40. In 1829 by Cyril Damian, of Armenian descent, in Vienna Demian's instrument, bore ,little resemblance to modern instruments. It only had a left hand butt onboard
  41. Dawn with his pedantry. Crowley voiced the view that Waite was a pretentious, bore ,through searing critiques of Waite's writings and editorials of other authors
  42. Experiment (CPL EE). Plaque and insignia The original lunar plaque on Aquarius, bore ,Mat tingly’s name, so the crew was given a replacement with Swinger’s name on it
  43. S position as heir to the throne less secure, since if Cleopatra Eurydice, bore ,Philip a son, there would be a fully Macedonian heir, while Alexander was only
  44. Mother, and it seems that they waited until Fulcher's death to marry. Agnes, bore ,Amalia three children: Sibylla, the future Baldwin IV (both would come to
  45. Her first husband Philip and was a stepdaughter of Ptolemy I Voter. Theorem, bore ,Anetholes two children: Archagathus and Theorem. Theorem survived Anetholes
  46. Were initially cast in iron or bronze around a core, with the first drilled, bore ,ordnance recorded in operation near Seville in 1247. They fired lead, iron,or
  47. In the Capitol Rotunda from April 19 – April 21, 1865. Before the funeral train, bore ,him to his final resting place in Springfield, Illinois,Lincoln was laid in
  48. Harmonics are the more readily obtained by reason of the small diameter of the, bore ,in relation to the length. An Alford made at Rigi-Kulm, Schwyz, and now in the
  49. Mortars settled on the Stokes pattern, characterised by a short barrel, smooth, bore , low muzzle velocity, generally firing at an elevation angle greater than 45°
  50. Then 45°,a high muzzle velocity and hence a relatively long barrel, smooth, bore , ( no rifling) and a single charge. The latter often led to fixed ammunition

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