Examples of the the word, recruitment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recruitment ), is the 3941 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of recruits from other (mostly Commonwealth) countries. In 2006 overseas, recruitment , mostly in Commonwealth countries, generated more than 6,000 soldiers from 54
  2. For this stance, and academic recognition, as well as student and faculty, recruitment , were hindered. In 1944,Jones wrote to John Warlord of Dallas Theological
  3. Lord Kitchener, the Secretary of State for War, believed that it would help, recruitment ,if friends and work-mates from the same town were able to join up and fight
  4. S use of the Internet has grown more sophisticated, encompassing financing, recruitment , networking, mobilization,publicity, as well as information dissemination
  5. In 1775,the British Army consisted of about 36,000 men worldwide, but wartime, recruitment ,steadily increased this number. Great Britain had a difficult time appointing
  6. Had coached a base football team during World War II) into the most extensive, recruitment ,network that had ever been seen at the time in pro football. He used it to
  7. From the Social Democratic Alliance. The party also received a boost with the, recruitment ,of former student leaders from outside the Labour Party. These included former
  8. Kitchener, who among other things was prominently involved in British military, recruitment ,in World War I. As a child Orwell (under his real name Eric Blair) published
  9. Controversy within the press. Law firms have been particularly upset by the, recruitment ,difficulties that it has caused. Other less well remunerated employment sectors
  10. General Molina became president in 1981,he implemented an ethnicity-based, recruitment ,policy for the administration. Molina was a member of the Yakima tribe from
  11. Ban on homosexuals could be lifted with little or no adverse consequences for, recruitment ,and retention" if the policy were implemented with care, principally because
  12. Of bureaucratic nation-states supporting professional standing armies, recruitment ,of these mounted warriors was undertaken in order to fill the strategic roles
  13. Management Human resource management occupies the sphere of activity of, recruitment ,selection, orientation,performance appraisal, training and development
  14. Regimental cantons. Every youth was required to serve as a soldier in these, recruitment ,districts for three months each year; this met agrarian needs and added extra
  15. By the Warriors on 28 March 2010. On Monday 29 March, former Broncos player and, recruitment ,agent Allan Larger was caught drunk driving in Brisbane's Northside. Apart
  16. Party members in a population of 147 million. In 1927,after an intensive, recruitment ,campaign, membership rose to 1,200,000 By 1933,the party had approximately 3.5
  17. Made misleading and inconsistent statements about Amway earnings during a, recruitment ,meeting and had an outstanding arrest warrant for drug dealing. Allegations
  18. Arrived at St. Stephens, Alabama in mid-1813 with an offer of alliance and, recruitment , He was escorted to Mobile to speak with General Floury, then commanding the
  19. Role in the revolution against the Ottoman Empire, primarily by secret, recruitment ,of supporters against the Empire. By early 1821,it had gained enough support
  20. And Runway formed The Projection, which eventually became Rush following the, recruitment ,of original bassist/vocalist Jeff Jones. Teddy Lee assumed this role soon after
  21. DNA is normally in a hetero chromatin state, which is essential for the, recruitment ,of the cohesion complex that mediates sister chromatid cohesion after DNA
  22. Weapons, and planning attacks. * The Money/Business Committee funds the, recruitment ,and training of operatives through the Hawaii banking system. U. S-led efforts
  23. Strategy * HR consultants to be brought in from the commercial sector to review, recruitment , career development and working practices in the national and regional museums.
  24. Signaling molecule TNF, binds to a cell membrane receptor, resulting in the, recruitment ,of signalling proteins, and eventually activating the transcription factor
  25. George Minded for £1.05 million. A successful turn-around strategy led to the, recruitment ,of 360 new employees and, by 1977,a trading profit of £750,000. Understanding
  26. Liberalism, bolstering enthusiasm for separation from Britain, and encouraging, recruitment ,for the Continental Army. Paine provided a new and widely accepted argument for
  27. Due to its larger numbers, lower cost per rifle fielded, and much easier, recruitment , However, cavalry saw a role as part of screening forces and in foraging and
  28. For using Museum Accreditation as a more effective driver for improving, recruitment , diversity, and career development across the sector. * DCMS to take full
  29. Too many could make the army seen as employing mercenaries. The minimum, recruitment ,age is 16 years (after the end of Gases),although soldiers may not serve on
  30. And individual and mass kidnappings of civilians for the purpose of forced, recruitment ,into the contra forces. Edgar Chamorro, a former Contra and member of the FDN
  31. Cast Ben Elton's arrival after the first series heralded the more frequent, recruitment ,of comic actors from the famed" alternative" era for guest appearances
  32. Took control of the telegraph and railroad systems in the war zones, supervised, recruitment , and training, purchased munitions and supplies, and evaluated generals. He also
  33. Under his real name Eric Blair) published poems praising Kitchener and war, recruitment ,in his local newspaper. Additional speculation from Douglas Keller of UCLA
  34. And regimentation. A man's birth order often influenced his military, recruitment , as younger sons went to war and older sons took charge of the farm. A person
  35. England were coached by ALF Ramsey who had managed to gain sole control of the, recruitment ,and team selection procedure from the committee-based call-up system which had
  36. Although soldiers may not serve on operations below 18 years; the maximum, recruitment ,age was raised in January 2007 from 26 to 33 years. The normal term of
  37. To Bloody Sunday, but public perceptions of the day boosted the status of, and, recruitment , into,the organization enormously. Bloody Sunday remains among the most
  38. 1920s. As late as the 1970s,the Ku Klux Klan continued to use the film as a, recruitment ,tool. American Film Institute recognition Sequel A sequel called The Fall of a
  39. The Army mainly recruits within the United Kingdom; it normally has a, recruitment ,target of around 12,000 soldiers per year. Low unemployment in Britain has
  40. Often sent to public events such as fairs and festivals for purposes such as, recruitment ,campaigns, for example by private companies or the armed forces. Complex urban
  41. Congress, influenced by the public support by General Lee, approved the, recruitment ,of black infantry units. Contrary to Lee’s and Davis’s recommendations, the
  42. Undertook an equally ambitious effort to revive learning. It entailed the, recruitment ,of clerical scholars from Mercia, Wales and abroad to enhance the tenor of the
  43. This program, but by the spring of 1863,he was ready to initiate" a massive, recruitment ,of Negro troops ". In a letter to Andrew Johnson, the military governor of
  44. The LIFG's about face may be an important step toward staunching al-Qaeda's, recruitment , Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasia Geronimo Umberto Volta (18
  45. 200,000. In the late 1920s under Stalin, the party engaged in a heavy, recruitment ,campaign (the" Lenin Levy" ) of new members from both the working class and
  46. Carthage with a combination of reverse engineering captured Carthaginian ships, recruitment ,of experienced Greek sailors from the ranks of its conquered cities, the
  47. Charles Nichols speculates this was the case and suggests that Marlowe's, recruitment ,took place when he was at Cambridge. As noted above, in 1587 the Privy Council
  48. Leagues. While this trend is largely attributed to an increased emphasis on the, recruitment ,of players from Latin America (with the number of Hispanic players in the
  49. US as a third-country settlement program. A second wave was driven by British, recruitment ,of mercenary soldiers beginning around 1815 and resettlement after retirement
  50. Men of the professor type ". Personal networking was used for the initial, recruitment ,particularly from the universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Aberdeen. Reliable

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