Examples of the the word, inevitable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inevitable ), is the 3944 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In microscopic amounts and studied as intensively as possible before their, inevitable ,radioactive disintegration. The reactions are normally tested with dilute
  2. Temperate seasonal changes, influenced by the presence of Lake Michigan and the, inevitable ,lake effect. Winters are generally cold with large amounts of snowfall. Summers
  3. Cup, designed to get the players adapted to altitude conditions. Charlton's, inevitable ,selection by Ramsey for the tournament made him the first – and still, to date
  4. Ottoman Turks in 1453 CE. For Gibbon: -"The decline of Rome was the natural and, inevitable ,effect of immoderate greatness. Prosperity ripened the principle of decay; the
  5. Rabbinic became Modern Rabbinic. But throughout these changes of name, inevitable ,adaptation of custom, and adjustment of Law, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee
  6. Adopting Thomas Malthus's population theory, they saw poor urban conditions as, inevitable , as they believed population growth would outstrip food production; and they
  7. 1988 interview with Connie Chung in which he said," I think that if rape is, inevitable , relax and enjoy it. " Knight's comment was in reference to an Indiana
  8. Frightened and respectful chorus are unable to comprehend her. She goes to her, inevitable ,offstage murder by Clytemnestra with full knowledge of what is to befall her.
  9. His worthless ventures in order to disrupt their schemes and to try to show the, inevitable ,consequences of looting. He adopted the persona of a worthless playboy, by
  10. Philosophical doctrines such as Sakha, Yoga,Vaisheshika and Ayurveda were, inevitable , Nonetheless, most of the Ramayana texts track their origins back to Paula
  11. Assyrian sphere of influence, and by 700 BC war between the two states became, inevitable , Between 671 and 667 BC the Assyrians began their attack on Egypt. The reigns
  12. War II. More importantly, Robinson possessed the inner strength to handle the, inevitable ,abuse to come. To prepare him for the task, Robinson first played in 1946 for
  13. The West, the abbot has jurisdiction over only one community. The rule, as was, inevitable , was subject to frequent violations; but it was not until the foundation of the
  14. To run away. A well-run COC campaign should engender a sense of foreboding and, inevitable ,doom in its players. The style and setting of the game, in relatively modern
  15. Father and son, quite apart from the prior personal antipathies, were therefore, inevitable , It was an additional misfortune for Alexei that his father should have been
  16. People today use the term ` inflation' to refer to the phenomenon that is an, inevitable ,consequence of inflation, that is the tendency of all prices and wage rates to
  17. Orthography was based more on historical roots than any spoken dialect, and the, inevitable ,influence of Persian gave the language a new clarity and robust flexibility.
  18. Have been based upon vague standards whose breadth made excessive collection, inevitable , Unsavory and vicious tactics have been employed -- including anonymous
  19. The rebels harassed, anxious,and poor, until the day when, by a natural and, inevitable ,process, discontent and disappointment were converted into penitence and
  20. Sexual partners can prevent it, countering the notion that pain is always, inevitable ,during anal sex. Female to female There is less research on anal sexual
  21. Violence and self-destruction. "" Kurosawa has found hell to be both the, inevitable ,outcome of human behavior and the appropriate visualization of his own
  22. Participated in protests and many felt that a general strike would be the, inevitable ,result unless the government backed down from its policies they had claimed
  23. Argue that a trade-off between the environment and a need for food is not, inevitable , and that pesticides simply replace good agronomic practices such as crop
  24. Achilles' face to face. After Hector realized the trick, he knew the battle was, inevitable , Wanting to go down fighting, he charged at Achilles with his only weapon, his
  25. Maintained Capoeira as a means of recreation and martial arts practice. It was, inevitable ,that Capoeira practitioners would start using their abilities in unconventional
  26. Their control northward, a clash between the two rival dynasties became, inevitable , Around 2055 BC the Theban forces under Nebhepetre Amenhotep II finally
  27. Periods to error-free periods was a constant – thus errors were, inevitable ,and must be planned for by incorporating redundancy. Mandelbrot described both
  28. While overlaps between different kinds of fetishism can exist, there is no, inevitable ,connection between BDSM and fetishism (for example, : latex, PVC or leather).
  29. We have sufficient means with which to defend ourselves; we have indeed our, inevitable ,weapons, the weapons, which we would have preferred not to acquire, and which
  30. It. Those who pretend to fight inflation are in fact only fighting what is the, inevitable ,consequence of inflation, rising prices. Their ventures are doomed to failure
  31. The additional frequencies were from the band held in reserve for future (, inevitable ,) expansion. These frequencies were immediately adjacent to the existing
  32. Noise is introduced in the amplification process. Noise is an undesirable but, inevitable ,product of the electronic devices and components; also, much noise results from
  33. The response of individuals? Should they resign themselves to it, accept it as, inevitable , and seek what solace they can as individuals, or should they join with others
  34. By lot were citizens acting without particular expertise. This was almost, inevitable ,since, with the notable exception of the generals (strategy),each office
  35. Persuaded the Blackfoot chief Crowfoot that construction of the railway was, inevitable , In return for his assent, Crowfoot was famously rewarded with a lifetime pass
  36. a hundred and fifty years ago wrongly ordained, there is nothing to hinder the, inevitable ,sentence that by the same law all who have been similarly ordained have
  37. A distinguished personality and character that would allow him to tolerate the, inevitable ,abuse. Rickey's sights eventually settled on Jackie Robinson, a shortstop with
  38. Tories lost 8 behind them to the Liberals Democrats and one even to Labor. The, inevitable ,result was the speedy resignation of William Hague in the election aftermath.
  39. Not protest sufficiently against these atrocities. But Nazism itself was not an, inevitable ,outcome of Christianity. " According to American historian Lucy Dawidowicz
  40. Socialists and other anti-capitalists often assert that crony capitalism is the, inevitable ,result of any capitalist system. Jane Jacobs described it as a natural
  41. And argued for adaptation to short-term temperature rises as they are, inevitable , and for spending money on research and development for longer-term
  42. The ideas that we ultimately have no control, irrationality of life is, inevitable , and he further illustrates the human reaction towards the" absurd ". The
  43. Boy. Though Beau was an individualist, comparisons to Sargent would prove, inevitable , and often favorable. Her strong technique, her perceptive reading of her
  44. Defended all their by-election seats, and many suspected a Labor win was, inevitable ,from the start. Many in the party however were afraid of voter apathy, which
  45. Although the council has one of London's lower rates of council tax, there are, inevitable ,claims that it is too high and that resources are wasted. The Mayor of Croydon
  46. Men then repositioned them as a fourth line to support his cavalry against the, inevitable ,assault by the much larger Pompeian cavalry. Caesar himself commanded the
  47. Obadiah does not present a“ turn or burn” message, simply a message of, inevitable ,doom as a consequence of previous actions. A Christian with a knowledge of the
  48. To submit to the crown of Poland. As war over the Order's existence appeared, inevitable , Albert made strenuous efforts to secure allies and carried on protracted
  49. You’d expressed admiration for certain facets of Hitler. ' 'Comparison was, inevitable ,', the interviewer prompted. Thackeray said: 'I have not sent anybody to the
  50. Merger of the two parties. Jenkins and Steel had believed this to be eventually, inevitable ,after the party failed to break through at the 1983 election. The proposal

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