Examples of the the word, rat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rat ), is the 3946 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Cook Islands are infested with More toga (Ship rat ). And Polynesian, rat ,The infestation has devastated the bird population on the islands. *In April
  2. So that he did not notice a commotion on his back. In the meanwhile,the, rat ,sneaked up behind the unsuspecting cat and shoved him into the water. Just as
  3. Eating elephant feces. Coprophagia also has been observed in the naked mole, rat , Cat mothers are known to eat the feces of their newborn kittens during the
  4. Anger, did not allow Speer to go, fearing that Stalin would put Speer in a ", rat ,hole" until a new Moscow arose. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941
  5. In animals. This endocrine disrupting activity has been observed in mice and, rat ,toxicological studies, and available epidemiological evidence indicates that
  6. Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, California,indicates that the increased, rat ,presence on Clipper ton Island has led to a decline in both crab and bird
  7. Move via hopping. Other mammals also move via hopping, such as the kangaroo, rat , spring hare and certain primates such as the Shaka and sportive lemur.
  8. The race first. The lazy pig came to the far shore in twelfth place. And so the, rat ,got the first year named after him, the ox got the second year, and the pig
  9. Extrapolated from figures for the clergy. In addition to arguing that the, rat ,population was insufficient to account for a bubonic plague pandemic, sceptics
  10. Best choice. Examples include the BALL/c mouse and Wistar and Prague Daley, rat ,strains, while albino rabbits were historically used for Frieze toxicity
  11. Mode rat ely hazardous" by the World Health Organization (WHO),based on the, rat ,oral of 113 mg/kg. DDT has on rare occasions been administered orally as a
  12. Such as http://www.trevigen.com/angiocell/cultrex.php Reign manufacture, rat ,and bovine Collagen I and mouse Collagen IV. Wound Care Management uses
  13. Cyanide salts are used for killing ants, and have in some places been used as, rat ,poison (the less toxic poison arsenic is more common). Although usually
  14. Although most of the research conducted so far has only been from mice and, rat ,studies. Sylvia elegant, also known as pineapple sage, is widely used in
  15. Mman, m rat and Man denote, respectively,the mass of some man, the mass of a, rat ,and the length of that man, the expression is meaningful, but is meaningless.
  16. Guyana. An introduction to Jamaica was made in 1844 in an attempt to reduce the, rat ,population. Despite its failure to control the rodents, the cane toad was
  17. Heel for some TLC methods with the discovery in 1974-1975 that incubating, rat ,blood cells or brain tissue with (14C-CH3)SAM and NMT as subst rat e mostly
  18. And had reached the Crimea by 1346. From there, probably carried by Oriental, rat ,fleas living on the black rat s that were regular passengers on merchant ships
  19. JPG|Albino Red-necked Wallaby File: Wistar rat . JPG|An albino Wistar, rat , a strain commonly used for both biomedical and basic research. File: Game
  20. Their eyes fused shut, and opening later. Other animals such as the blind mole, rat ,are truly blind and rely on other senses. The theme of blind animals has been a
  21. Numerous stories about the strange happenings on the set. For instance,the, rat ,seen in the cellar was nicknamed" Señor Cojones" by the crew (" cojones" is
  22. Too late to win any place in the calendar, and vowed to be the enemy of the, rat ,forevermore. Solar term Chinese months follow the phases of the moon. As a
  23. La NATO, kiun midis Johann, estis Petra): 'The cheese, which was eaten by the, rat , which was killed by the cat, which John saw, was rotten '. In the latter
  24. Attempting to evidence in vivo IMT activity and DMT production in brain (, rat ,) with TLC methods finds biotransformation of radio labeled protamine into DMT
  25. Macro pus rufogriseus. JPG|Albino Red-necked Wallaby File: Wistar, rat , JPG|An albino Wistar rat , a strain commonly used for both biomedical and basic
  26. Applications are limited by the toxicity of Ba2+ ions (Barium carbonate is a, rat ,poison),which is not a problem for the insoluble BaSO4. *Barium oxide is used
  27. Orders of magnitude (104) higher than the average concent rat ions measured in, rat ,brain tissue or human plasma under basal conditions (see Endogenous DMT),so
  28. Asian longhorn beetle, English ivy, Fallow Deer, thistle,gorse, Norway, rat , crested myna, and Asian or European gypsy moth. Some endangered species in
  29. Nassau, Pukapuka). *The Cook Islands are infested with More toga (Ship, rat ,). And Polynesian rat The infestation has devastated the bird population on the
  30. Include" The 'Rat ", a shortened version of the name derived from the brown, rat , the name and symbol was further popularized by Rebellion Brewery's The Rat
  31. Kiu Estes en la demo construct de Gas: 'Here is the cat which ate the, rat ,which ate the mouse which ate the cheese which was in the house that Jack built
  32. Would attach an iron tube to the torso of a bound victim and insert a, rat ,into the other end which was then closed off with wire netting. The tube was
  33. Rail. In 2006,Alberta Agriculture reports zero findings of wild rat s; the only, rat ,interceptions have been domesticated rat s that have been seized from their
  34. And trace amine-associated receptors. Agonist was demonst rat ed at 1 km at the, rat ,trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1) and converging lines of evidence
  35. Program, which has been so successful that only isolated instances of wild, rat ,sightings are reported, usually of rat s arriving in the province aboard trucks
  36. Me. " In early 1932,Camp hitchhiked to New York City. He lived in" airless, rat ,holes" in Greenwich Village and turned out advertising strips at $2 apiece
  37. This designation is used for a variety of animals, including dog coats, some, rat , coats,cat coats, some chicken breeds, some horse coat colors and rabbit coat
  38. Among the species found in the Indomalaya region are the Leopard Cat, bamboo, rat , tree shrew, and various monkey and ape species. Some overlap exists between the
  39. Are carcinogenic or otherwise toxic. One of these is a compound marketed as a, rat ,poison. Circadian disruption" Shift work that involves circadian disruption "
  40. Closed off with wire netting. The tube was then held over a flame until the, rat ,began gnawing through the victim's guts in an effort to escape. Anton Dentin
  41. Common words, and numerous shorter sequences, such as the seven-word a, at, rat , rat e, i rat e,pi rat e, pi rat es or I, in,fin, find,friend, friends. If tam (a
  42. Serotonin uptake in vesicles (of army worm Sf9 cells) expressing, rat ,VMAT-2 at an average concent rat ion of 93 ± 6.8 km. Like with other so-called "
  43. The ox wondered how he would cross with his poor eyesight. The calculating, rat ,suggested that he and the cat jump onto the ox's back and guide him across.
  44. And turkeys. The animal was described as resembling a mix of hairless dog, rat , and kangaroo. Lagos provided the animal to Texas Parks and Wildlife officials
  45. Several studies have described active transport and accumulation of DMT into, rat ,and dog brain following peripheral administ rat ion. Similar active transport
  46. Unsuspecting cat and shoved him into the water. Just as the ox came ashore,the, rat ,jumped off and finished the race first. The lazy pig came to the far shore in
  47. Common meats used in southern Beninese cuisine is, but beef, goat,and bush, rat ,are also consumed. Name" Benin"/> name "/NP"> Tourism"/> The main staple
  48. Observed in vitro studies with human kidney cells and in vivo tests with, rat ,liver cells and peripheral blood leukocytes in humans. Inductive coupled plasma
  49. By infected rat s, and the killing of cats ostensibly caused an increase in the, rat ,population. The killing of cats in Medieval Ypres is commemo rat ed in the
  50. Water. Visual cues that surround the pool (i.e. Chair or window) help the, rat ,to locate the platform on subsequent trials. The rat s' use of specific events

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