Examples of the the word, tribunal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tribunal ), is the 3954 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With new recruit Phil Carmen making headlines for headbutting an umpire. The, tribunal ,suspended him for sixteen weeks, and although most people thought this was a
  2. The offending party that he or she has acted in a manner which disrupts the, tribunal ,and prejudices the administration of justice. After giving the person the
  3. 12 of more than 140 municipalities. A Supreme Court serves as the appellate, tribunal ,; a Constitutional Court with powers of judicial review has not been constituted
  4. While the Cambodian government’s share of the budget is $13.3 million. The, tribunal ,started trials of senior Khmer Rouge leaders in 2008. Cambodia is a country in
  5. Once and for all. If a party is dissatisfied with the finding of such a, tribunal , one generally has the power to request a trial de Nova by a court of record.
  6. For the presentation of its annual case for higher wages to the national wages, tribunal , the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission. He was first appointed as the
  7. Is a French word and denotes a decision by an arbitrator or arbitration, tribunal , (In modern French,"" usually means referee or umpire. ) In the sense used
  8. The Supreme Court. In a post hoc ruling, the court ruled that trial by military, tribunal ,was, in this case, unconstitutional. Death Kahanamoku died of a heart attack on
  9. Ratified an agreement with the United Nations on the establishment of a, tribunal ,to try senior leaders responsible for the atrocities committed by the Khmer
  10. Instituted martial law on the island. Duncan was therefore tried by a military, tribunal ,and appealed to the Supreme Court. In a post hoc ruling, the court ruled that
  11. Claimed that there were 30,000 marchers; Lord Widely, in his now discredited, tribunal , said that there were only 3,000 to 5,000. In The Road To Bloody Sunday, local
  12. Of the war-god. For this deed, Poseidon summoned Ares to appear before the, tribunal ,of the Olympic gods, which was held upon a hill in Athens. Ares was acquitted
  13. Army's account of the events of the day. Among the evidence presented to the, tribunal ,were the results of paraffin tests, used to identify lead residues from firing
  14. Days after Bloody Sunday, the Westminster Parliament adopted a resolution for a, tribunal ,into the events of the day, resulting in Prime Minister Edward Heath
  15. Of law that is empowered to hear an appeal of a trial court or other lower, tribunal , In most jurisdictions, the court system is divided into at least three levels:
  16. The standard of review and degree of deference given by an appellate, tribunal ,to the decision of the lower tribunal under review (issues of law are reviewed
  17. Of the tribune plebs began to lose its prestige due to Augustus' amassing of, tribunal ,powers, so he revived its importance by making it a mandatory appointment for
  18. Members of the unit such as Shirt Ishim were exonerated from the Tokyo, tribunal ,by Douglas MacArthur but 12 of them were prosecuted in the Khabarovsk War Crime
  19. Countries have pledged the $43 million international share of the three-year, tribunal ,budget, while the Cambodian government’s share of the budget is $13.3 million.
  20. And includes a court of appeal, a system of military courts, a constitutional, tribunal , and the Supreme Court. The judges on the Supreme Court or Core Supreme are
  21. Friends, and the artist was now considered qualified to appear before a public, tribunal , The kindness of some monks supplied him with his first workshop, which was the
  22. To wear a visible symbol of faith occurred. The employee lost an employment, tribunal ,in January 2008. In 2007,cabin crew threatened strike action over salary
  23. Effect of an appeal to circuit court is to" annul the judgment of the inferior, tribunal ,as completely as if there had been no previous trial. "' The only exception to
  24. Result of torture in January 1998. The charges were later dropped by a military, tribunal ,after an appeal. In August 2000,five members of the President's personal
  25. Kingdom, the European Court of Human Rights overturned an employment appeal, tribunal ,ruling that awarded BNP train driver Jay Lee, damages for expulsion from a
  26. Before national courts, mostly in Italy and France. Under the" independent, tribunal ," requirement, the Court has ruled that military judges in Turkish state
  27. His lieutenant governor, William Stoughton, as head of a special witchcraft, tribunal ,and then as chief justice of the colonial courts, where he presided over the
  28. 12 of more than 140 municipalities. A Supreme Court served as the appellate, tribunal ,; a Constitutional Court with powers of judicial review was never constituted
  29. Returned to Rome, Octavian had the Senate grant him, his wife, and his sister, tribunal ,immunity, or sacrosanctness. War with Antony Meanwhile,Antony's campaign
  30. Court decision on Aymara water rights upheld rulings by both the Polo Almost, tribunal ,and the Iquique Court of Appeals, and marks the first judicial application of
  31. To the Legislative Assembly, which demanded the formation of a revolutionary, tribunal , *1793 – French Revolution: a levee en masse is decreed by the National
  32. Are reviewed for" abuse of discretion," that is, with great deference to the, tribunal ,below). * the remedies available and rules of procedure to be applied. 4.
  33. Hand leaders, including APIs, had been arrested. A sham trial before a military, tribunal ,in Salonika was held in May 1917 for APIs and others. Among the charges was
  34. Law are reviewed de Nova, that is," as if new" from scratch by the appellate, tribunal , while most issues of equity are reviewed for" abuse of discretion," that is
  35. Counter-terrorist" law puts suspected terrorist cases under the central, tribunal ,Audience National in Madrid, due to the threats by the group over the Basque
  36. Including the right to a public hearing before an independent and impartial, tribunal ,within reasonable time, the presumption of innocence, and other minimum rights
  37. Originally used to describe a Roman public building (as in Greece, mainly a, tribunal ,), usually located in the forum of a Roman town. After the Roman Empire became
  38. Army before the surrender. The Australian War Crimes Section of the Tokyo, tribunal , led by prosecutor William Webb (the future Judge-in-Chief),collected
  39. Department officials stated Abu Zubaydah“ is a near-ideal candidate for a, tribunal ,trial. ” However, only several months later US Officials acknowledged there was
  40. Tensions between the two generals followed Sharon's decision, but a military, tribunal ,later found his action was militarily effective. This move was regarded by many
  41. Unfit for the trial. Kaltenbrunner's state of health improved and the, tribunal ,denied his request for pardon. When Kaltenbrunner was released from a military
  42. Degree of deference given by an appellate tribunal to the decision of the lower, tribunal ,under review (issues of law are reviewed de Nova, that is," as if new" from
  43. The pope either decides the case himself or delegates the decision to another, tribunal , usually one of the tribunal s or congregations of the Roman Curia. Absent such
  44. Justice, Lord Widely to undertake it. Many witnesses intended to boycott the, tribunal ,as they lacked faith in Widgery's impartiality, but were eventually persuaded
  45. On the proceedings and body of evidence as they were presented in the lower, tribunal , Each seeks to prove to the higher court that the result they desired was the
  46. The expert's personal relation to the defendant is considered irrelevant. The, tribunal ,itself, or the judge, can in some systems call upon experts to technically
  47. And includes a court of appeal, a system of military courts, a constitutional, tribunal , and the Supreme Court of Chile. In June 2005,Chile completed a nationwide
  48. International arbitration. In one of the first major cases of arbitration,the, tribunal ,in 1872 supported the American claims and ordered Britain to pay $15.5 million.
  49. Statement detailing points of agreement and disagreement to assist the court or, tribunal , The meeting is held quite independently of instructing lawyers, and often
  50. The Bar Council website) and are entitled to represent clients in any court or, tribunal ,in England and Wales. Once instructions from a client are accepted, it is the

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