Examples of the the word, dominant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dominant ), is the 3955 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Incorrectly that all cells continued to grow indefinitely, and this became a, dominant ,view in the early twentieth century. Carrel started an experiment on January 17
  2. When proving null and alternative hypotheses. In zoology, is used to name the, dominant ,individual in a wolf or dog pack. The uppercase letter alpha is not generally
  3. As Nikki for Hebrew and Arafat for Arabic, their use is optional and not the, dominant ,(or literate) form. Aquinas always mark the vowels (other than the "
  4. Along with others, campaigned against the slave trade. In the 19th century,the, dominant ,issues concerned the adverse effects of industrialization. The usual Anglican
  5. Economic policy and more socially progressive ideals, and Labor Right, the now, dominant ,faction that tends to be more economically liberal and focus to a lesser extent
  6. Christ they were again largely Socinians not Arians. In the 18th Century the ", dominant ,trend" in Britain, particularly in Latitudinarianism, was towards Arianism
  7. World, industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture has become the, dominant ,system of modern farming, although there is growing support for sustainable
  8. Views expressed in the plays might therefore reflect the attitudes of a, dominant ,group in an unrepresentative audience. The production process might also have
  9. Time, all churches were converted to Protestant worship. Calvinism became the, dominant ,religion, and although Catholicism was not forbidden and priests allowed to
  10. Pelvic and pectoral girdles). In terms of numbers, actinopterygians are the, dominant ,class of vertebrates, comprising nearly 96 % of the 25,000 species of fish.
  11. Club of America's SPEED World Challenge Touring Car and GT championships are, dominant ,in North America. America's historic Trans-Am Series is undergoing a period of
  12. Southern Greeks struggled with very poor soils, yet managed to become a, dominant ,society for years. The Romans were noted for an emphasis on the cultivation of
  13. From 1 September 5509 BC, the Byzantine Era. No single Anna Funds epoch was, dominant ,throughout the Christian world. Eugenics of Caesar in his Chronicle used an
  14. Weak, Mediterranean winds drop their moisture farther inland. When there is a, dominant ,continental air mass, cold air spills onto the lowland areas, which occurs most
  15. In this urban culture, the Portuguese heritage has become more and more, dominant , An African influence is evident in music and dance, and is molding the way in
  16. To Grand Am's Continental Challenge). NASCAR was becoming increasingly, dominant ,and the IndyCar Series' split from CART in 1996 put more emphasis on ovals
  17. Reactions Alkylating, acylation, and suffocation Aside from their basicity,the, dominant ,reactivity of amines is their nucleophilic. Most primary amines are good
  18. Seized the initiative, won the First Test convincingly and inaugurated a, dominant ,post-war era. The controversy over the Skin catch was one of the biggest
  19. Through the ages, among them the ancient Iranian peoples who established the, dominant ,role of Indianian languages in the region. At multiple points, the land has
  20. Climate Athens has a Subtropical Mediterranean climate (Köppen CSA). The, dominant ,feature of Athens climate is alternation between prolonged warm and dry summers
  21. The accordion is a traditional instrument in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the, dominant ,instrument used in sevdalinka, a traditional genre of folk music from
  22. Or transmitted over long distances, these apparently random variations become, dominant , Electrically, these losses can be diminished by shielding, good connections
  23. Corinthian order of architectural style originating from Ancient Greece was the, dominant ,architectural style in the age of Augustus and the imperial phase of Rome.
  24. Department uses 1.17 % for Greeks and 0.23 % for other minorities. Language The, dominant ,and official language is Albanian, a revised and merged form of the two main
  25. Evident than the other. Hereditary disorders causing ataxia include autosomal, dominant ,ones such as spinocerebellar ataxia, episodic ataxia, and
  26. Over that identity. However, it is the editor who has“ the power to impose the, dominant ,definition of the writer and therefore to delimit the population of those
  27. Production Minerals with the formula Mass and MAs2 (M = Fe, Ni,Co) are the, dominant ,commercial sources of arsenic, together with real gar (an arsenic sulfide
  28. Wavelength (e.g., crystals,cracks, pores,layers or inclusions) have a, dominant ,alignment. This alignment leads to a directional variation of elasticity
  29. Had been taught by the Arian missionary Fulfills to the Germanic tribes, was, dominant , for some centuries among several Germanic tribes in Western Europe, especially
  30. Up until the 16th century. From the 3rd century to the 16th century,the, dominant ,view held that the Earth was the center of the universe (geocentrism). Since
  31. During its early days. Its backers and others predicted that it might become a, dominant ,language for general purpose programming and not just defense-related work.
  32. Percent of Angola's economy, almost all the country's revenue and are its, dominant ,exports. Growth is almost entirely driven by rising oil production which
  33. A non-papal Catholicism, for others a form of Protestantism though without a, dominant ,guiding figure such as Luther, Knox,Calvin, Zwingli or Wesley. For others
  34. Plant breeding ensued after the work of geneticist Gregor Mendel. His work on, dominant ,and recessive alleles gave plant breeders a better understanding of genetics
  35. American Sign Language, or ASL, for a time also called Ameslan, is the, dominant ,sign language of Deaf Americans, including deaf communities in the United
  36. Autonomous country/state within the Kingdom),oil processing was the, dominant ,industry in Aruba despite expansion of the tourism sector. Today, the influence
  37. With. Dominant males will also mate opportunistically with the females of less, dominant ,neighboring werewolves. This can often result in conflict between two male
  38. With the earliest study of formal logic, and his conception of it was the, dominant ,form of Western logic until 19th century advances in mathematical logic. Kant
  39. Years by Trinitarian forces in the Catholic Church. Trinitarianism remained the, dominant ,doctrine in all major branches of the Eastern and Western Church and later
  40. Status differences were based on the varying degrees of assimilation into the, dominant ,group's Anglicized practices. Next to the bottom were Middle Easterners who
  41. Words in ASL and English, and the inflectional modulation of ASL signs—a, dominant ,part of the grammar—is lost. Since in spoken languages the elements of sound
  42. Architects of the Carolingian Renaissance. Among his pupils were many of the, dominant ,intellectuals of the Carolingian era. Biography Alcuin of York had a long
  43. For Computers Sitting at a desk with a QWERTY keyboard and a mouse remains the, dominant ,way of interacting with a personal computer. Some Assistive Technology reduces
  44. Sensu late. The family also has important ornamentals, mainly from the, dominant ,genus Gallium, but also including genera such as Paean.
  45. Martyn and Matthew Hayden became noted players for Australia. But the most, dominant ,Australian player was leg-spinner Shane Warner, whose first delivery in Ashes
  46. Early Islamic philosophy. Ancient Chinese philosophy is the, dominant ,philosophical thought in China and other countries within the biosphere
  47. Italians occupy a central place; in the second, Alcuin and the Anglo-Saxons are, dominant ,; in the third (from 804),the influence of Theodore, the Visigoth is
  48. Austrian Republic. She appears briefly in Disney's Hercules, but has a more, dominant ,role in the television series. Athena is an active character in Marvel Comics '
  49. Romanticism and Neoclassicism were philosophically opposed, they were the, dominant ,European styles for generations, and many artists were affected to a greater or
  50. Clouds. Clearly, between these two primary reactions, equation (1) is the, dominant ,destruction reaction, with a rate ~10,000 times faster than equation (2).

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