Examples of the the word, detection , in a Sentence Context

The word ( detection ), is the 3962 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To sulfonated hydroxybenzoquinoline, allowing up to 100 times more sensitive, detection ,than the recommended limit for beryllium concentration in the workplace.
  2. White women and college students. Other tests are sometimes used for the, detection ,of alcohol dependence, such as the Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire, which
  3. Metal-rich inner planet such as Earth, is of an aberrant composition. Improved, detection ,methods and increased observing time will undoubtedly discover more planetary
  4. Milky Way. Asymmetry has also been used to support claims of extrasolar planet, detection ,by measuring the displacement the proposed planets cause in their parent star
  5. The procedure uses dilute ammonium bifluoride for dissolution and fluorescence, detection ,with beryllium bound to sulfonated hydroxybenzoquinoline, allowing up to 100
  6. Equipped with the/APQ-180,a synthetic aperture radar for long-range target, detection ,and identification. The gunship's navigational devices include inertial
  7. Numerous data mining algorithms (in particular cluster analysis and outlier, detection ,) and index structures by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. * FRD CSA
  8. In Physics in 1956). In 1947,Richard Hamming invented Hamming codes for error, detection ,and correction. For patent reasons, the result was not published until 1950. In
  9. The Chocolate Box ", which took place in 1893,as his only actual failure of, detection , Again, Poirot is not reliable as a narrator of his personal history and there
  10. Software currently detect adware and spyware, or offer a separate spyware, detection ,package. The reluctance to add adware and spyware detection to commercial
  11. Acid * Immunological functions, including circulation of white blood cells, and, detection , of foreign material by antibodies * Coagulation, which is one part of the body
  12. Many other kinds of issues as well. Responses such as disgust show that sensory, detection ,is linked in instinctual ways to facial expressions, and even behaviors like
  13. Errors due to mismatched end tokens. The adherence to strong typing allows, detection ,of many common software errors (wrong parameters, range violations, invalid
  14. A mixture of curium isotopes with 25 MeV particles. Although its direct, detection ,was hindered by strong signal interference with 245Bk,the existence of a new
  15. Weight) of web pages served over HTTP. Security is an open source intrusion, detection ,and prevention engine for web applications. Apache logs can be analyzed through
  16. Larger regions, averaging reduces natural variability of the climate, making, detection , and attribution easier. Solar activity The role of the sun in recent climate
  17. Complete when cancelled. The game is mostly playable with some later collision, detection ,issues requiring cheats to get past. *Pit-Fighter (Programmed by Imagine
  18. Numerous tiny lenses attached together. Ants' eyes are good for acute movement, detection ,but do not give a high resolution. They also have three small Bocelli (simple
  19. Of high curvature, atomic terraces are belied by a strong anisotropy in the, detection ,density. Where this occurs due to a few atoms on a surface is usually referred
  20. Forested terrain, allowing the warriors time and space to mass without, detection , They had the element of surprise, and this was also aided by the defection of
  21. Flying aircraft bombers, bombers used flight at low altitude to evade radar, detection , Once" stand-off" nuclear weapon designs were developed, bombers did not need
  22. 8E1,up to 62500 BD) ***Unlimited number of high-speed sprites with collision, detection ,***Hardware high-speed sprite scaling, distortion,and tilting effects ****160
  23. For the tracking of near-Earth objects. Asymmetry is responsible for the, detection ,of many record-breaking solar system objects. To find such objects
  24. With raked sand or gravel, rendering footprints easy to notice, easing the, detection ,of trespassers and also enabling officers to see which guards had neglected
  25. Of excitation conditions,NH3 has been widely astronomically detected – its, detection ,has been reported in hundreds of journal articles. Listed below is a sample of
  26. In terrain in which the vehicle cannot navigate, or in order to avoid, detection , Types of use Organizational types At the beginning of the modern artillery
  27. Mutations in the genes required to synthesize histamine, which allows for the, detection ,of mutagens acting via different mechanisms. Some compounds are quite specific
  28. Research falls into the category of extrasolar planet (exoplanet), detection , the hypothesis being that if life arose on Earth, then it could also arise on
  29. If the concentration of element or compound in a sample is too high for the, detection ,range of the technique, it can simply be diluted in a pure solvent. If the
  30. Interception. High speed and high altitude flying became a means of evading, detection ,and attack. Designs such as the English Electric Canberra could fly faster or
  31. Can be obtained geometrically.: M = \franc. Where screen is the radius of the, detection ,screen from the tip center, and trip the tip radius. Practical tip to screen
  32. Logged browsing details and sent them to various third parties. Prevention and, detection ,Programs have been developed to detect, quarantine,and remove spyware
  33. By time-of-flight methods in atom probe is sufficiently small to allow for, detection ,of individual isotopes within a material this uncertainty may still, in some
  34. Out. Recent results remain inconclusive, but do support the marginal Hipparcos, detection ,of a binary companion. Claims of a planetary system In 1993,radial velocity
  35. A separate spyware detection package. The reluctance to add adware and spyware, detection ,to commercial antivirus products was fueled by a fear of lawsuits. Kaspersky
  36. On a variety of surfaces and is effective for the dissolution and ultratrace, detection ,of refractory beryllium oxide and siliceous beryllium (ASTM D7458). Britney
  37. Species of ammonia have been detected:: NH3,15NH3,NH2D,NHD2,and ND3 The, detection ,of triply reiterated ammonia was considered a surprise as deuterium is
  38. Can trace outflows and hot cores originating from forming stars. Extragalactic, detection ,Ammonia has been detected in external galaxies, and by simultaneously measuring
  39. Sample surface at a known time. The delay between application of the pulse and, detection ,of the ion allows for the computation of a mass-to-charge ratio. Whilst the
  40. An active area of research. Some important results include: * A review of, detection ,and attribution studies by the International Ad Hoc Detection and Attribution
  41. Refrigeration circuit. * A high voltage system to raise the sample voltage. * A, detection ,system for single ions for field evaporation. Optionally, an atom probe may
  42. From Afghanistan, al-Qaeda and its successors have migrated online to escape, detection ,in an atmosphere of increased international vigilance. As a result, the
  43. W3 (OH),Orion A,W43,W51,and five sources in the galactic center. The high, detection ,rate indicates that this is a common molecule in the interstellar medium and
  44. Has since dropped drastically. (See also Truck driver—Implementation of drug, detection ,). Detection in body fluids Amphetamine is frequently measured in urine as part
  45. Following the publication of the Third Assessment Report (TAR) in 2001,", detection ,and attribution" of climate change has remained an active area of research.
  46. Of the game has been found, with crude graphics, no sound and poor collision, detection , *Rescue on Fractals! (Programmed by GCC). A conversion of the popular
  47. Of a musical tone. * In music recording, autocorrelation is used as a pitch, detection ,algorithm prior to vocal processing, as a distortion effect or to eliminate
  48. In the Becklin-Neugebauer Object and probably in NGC 2264-IR as well. This, detection ,helped explain the physical shape of previously poorly understood and related
  49. That they are practical for light aircraft. In addition to radar and lightning, detection , observations and extended radar pictures (such as NEURAL) are now available
  50. With respect to attention, orientiation to auditory and visual stimuli, novelty, detection , language and face processing, and information storage; several studies have

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