Examples of the the word, subsidy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subsidy ), is the 3942 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rural bus services, while the Agriculture Act 1947 established a more generous, subsidy ,system for farmers. Education The Attlee Government ensured provisions of the
  2. Sector. Beginning July 1,2008,the government is expected to reduce the gas, subsidy ,5 % to 10 % per annum over 11 years, in which the gas price will reflect market
  3. Restructuring the fuel subsidy so that the selected needy group will get the, subsidy , The government is considering removing subsidies on diesel for general
  4. Limited array of domestic and international flights and reduce the annual, subsidy ,of £3.5 million from the local council. Work has commenced to turn the A2 from
  5. Mechanization and advanced irrigation systems. Ocampo is an income transfer, subsidy ,to farmers. This support program provides 3.5 million farmers who produce basic
  6. The 1628 Parliament augured badly for the prospects of obtaining the necessary, subsidy ,for war. The Second Bishops' War Charles collectively summoned both English
  7. Too low, funded by large insurance payments made to the ITV companies. Such a, subsidy ,was never required, however,and these premiums were phased out by government
  8. Use of Catalan increased significantly because of new affirmative action and, subsidy ,policies and the Catalan language is now used in politics, education and the
  9. e. g., Finland,Singapore) it is unlawful for operators to offer any form of, subsidy ,on a phone's price. GSM service security GSM was designed with a moderate
  10. Lay the basis to sustained economic prosperity. Also, important are the annual, subsidy ,from Denmark, which amounts to about 6 % of the GDP. Since 2000,new
  11. The early months of 1640. In March 1640 the Irish Parliament duly voted in a, subsidy ,of £180,000 with the promise to raise an army 9,000 strong by the end of May.
  12. Stimulated in part by the 1742 Bounty Act which provided a government-funded, subsidy ,on Ginsburg linen produced for export. Expansion of the whaling industry was
  13. The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission concluded constituted a significant, subsidy , Many countries have now liberalized the electricity market where these risks
  14. Censure of polluters in order to benefit" the many ", and legal or economic, subsidy ,of heavy industry is justified by many politicians for job creation within a
  15. About the negative consequences of price controls, trade restrictions and, subsidy ,of the poor. This is succinctly preserved in his letter to the London Chronicle
  16. On the left, Henry A. Wallace notably among them. Wallace saw the plan as a, subsidy ,for American exporters and sure to polarize the world between East and West.
  17. Implemented in Hong Kong in 2007. Each child will get HK$13,000 pas. The $13,000, subsidy , will be separated into two parts. $10,000 is used to subsidize the school fee
  18. Of a water-desalination plant. The government plans to reorganize its, subsidy ,system, which is a heavy burden on government finances. In the short term these
  19. Foreigners are expected to pay market price for fuel while citizens will have, subsidy ,allocations based to engine capacity. The dual pricing structure is expected to
  20. The first tribes to leave Indiana. They accepted land in Kansas and an annual, subsidy ,in exchange for leaving the state. Language Kickapoo speak an Algonquian
  21. Security (defence-police-justice),and financial policy, and providing a, subsidy ,of DKK 3.4 billion, or approximately $11,300 per Green lander, annually.
  22. In or before September 2007. The government will also provide up to HK$30,000, subsidy , to for profit kindergartens wanting to convert to non-profit. United States
  23. Softwood lumber because of what it argues is an unfair Canadian government, subsidy , a claim which Canada disputes. The dispute has cycled through several
  24. Threshold. Consequently, Canada used only $848.2 million of its $4.3 billion, subsidy ,allowance granted by the WTO. Political issues Regional imbalances The Canadian
  25. Of Roman troops through the Damian region while granting Decals an annual, subsidy ,of 8 million sentences. Contemporary authors severely criticized this treaty
  26. Mail delivery to Alaskan rural communities. The program requires 70 % of that, subsidy ,to go to carriers who offer passenger service to the communities. Many
  27. Rest of the country. According to this agreement and in return for an annual, subsidy ,and vague assurances of assistance in case of foreign aggression, Yaqub
  28. 2003. The current president has mandated a significant reduction of government, subsidy ,of fuel prices in several stages. The government has stated the cuts in
  29. Arab's governments, but this support ended in the 1980s. Zanzibar paid an annual, subsidy ,to Muscat and Oman until its independence in early 1964. In 1964,a separatist
  30. December 1414,the English parliament was persuaded to grant Henry a" double, subsidy ,", a tax at twice the traditional rate, to recover his inheritance from the
  31. And then sells the completed 787s back to Japanese airlines, all with a nice, subsidy ,from the Japanese government. This is what is meant by creativity in
  32. 29.4. A state-wide universal school voucher system providing a maximum tuition, subsidy ,of $3000 was passed in Utah in 2007,but 62 % of voters repealed it in a
  33. Partly through an addition to electricity bills and partly through direct, subsidy , The sector is governed by the Conrail Superior de Communications, established
  34. That it was abandoning the project, citing the unavailability of government, subsidy ,and other priorities for Heathrow, such as linking to Cross rail and HS2.
  35. Of trains) which the operators have to meet. Some franchises receive, subsidy ,from the DFT for doing so, and some are cash-positive, which means that the
  36. Use of" promotional consideration ", in which a game show receives a, subsidy ,from an advertiser in return for awarding that manufacturer's product as a
  37. With a fixed income transfer payment per unit of area of cropland. This, subsidy ,increased substantially during president Fox's administration, mainly to white
  38. 52 million per annum to cover the Channel Tunnel" Minimum User Charge" ( a, subsidy ,of around £13,000 per train, at a traffic level of 4,000 trains per annum)
  39. Socio-political inequalities between the former Germanizes required government, subsidy ,for the full integration of East Germany to the Federal German Republic.
  40. Schools, some of them Roman Catholic. Most such schools receive a public, subsidy ,on a per-student basis, are subject to inspection by the public authorities
  41. Period on handgun purchases. He also expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit,a, subsidy ,for low-income workers. That month, Clinton implemented a Department of Defense
  42. And more expensive) action on the Continent. Parliament only voted to grant a, subsidy ,of £140,000; an insufficient sum for Charles. Moreover, the House of Commons
  43. Land as native ecosystems such as native forests or grasslands. Eligibility and, subsidy ,rates for this program are determined based on the poverty in the region, the
  44. From public funds. In 2005,La Scala received 25 % of Italy's total state, subsidy ,of €464 million for the performing arts. Cinema Major opera houses and
  45. Subsidies paid to farmers, underpinned by the WTO enforcement of agricultural, subsidy , tariffs, import quotas, and settlement of trade disputes that cannot be
  46. Out of the country. The government also looking into restructuring the fuel, subsidy ,so that the selected needy group will get the subsidy . The government is
  47. In 2004, it was revealed that the Australian government was willing to offer a, subsidy ,to Southern Pacific Petroleum on the condition that the oil company would take
  48. About this time he was also listed on the Pipe Rolls as owing £20 for the, subsidy , After the abortive Essex rebellion on 8 February 1601,Oxford was 'the senior
  49. Control of Afghanistan's foreign policy in exchange for protection and a, subsidy , Abandoning the provocative policy of maintaining a British resident in Kabul
  50. Strong enough to develop Britain's external air services — and offered a £1m, subsidy , over ten years if they merged. Agreement was made between the President of the

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