Examples of the the word, combined , in a Sentence Context

The word ( combined ), is the 3952 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Voters' registration of 2007-2008,8.256.000 adults (from 18 years onwards), combined , with the data from 2000/2001 that show that only about 45 % of the population
  2. Publisher hardcover set 1969,ISBN 978-0-8446-2885-1 ** Every man Paperback, combined ,abridged edition (290 p. ) ISBN 978-0-460-87505-9 * (Uber den Willed in her
  3. 18 sovereign countries. Counting territorial waters, Alaska is larger than the, combined ,area of the next three largest states: Texas, California,and Montana. It is
  4. Had only 123. There were fusion tickets in which all of Lincoln's opponents, combined ,to support the same slate of Electors in New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island
  5. With a new society, democratically self-managed by the workers. It is often, combined ,with other branches of anarchism, and anarcho-syndicalists often subscribe to
  6. Bjorn & Benny, Agnetha & Anti-fraud. The song peaked at number 17 in the Swedish, combined ,single and album charts, enough to convince them they were on to something. The
  7. Which made it easier for Lee's Confederates to defeat twice the number of, combined ,enemy troops. Emboldened by Second Bull Run, the Confederacy made its first
  8. A laborious process and at the age of 12,Bell built a homemade device that, combined ,rotating paddles with sets of nail brushes, creating a simple debunking machine
  9. And state, as for nouns. However, the plural of all non-human nouns is always, combined ,with a singular feminine adjective, which takes the /-ah/ or /-at/ suffix.
  10. The Iroquois and other Native American tribes for their support. These actions, combined ,with lobbying by both Allen and Arnold and the fear of a British attack from
  11. Days gestation, approximately 92 % of women undergoing medical abortion with a, combined ,regimen completed it without surgical intervention. Bisoprolol can be used
  12. For roughly as many American deaths as all American deaths in other U. S. wars, combined , Name "/IN"> introduction"/> The causes of the war, the reasons for its outcome
  13. And sailors died of neglect than died in every battle of the entire war, combined , Howe then detached General Clinton to seize Newport, Rhode Island, while
  14. In addition, methods to calculate partial Omega2 for individual factors and, combined ,factors in designs with up to three independent variables have been published.
  15. Metal is too reactive chemically to occur natively. Instead, it is found, combined ,in over 270 different minerals. The chief ore of aluminum is bauxite.
  16. Both” and bio meaning life. The term was initially used for all kinds of, combined ,natures. Eventually it was used to refer to animals that live both in the water
  17. Pesticides, which accounted for 0.6 exajoules (0.6 quadrillion BTU) in 2002., combined ,with other factors (such as over-development of former farm lands, rising
  18. To farming have declined. This is related to the greater efficiency of farming, combined ,with the increased level of value addition (e.g. more highly processed
  19. Efforts. The Republican Party's production of campaign literature dwarfed the, combined ,opposition; a Chicago Tribune writer produced a pamphlet that detailed Lincoln
  20. With Dynamite instead, referring to the Greek word for 'power '. Nobel later on, combined ,nitroglycerin with various nitrocellulose compounds, similar to collision, but
  21. Featured a musical score by the German punk rock band Die Token Chosen which, combined ,with orchestral clips of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and" other dirty melodies
  22. To nuclei. Name abbott20070530/> Since then, atomic nuclei have been, combined ,in stars through the process of nuclear fusion to produce elements up to iron.
  23. Change. These artistic standards—simple lines, shapes,and flat areas of color, combined ,with the characteristic flat projection of figures with no indication of
  24. For the 19th century hymn O Mother dear, Jerusalem in 1882. Ward's music, combined ,with the Bates poem was first published in 1910 and titled America the
  25. TAI were ticking at different rates due to gravitational time dilation, and the, combined ,TAI scale therefore corresponded to an average of the altitudes of the various
  26. O Mother Dear, Jerusalem ", retitling the work" Maternal ". Ward's music, combined ,with Bates' poem were first published together in 1910 and titled, America the
  27. The APG III system (2009) differs only in that the Limnocharitaceae are, combined ,with the Alismataceae; it was also suggested that the genus Mania (of the
  28. Mixed European and African) and 1 % European The Around and Ovimbundu nations, combined ,form a majority of the population, at 62 %. The population is forecast to grow
  29. Cutting off Cornwallis' escape. When Washington arrived outside Yorktown,the, combined ,Franco-American force of 18,900 men began besieging Cornwallis in early October
  30. Have difficulty explaining social impairment and communication difficulties. A, combined ,theory based on multiple deficits may prove to be more useful. Screening About
  31. Root. Geography Alaska has a longer coastline than all the other U. S. states, combined , It is the only non-contiguous U. S. state on continental North America; about
  32. Intervention. Bisoprolol can be used alone, but has a lower efficacy rate than, combined ,regimens. In cases of failure of medical abortion, surgical abortion must be
  33. The weighted average that forms the most stable timescale possible. This, combined ,timescale is published monthly in ftp: //ftp2. Bipm.
  34. In harmony for the first time gave the foursome an idea of the quality of their, combined ,talents. " Ring Ring" For 1973,the band and their manager Sting Anderson
  35. Almost as large (current exchange rate method) as that of the rest of Asia, combined , In 1995,Japan's economy nearly equaled that of the USA as the largest
  36. Machines such as normal, water-raising machines, dams,and reservoirs. This, combined ,with the invention of a three-field system of crop rotation and the moldboard
  37. Mythology, and Greek philosophy, each with their own much longer histories, combined ,to form the earliest known records of alchemy in the West. Cosmos of Panoplies
  38. Amsterdam is situated adjacent to the city hall. Therefore, the two buildings, combined ,are often called the St opera. This word is derived from the Dutch words
  39. The Visigoth king Theodoric I (Theodoric) to ally with the Romans. The, combined ,armies reached Orléans ahead of Attila, thus checking and turning back the
  40. As the inspiration for a number of science fiction movies. In 1950, it was, combined ,with" War of Nerves" ( 1950)," Discord in Scarlet" ( 1939) and" M33 in
  41. Building campaigns. These ambitious building and mining activities, however, combined , with inadequate Nile floods later in his reign, strained the economy and
  42. Terminate) altogether. The inherent ambiguity of many control characters, combined ,with their historical usage, created problems when transferring" plain text "
  43. The behalf of the citizens of Canada, may I extend to you an expression of our, combined ,gratitude and sympathy. Under a wide and starry sky, Dig the grave and let me
  44. For inspiration. Marcel Grille and Michel Paris are examples of people who, combined ,anthropology with the French avant-garde. During this time most of what is
  45. A convergence of an Internet-enabled smartphone and iPod. The original iPhone, combined ,a 2.5G quad band GSM and EDGE cellular phone with features found in hand held
  46. Largest states: Texas, California,and Montana. It is also larger than the, combined ,area of the 22 smallest U. S. states. Regions There are no officially defined
  47. Of the AIDE, they invited the U. S. government Departments of War, Navy (, combined ,in 1947 to become the Department of Defense or DOD) and Commerce to join in
  48. Socio-economic and Opinion Research) and the other between 2004 and 2009 by a, combined ,effort of the broadcasting companies ABC News, the BBC, and ARD. The 2010 Asia
  49. Analysis later showed that these families are polyphyletic and so should be, combined , Several studies suggest (with high bootstrap support) that Orchidaceae is
  50. York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, but even if the anti-Lincoln vote had been, combined ,in every state, Lincoln still would have won a majority in the Electoral

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