Examples of the the word, behave , in a Sentence Context

The word ( behave ), is the 3961 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the phonetic sense, they are consonants, but,in the phonemic sense, they, behave , as vowels. Many Slavic languages allow the trill and the lateral as syllabic
  2. In Revelation, such as 6: 16 where the terrified people cry out to be hidden, behave ,similarly. Christina Rossetti was a Victorian poet who believed the
  3. Via reduction and hydration is shown:: Reactions Deportation Alcohols can, behave ,as weak acids, undergoing deportation. The deportation reaction to produce
  4. If francium was not radioactive, based on periodic trends it would most likely, behave ,like cesium and would, it is presumed, be similarly toxic. Precautions The
  5. Very strong: they guarantee that the read and write operations to the variable, behave ,exactly as if they happened instantaneously in some point in time which is
  6. Of free will have also shown that the experiences that people report when they, behave ,purposefully sometimes do not correspond to their actual behaviors or to the
  7. Hindus. In defense of a statement by Thackeray that 'If the Muslims of India, behave ,as the Jews in Germany did, they will deserve the same treatment ', Bhosle
  8. The outermost shell of the hydrogen atom, so hydrogen can in some circumstances, behave ,like a halogen, forming the negative hydride ion. Binary compounds of hydrogen
  9. In a mirror, most of the laws of physics would be identical — things would, behave ,the same way regardless of what we call" left" and what we call" right ".
  10. When discoveries in the field of chemistry showed that matter did indeed, behave ,as if it were made up of particles. The word" atom" ( from the ancient Greek
  11. In a random direction, and so drop back to lower energy levels. Thus, the atoms, behave ,like a filter that forms a series of dark absorption bands in the energy output
  12. Blame the Roscoe who are simply behaving in the way commercial companies always, behave , Ultimately the problem for POLMAR is the system and that is down to the
  13. Mixing process between the fuel and oxidizer. Microgravity Combustion processes, behave ,differently in a microgravity environment than in Earth-gravity conditions due
  14. Languages, copulae are often suffixes, attached to a noun, that may still, behave ,otherwise like ordinary verbs, for example -u- in Eskimo languages. In some
  15. Intact. In the case of the Hamza, the porous and permeable sedimentary rocks, behave ,as conduits for the water to sink to greater depths. East-west trending faults
  16. Valid quasi see been dessert (during good behavior),and if they do not, behave ,themselves they can be removed only by both Houses of Parliament, or the one
  17. Confucianism holds, it will be difficult if not impossible for his subjects to, behave ,humanely. Men is the basis of Confucian political theory: it presupposes an
  18. Violates prevailing norms cultural standards prescribing how humans ought to, behave ,normally. This approach considers the complex realities surrounding the concept
  19. AstroTurf. Surface variations can have a significant effect on how ground balls, behave ,and are fielded as well as on base running. Similarly, the presence of a roof (
  20. Effects **Object Processor – 64-bit RISC architecture; programmable; can, behave ,as a variety of graphic architectures **Bitter – 64-bit RISC architecture;
  21. Nucleus, as the i in English boil. On the other, there are approximate that, behave ,like consonants in forming onsets but are articulated very much like vowels, as
  22. Unconditional jump to the corresponding command, or vice versa; programs will, behave ,the same but will run more slowly, due to unnecessary double searching. ) * and
  23. That although relativistic effects are important, the 107-th element does, behave ,like a typical group 7 elements. In 2000,a team at the PSI conducted a
  24. P). Gravity, the electromagnetic force, and the strong interaction all, behave ,in the same way regardless of whether the universe is reflected in a
  25. For temperatures significantly below the Fermi temperature, the electrons, behave ,in almost the same way as at absolute zero. This explains the failure of the
  26. Ordered the massacre of civilians in defiance of Israeli instructions to, behave ,like a" dignified" army. The investigative Khan Commission found the Israeli
  27. Child node. This means that in a performance measurement, the tree will, behave ,like a Linked list data structure. Note that this terminology often varies in
  28. Imagination. However, when a mother feels her cubs are threatened, she will, behave ,ferociously. It is recommended to give all bears a wide berth because they are
  29. For anyone, but he is a professional and expects the parties involved to, behave ,professionally. When memories betray the people and force them to reawaken
  30. Have resulted in a variety of design methodologies that cause the CPU to, behave ,less linearly and more in parallel. When referring to parallelism in CPUs, two
  31. Beings, concluding that it becomes morally appropriate that they should, behave ,in a way that conforms to their rational nature. Thus, to be valid, any law
  32. Is a strong acid. In liquid sulfur dioxide (), thionyl compounds (supplying), behave , as acids, and sulfates (supplying) behave as bases. The non-aqueous acid–base
  33. Thionyl compounds (supplying) behave as acids, and sulfates (supplying), behave , as bases. The non-aqueous acid–base reactions in liquid ammonia are similar to
  34. To repulsion stems from quantum interference among condensate atoms which, behave ,as waves. When the scientists raised the magnetic field strength still further
  35. Due to numerous studies showing that alert human subjects can be induced to, behave ,purposefully in a variety of ways in spite of reporting a complete lack of
  36. Modern Homo sapiens? "," What are humans' physical traits? "," How do humans, behave , "," Why are there variations among different groups of humans? "," How has
  37. Cloth traditionally has a nap (consistent fiber directionality) and balls, behave ,differently when rolling against versus along with the nap. The cloth of the
  38. Transitive, intransitive and so-called 'stative' ) verbs but even nouns often, behave ,like verbs and do not need to have copula. For example, the word Wichita
  39. Since history shows that neither regulated nor unregulated firms always, behave ,ethically, neither regime offers an ethical panacea. Neoliberal recommendations
  40. This increases total cache size of the processor and effectively makes caching, behave ,as if there is a very large L1 cache with a slower region (the L2) and a very
  41. Mainly because Wills had developed a drinking problem that caused him to, behave ,erratically and occasionally cancel performance engagements. Furthermore, Wills
  42. Information; doing scientific studies using computers; making computer systems, behave ,intelligently; creating and using communications and entertainment media;
  43. It is our pleasure that they shall not be disturbed, ... we ordain that ye, behave ,towards them in a friendly and kind manner. Whenever any unjust attacks upon
  44. A town, state or federal agency may be required to change its laws or, behave ,differently, but not to pay monetary damages except by an explicit statutory
  45. Had the same mass, their behavior would be called symmetric, as they would all, behave ,in exactly the same way with respect to the strong interaction. Since quarks do
  46. Web of celestial influences that affect our bodies, and thereby motivate us to, behave ,in certain ways. Within this worldview, it was logical to believe that
  47. 2 August 2008 was National Menace Day, where children were sponsored to, behave ,like Dennis. The anniversary was also celebrated with a 40-page issue (instead
  48. Counts) differ from other quasi-1D carbon structures, which normally, behave ,as quasi-metallic conductors of electrons. Counts exhibit semiconducting
  49. What this means is that in a performance measurement, the tree will essentially, behave ,like a linked list data structure. Performance comparisons D. A. Hegel (2004)
  50. Referred to as an option ROM). Even devices built into the motherboard can, behave ,in this way; their option ROMs can be stored as separate code on the main BIOS

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