Examples of the the word, compelling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compelling ), is the 3949 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rise in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, is the most telling and, compelling ,argument that dualism is central to modern thinking. Furthermore, Western
  2. Then. Under the 2003 Act, retrials are now allowed if there is" new" and ", compelling ," evidence for certain serious crimes, including murder, manslaughter
  3. Combination in terms of reducing morbidity and ventricular remodeling. The most, compelling ,evidence for the treatment of nephropathy has been found: This combination
  4. Friend,1865) underscored not only his almost preternatural ability to create, compelling ,storylines and unforgettable characters, but also ensured that the Victorian
  5. Currently no plans to develop synthetic milk, thus making this argument less, compelling , Enzymes offer an animal-friendly alternative to animal rennet. While providing
  6. Have not been convinced. Many scientists have also been skeptical. The most, compelling ,argument for the existence of consciousness is that the vast majority of
  7. Judgement Day. Some consider the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks to be particularly, compelling ,due to what they interpret to be prophetic accuracy. According to some scholars
  8. Generally regard such tests as the Seinfeld experiment as providing, compelling ,evidence for the existence of ESP. The scientific community rejects ESP due to
  9. UK Albums Chart in October 1991. The New Yorker referred to it as" the most, compelling ,album to have been released in 1991" and Spin also labeled it one of the 20
  10. The moment, life on Earth is the only known life in the Universe, but there are, compelling ,arguments to suggest we are not alone. "; Methane In 2004,the spectral
  11. Was soon performed abroad in London and the United States. However, the most, compelling ,performance was by the Radio Orchestra in besieged Leningrad. The orchestra
  12. Warner Bros. Records albums, is rarely heard today even though each boasts, compelling ,folk and folk rock music accompanied by top-notch musicians such as Ry Cooper.
  13. Have found important methodological flaws and have concluded that there is no, compelling ,scientific evidence that DAT is a legitimate therapy or that it affords more
  14. Queensland modified its double jeopardy laws to allow a retrial where fresh and, compelling ,evidence becomes available after an acquittal for murder or a 'tainted
  15. That the way events were portrayed in the film were much more" cinematically, compelling ," than the historical fact or conventional mythos. Portrayal of Robert the
  16. And using that to replace a slower one. The flexibility this offered was, compelling , and allowed DEC to attack high-end markets formerly out of their reach.
  17. The gods for their own purposes, appealing for their help through prayer or, compelling ,them to act through magic. These popular religious practices were distinct from
  18. Thence Barbarossa sailed to NixOS, whence he carried off an immense booty, compelling ,the Duke of NixOS to purchase his further independence by a tribute of 5000
  19. Mother into agreeing to the surgery, was also condemned. They say there is" no, compelling ,legal authority for the common view that circumcision is lawful. " In 2005 a
  20. Who reached super-star status nationwide on careers that often were not as, compelling ,as those who had come before them in a less media intense time. As player
  21. Aspects of cellular life is often pointed to as supportive evidence to the more, compelling ,evidence listed above. These similarities include the energy carrier adenosine
  22. Considered Lois to be blinded by love, and that this has made her story a, compelling ,one throughout the intervening years. **Christopher Reeve in the Superman film
  23. Student-leased notebook computers to a student-owned computer model. The, compelling ,rationale for this was the integral role technology now plays in our lives
  24. Of the MAP mission in 2006 made the empirical case for cosmic inflation very, compelling , In order to work, and as pointed out by Roger Penrose from 1986 on, inflation
  25. This testimony and the letter found on Teach's body by Maynard appeared, compelling , but Knight conducted his defense with competence. Despite being very sick and
  26. A second cartoonist state that the second cartoonist is generally less funny or, compelling ,than the creator, and that the new cartoonist does not have the same style of
  27. And acute bacterial sinusitis, the use of the fluoroquinolone class offers no, compelling ,advantages over established treatment. Nor does antibiotic treatment help sore
  28. Of the CMB and the CBI provided the first E-mode polarization spectrum with, compelling ,evidence that it is out of phase with the T-mode spectrum. In June 2001,NASA
  29. That as many as 39 executions have been carried out in the U. S. in face of, compelling ,evidence of innocence or serious doubt about guilt. Newly available DNA
  30. Of the CMB and the CBI provided the first E-mode polarization spectrum with, compelling ,evidence that it is out of phase with the T-mode spectrum. COBE's successor
  31. Unanimous high praise from the US critics: Los Angeles Times called it" a, compelling ,and fascinating debut album that captures the spirit of mainstream pop quite
  32. 10−33 seconds onwards, there are several problems. One is that there is no, compelling ,reason, using current particle physics, to expect the universe to be flat
  33. The Act) if there is a finding by the Court of Appeals that there is" new and, compelling ,evidence. " United States The double jeopardy rule arises from the Fifth
  34. Total of the physical laws which describe the universe. I do not know of any, compelling ,evidence for anthropomorphic patriarchs controlling human destiny from some
  35. For the acceptance of the hypothesis, there are, as we have suggested, quite, compelling , grounds. ": Theorem XXX:" The following classes of partial functions are
  36. A challenge in the search for a Theory of Everything. Currently, there is no, compelling ,explanation for how this infinity should be treated as essentially zero; a
  37. Truly is such a thing. Skeptics argue that this intuition, in spite of its, compelling ,quality, is false, either because the concept of consciousness is intrinsically
  38. Cannot be explained by convergent evolution, and therefore they provide, compelling ,support for the theory of universal common descent. Such evidence has come from
  39. Which created the immortal character of Standartenführer Stieglitz, and whose, compelling ,and unbiased look at the life of a spy in war-torn Germany made the film
  40. That spinal manipulation is routinely associated with considerable harm and no, compelling ,evidence exists to indicate that it adequately prevents symptoms or diseases
  41. Had the leverage to create a standardized alternative, and there was no, compelling ,reason for them to cooperate on a new standard. Because of this, when the first
  42. Lucretius, describing atomism in his de serum natural gives very clear and, compelling ,empirical arguments for the original atomism theory. He observes that any
  43. Was in 1996,when the jury found him not guilty. Following the discovery of, compelling ,new evidence in 2009 – Thompson's blood on Weston's boots – Weston was
  44. Commercial supply or production of illegal drugs) where there is" fresh and, compelling ," evidence of guilt; *someone acquitted of a" 15 years or more sentence
  45. Person at a higher value than he returned it, they accomplished the same end by, compelling ,him to pay a tax upon the property at a higher rate than others. The tax was
  46. While an undergraduate. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a, compelling ,sense of familiarity, and also a sense of" eeriness "," strangeness ","
  47. By Jupiter and Aphrodite to remind Aeneas of his journey and his purpose, thus, compelling , him to leave secretly and continue on his way. When Dido learned of this, she
  48. Interventions (providing or removing the supposed cause) gives the most, compelling ,evidence of etiology. Etiology is sometimes a part of a chain of causation. An
  49. As the convincing rendering of cloth and skin textures—make it one of the most, compelling ,periods of Western art. A rather different art developed out of northern
  50. Decline, and death, often supplanted by a potent new culture, formed around a, compelling ,new cultural symbol. Spengler states civilization is the beginning of the

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