Examples of the the word, shore , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shore ), is the 3947 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were said to have lived in Pontus, which is part of modern day Turkey near the, shore ,of the Engine Sea (the Black Sea). There they formed an independent kingdom
  2. Village on the south coast of Fife, Scotland. It is situated on the north, shore ,of the Firth of Forth, looking south to the Island of Inchworm and its Abbey
  3. His description leaves the Black Sea, crosses the Ripe mountains to the, shore ,of the northern ocean, and follows it westward to Cadiz. In the first direction
  4. Study Buddhism, while in 1899 Crowley acquired Boles kine House in Foyers on the, shore ,of Loch Ness in Scotland. He subsequently developed a love of Scottish culture
  5. GJL Breaking, and is connected by ferry to the city of Aalborg at its southern, shore , The area is typical for the north of Jutland. To the west the Clifford
  6. Today Prevent, Greece ). Since 2002,Action is linked with Prevent on the north, shore ,of the Amerasian Gulf by the Aktio-Preveza Undersea Tunnel, or Aktio-Preveza
  7. A Greek philosopher and naturalist, who discovered the stone along the, shore ,line of the river Achates () sometime between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC.
  8. Having fled beyond the wide estuary marshes of the Danube to its southern, shore ,so as not to be followed by their foes from the steppe, the Huns. There is
  9. Danes were besieging Peter and an unnamed stronghold on the North Devon, shore , Alfred at once hurried westward and raised the Siege of Peter. The fate of
  10. Keep going:" O brother! Come to me, come to me "! Ya hiya returned to the near, shore , and was quickly dispatched by the horsemen. They cut the head off their prize
  11. Kitesurfing on Keel Beach to sea kayaking on the north, shore , Fishing and waterspouts are popular with tourists and locals alike. Sailing
  12. It completed U. S. Route 101 and linked Astoria with Washington on the opposite, shore ,of the Columbia, and replaced the ferries. Today, tourism,Astoria's growing
  13. In 2004 while on vacation in Hawaii by swimming out and bringing him back to, shore , On January 8,2006,while Schwarzenegger was riding his Harley-Davidson
  14. Terra incognita," unknown land. " However, both Strabo and Pliny describe that, shore , Since the Angles took a geographic name, they likely had other names not based
  15. Started to snow and hail; Tasman changed course more north. Part of the western, shore ,of the continent was already known to the Dutch, but no one had gone as far as
  16. The dark his horse lost its footing. The 44-year-old king was found dead on the, shore ,the following morning with a broken neck. Some texts have said that he fell off
  17. Western border of Asia. It was the northernmost navigable point of the European, shore , The Europe-Asia boundary The Don River became unsatisfactory to northern
  18. Arapaho Island was a base for whaling in the Sounds. John Guard established a, shore ,station at Te Await in 1827 for right whales. Later, the station at Person
  19. Of. The length of coast-line is and the absence of deep indentations of the, shore ,is shown by the fact that Europe, which covers only, has a coastline of. The
  20. Stations have off shore anchorages, and supplies are transferred from ship to, shore ,by small boats, barges,and helicopters. A few stations have a basic wharf
  21. Of the era. Three of the places named can be identified. " Cymen's, shore ," (" Cements Ora" in the original) now lies under the sea, but from later
  22. Braves manager),The Braves made their first trade of the season on July 20 to, shore ,up the bullpen, sending Class A Rome catcher Max Ramirez to Cleveland for
  23. The highway continues to Athabasca, then northwesterly along the south, shore ,of Lesser Slave Lake into High Prairie, north to Peace River, west to Fairview
  24. Due to her mentoring and motherly probing. It is not until he washes up on the, shore ,of an island where Nautical is washing her clothes that Athena arrives
  25. Peninsula, formed by a trough between two parallel mountain ranges along the, shore ,of the Bay of Fundy. Geography The valley measures approximately 126 km in
  26. Said he was so overcome with fear at that moment, that once he made the far, shore ,he ran until exhaustion overcame him. Only he and Bear were left to face the
  27. Aegis, charges the Achaeans, pushing them back to their ships drawn up on the, shore , According to Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes
  28. Came to the land of Britain with 3 ships at the place which is named Cymen's, shore , and there killed many Welsh and drove some to flight into the wood called
  29. To the statue of Texas blues guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan on the south, shore ,of Town Lake. The statue's 'shadow' is longer than its height, to symbolize
  30. Clamp down. Divers dive out of boats, kayaks,tube floats or directly off the, shore , There has been a trade in diving to catch abalones off parts of the United
  31. Minor, situated at NARA Burn or Niagara Point on the best harbor on the Asiatic, shore ,of the Hellespont. Across Abyss lies Status on the European side marking the
  32. One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the, shore ,for a very long time" *"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be
  33. By the Oregon Legislative Assembly on October 20, 1876. Located on the south, shore ,of the Columbia, the city is served by the Port of Astoria with a deep-water
  34. Distributors who ensure that only ambergris that has been naturally washed to, shore ,is sold. Ancient Egyptians burned ambergris as incense, while in modern Egypt
  35. Travellers could point to the Hill of San Giovanni on the northwest, shore ,of the Gulf of Ajaccio, which still had a cathedral said to have been the 6th
  36. As an island comprising mostly mountains in the northern portions and along the, shore , and encompassing a great plain of an oblong shape in the south" extending in
  37. A variety of edging: when a sailing-vessel is in a narrow channel or on a lee, shore ,so that there is no room to tack the vessel in a conventional manner an anchor
  38. As cattle were not yet plentiful. Seafood Those living near the New England, shore ,often dined on fish, crustaceans,and other animals that originated in the
  39. Names, lists the Cochran River just south of a feature he calls the" sandy, shore ," on the southwest coast. If the shore is the Camp dell'Or (gold because of
  40. Of Person Crowley faked his own death at a notorious rock formation on the, shore ,called Coca do Inferno (Mouth of Hell). Crowley then left the country and
  41. Angles. Their reasons for this exclusion was their consideration of the south, shore ,of the Baltic to be terra incognita," unknown land. " However, both Strabo and
  42. North-northwest of downtown Las Vegas. Situated at its center, on the southern, shore ,of Groom Lake, is a large military airfield. The base's primary purpose is to
  43. For three days on to the Danube, encountering the Getafe tribe on the opposite, shore , Surprising the Getafe by crossing the river at night, he forced the Getafe army
  44. Between the Agenda and the Allude dates to the time of Arches I. To, shore ,up his country against the threat of the Illusions, Amyntas established an
  45. Anchorage should also be suitable for other purposes; for example, proximity to, shore ,is beneficial if the crew plans to land. Seabed Charts should indicate the type
  46. King in question is King Alfred). The Royal Navy has named one ship and two, shore ,establishments HMS King Alfred. Vantage statue A statue of Alfred the Great
  47. It occupies a sheltered position at the foot of wooded hills on the northern, shore ,of the Gulf of Ajaccio. The harbor lies to the east of the foundation site at
  48. Young blue fin tuna are netted at sea and towed slowly towards the, shore , They are then interned in off shore pens where they are further grown for the
  49. South of a feature he calls the" sandy shore " on the southwest coast. If the, shore ,is the Camp dell'Or (gold because of the sand?) the Cochran would seem to be
  50. Wide oceans o'er, : True British courage bore him on, : Til he landed on our, shore ,.: Then here he raised Old England's flag, : The standard of the brave;:" With

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