Examples of the the word, steady , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In the 1920s and 1930s almost every major cosmologist preferred an eternal, steady ,state Universe, and several complained that the beginning of time implied by
  2. Shows that mass is neither created nor destroyed in the control volume. For a, steady ,state process, the rate at which mass enters the volume is equal to the rate at
  3. Winched off if aground or swung into a particular heading, or even to be held, steady ,against a tidal or other stream. Historically, it was of particular relevance
  4. Second:: \rm 1\ A=1\track C s That is, in general, charge Q is determined by, steady ,current I flowing for a time t as Q = It. History The ampere was originally
  5. Put into a trust fund, granting minor financial security. The Alcott's hosted a, steady ,stream of visitors at The Hillside, including fugitive slaves, which they
  6. The flexing gives a" rubbery" feeling, as though the bow wants to remain, steady ,on aim. Consequently, it may be that such effect helps the archer's feeling of
  7. Of Aarhus,65,000 are under 18 years of age. Aarhus has been growing at a, steady ,rate of about 1 % per year since 1950,when the city had about 150,000
  8. Is regarded as one of the foremost sports in all the BVI. Calm waters and, steady ,breezes provide some of the best sailing conditions in the Caribbean (some say
  9. In which the glasses rotate on a shaft, with the player's fingers held, steady , instead of the other way around; this version soon found its way to Europe.
  10. Due to the economic crisis that affected most former Eastern bloc countries,a, steady ,reform in the military could not be carried out; much of the equipment fell
  11. Western Philosophy (1945) became a bestseller, and provided Russell with a, steady ,income for the remainder of his life. In a speech in 1948,Russell said that if
  12. Uneven, or " swung," eighth notes. On a guitar this may be played as a simple, steady ,bass, or it may add to that stepwise quarter note motion from the fifth to the
  13. The union. The Court party had greater party discipline and thus gained a, steady ,majority. In Scotland, the Duke of Queens berry was largely responsible for the
  14. The puppets generally have an armature inside them to keep them still and, steady ,as well as constraining them to move at particular joints. Examples include The
  15. Fund and the World Bank, and the economy began to stabilize. The 2000s saw a, steady ,pace of growth and budget surpluses, but shaky inflation. Successful foreign
  16. Archives, his friends Achates, Sergestus and Acton, the healer Ia pyx,the, steady ,helmsman Palings, and his son Ascends (also known as Zulus, Julus, or
  17. And other aspects of the population. Demographic trends After registering a, steady ,increase all through the Soviet period, the population of Armenia declined from
  18. Stern, which can severely limit a vessel's swing range and also align it to, steady ,wind, current or wave conditions. One method of accomplishing this moor is to
  19. Each successive year. The exchange rate of the Aruba florin has remained, steady ,in recent years at 1.79 florins to 1 U. S. dollar. The community officially
  20. Throughout the sleep period, Mission Control in Houston monitored a slow but, steady ,oxygen leak. The data output of the onboard telemetry computers was limited
  21. While the membership had been growing, stricter policies have kept its size, steady ,since then. Rules Currently, according to Rules 2 and 3 of the official Academy
  22. After World War II, two distinct possibilities emerged. One was Fred Hoyle's, steady ,state model, whereby new matter would be created as the Universe seemed to
  23. Dense clouds in the ISM, and the evolutionary processes of stars result in the, steady ,enrichment of the ISM with elements more massive than hydrogen and helium. Up
  24. Grass at the water's edge, stood firm and repulsed the Gens d'Arms with, steady ,fire, enabling the English and Hessians to re-order and launch another attack.
  25. Of the press. Most importantly, slavery was extinguished after a slow but, steady ,process that began with the end of the international traffic in slaves in 1850
  26. Horizontally on a frame called a" tillage" which is designed to hold it, steady ,and at the right angle, and then allowed to cool to cellar temperature (
  27. Wideranging economic reforms which paid off in dramatically lower inflation and, steady ,growth. Armenia has registered strong economic growth since 1995,building on
  28. And computer science programs at The University of Texas at Austin provide a, steady ,source of employees that help to fuel Austin's technology and defense industry
  29. He who goes slowly doesn't trip," and that of the latter is," A slow but, steady ,pace wins the race. " Haraka would mean hurrying just for the sake of
  30. After winning the 1983 World Series, the Orioles spent the next five years in, steady ,decline, finishing 1986 in last place for the first time since the franchise
  31. Of Michigan moved from Detroit to Ann Arbor in 1837,and the city showed, steady ,growth throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, with a decline during the
  32. The trust that they had lost in the 1990s. The Liberal Democrats could point to, steady ,progress under Charles Kennedy, gaining more seats than the main two parties –
  33. One of the drivers of the cart whereon the Ark was carried, put out his hand to, steady ,the Ark, and was smitten by God for touching it. David, in fear, carried the
  34. Concepts into physics; this objection was later repeated by supporters of the, steady ,state theory. This perception was enhanced by the fact that the originator of
  35. Broadcast. It is popularly reported that Hoyle, who favored an alternative ", steady ,state" cosmological model, intended this to be pejorative, but Hoyle
  36. Bolivian silver was an important source of revenue for the Spanish Empire. A, steady ,stream of natives served as labor force (the Spanish employed the
  37. And surpassed its pre-terrorist bombing levels; the long term trend has been a, steady ,increase of visitor arrivals. At 2010,Bali received 2.57 million foreign
  38. The release of the ball, known as a follow-through. Players often try to put a, steady ,backspin on the ball to deaden its impact with the rim. The ideal trajectory of
  39. Died soon after Vivaldi's arrival, and the composer died a pauper, without a, steady ,source of income. Though Vivaldi's music was well received during his lifetime
  40. To supplement more traditional sectors such as agriculture in the economy. This, steady ,economic progress has earned Armenia increasing support from international
  41. Has slowed somewhat during the Late-2000s recession, it still continues at a, steady ,pace, expanding into areas such as Capitol View, Peoplestown, and Aware Park.
  42. 1991 by the European Community, EC/EU-Belarus relations initially experienced a, steady ,progress. The signature of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) in
  43. To operate and maintain these complex weapon systems with them. Also, without a, steady ,supply of engineering support from Hughes Aircraft Missile Systems Group and
  44. De la Silver. Colonel Belville's Hanoverian's were fed into the battle to, steady ,the resolve of the dragoons, and once more went to the attack. The Allied
  45. Revenues amounting to more than 4 billion lava (2 billion euro). Have seen a, steady ,increase in electricity production from renewable energy sources such as wind
  46. Off and land vertically using powered lift and transfer to aerodynamic lift in, steady ,flight. A pure rocket is not usually regarded as an anodyne, because it does
  47. Died, a stroke of bad luck that left the composer without royal protection or a, steady ,source of income. Vivaldi died a pauper not long after the emperor, on the
  48. Of the English aristocracy and absolutely no imagination, Georges provides a, steady ,contrast to Hastings. In Agatha Christie's Poirot, Georges is played by actor
  49. He invented the voltaic pile, an early electric battery, which produced a, steady ,electric current. Volta had determined that the most effective pair of
  50. Clock signal, where data can be transmitted intermittently rather than in a, steady ,stream. Any timing required to recover data from the communication symbols is

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