Examples of the the word, convenient , in a Sentence Context

The word ( convenient ), is the 3957 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In people's minds with any special ecclesiastical function, remained as a, convenient ,general term applicable to any clergyman. Eastern Christian In the Eastern
  2. Boron compounds do not involve formation of elemental boron, but exploits the, convenient ,availability of borates. The earliest routes to elemental boron involved
  3. Beads can be made of many types of materials. The earliest beads were made of, convenient ,natural materials; when found, these could be readily drilled and shaped. As
  4. The Earth and the Sun (roughly speaking) *Atomic units, a system of units, convenient ,for atomic physics and other fields *Arbitrary unit, a relative placeholder
  5. 1,i. e., indices start with 1. APL can be set to use 0 as the origin, which is, convenient ,for some calculations. ) Character set APL has always been criticized for its
  6. Earlier Amiga software titles. The effect of these switchable doublers was a, convenient ,dual boot system, with a choice of two distinct OS versions via a
  7. By the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan. Transportation The, convenient ,location of Azerbaijan on the crossroad of major international traffic arteries
  8. Etc., is also a factor. When analyzing molecules by size, it is most, convenient ,to analyze only linear molecules to avoid this problem,e.g. DNA fragments
  9. Telegraph codes, the proposed Bell code and ASCII were both ordered for more, convenient ,sorting (i.e., alphabetization ) of lists, and added features for devices
  10. Insertion sort can be said to be of order O (n²). Big O notation is a, convenient ,way to express the worst-case scenario for a given algorithm, although it can
  11. Bricks Bricks are made in an open frame, by being a reasonable size, but any, convenient ,size is acceptable. The mixture is molded by the frame, and then the frame is
  12. The control code to end a file is analogous to it ending the alphabet, a very, convenient ,mnemonic aid. Text strings ending with the null character are known as ASCII
  13. Sliding assembling lines by which the parts to be assembled are delivered at, convenient ,distances. ” Simple Example Consider the assembly of a car: assume that certain
  14. And false-negatives are known. The test also serves as a quick and, convenient ,assay to estimate the carcinogenic potential of a compound since standard
  15. Of reflection and refraction. Consequently, the Gaussian theory only supplies a, convenient ,method of approximating to reality; and no constructor would attempt to realize
  16. The name Austin was chosen as the town's new name. The location was seen as a, convenient ,crossroads for trade routes between Santa Fe and Galveston Bay, as well as
  17. He drops the part always in the same place--which place must always be the most, convenient ,place to his hand--and if possible have gravity carry the part to the next
  18. Bipedal movements may have evolved into regular habits because they were so, convenient ,in obtaining food. Also, Hunt hypotheses that these movements coevolved with
  19. More expressive logics, such as higher order and modal logics, allow the, convenient ,expression of a wider range of problems than first order logic, but theorem
  20. Grounds. One argument given in favor of using the axiom of choice is that it is, convenient ,to use it because it allows one to prove some simplifying propositions that
  21. 1947 proved to be simple and reliable under a wide range of conditions with, convenient ,handling characteristics. In 1949, it was therefore adopted by the Soviet Army
  22. Arithmétique (" Treatise on the Arithmetical Triangle" ) of 1653 described a, convenient ,tabular presentation for binomial coefficients, now called Pascal's triangle.
  23. The AJ are positive integers. (1 is given by the empty product. ) It is often, convenient ,to write this as an infinite product over all the primes, where all but a
  24. To as archaeobotany or paleoethnobotany. Fundamental life processes Plants are, convenient ,organisms in which fundamental life processes (like cell division and protein
  25. Was closed and air traffic moved to the new El Alter Airport, which made for a, convenient ,facility for charter flights bringing tourists from northern European countries
  26. Agents (Piper called them the" para time police" ). This concept provided a, convenient ,framing for packing a smorgasbord of historical alternatives (and even of
  27. The end of his career it becomes clear that Poirot's retirement is no longer a, convenient ,fiction. He assumes a genuinely inactive lifestyle during which he concerns
  28. Not arbitrary," in addition to paying this tax at the time" most likely to be, convenient ,for the contributor to pay it ". Additionally, Smith outlined the proper
  29. By installing fabric water tanks that fit the bed of a pick-up truck. It can be, convenient ,to use the cistern as a heat sink or trap for a heat pump or air conditioning
  30. Antarctica by foot to a more open area due to human technologies enabling more, convenient ,and faster transport, predominantly by air and water, as well as land.
  31. In the wrapping is sometimes referred to as the" Turk's head"—it serves as a, convenient ,handle when inserting the reed on the local. To finish the reed, the end of the
  32. His officers temporized, saying that battle was imminent, and it would be more, convenient ,to carry out the execution afterwards. Henry had also sent messengers to
  33. Prostate cancers. The medium half-life of 227Ac (21.77 years) makes it very, convenient ,radioactive isotope in modeling the slow vertical mixing of oceanic waters. The
  34. And was also the site of hangings. In the 20th century it became a, convenient ,place to house prominent members of India's independence movement. Japanese
  35. Tank hunters" ) which took an existing anti-tank gun and mounted it on a, convenient ,chassis to give mobility, usually with just a three-sided gun shield for
  36. So do a large majority of existing Brainfuck programs; and 10 is also more, convenient ,to use than CRLF. Thus, brainfuck implementations should make sure that
  37. And loaded it will produce exactly the same code, although it will have, convenient ,mnemonics and use symbolic labels rather than absolute locations, as in jump to
  38. No oiling or attention for years; and the registering part can be placed in any, convenient ,position. Two connecting tubes are required. It might appear at first sight as
  39. That Bohr's model failed to explain. Although this concept was mathematically, convenient , it was difficult to visualize, and faced opposition. One of its critics, Max
  40. Which describes how the size of the Universe changes with time. This enables a, convenient ,choice of a coordinate system to be made, called comoving coordinates. In this
  41. They were not the only ones to use the Roman highway network, which was equally, convenient ,for invaders. In the second half of the 3rd century, Ancyra was invaded in
  42. Angular momentum simplified using the center of mass It is very often, convenient ,to consider the angular momentum of a collection of particles about their
  43. Inert substance like kieselguhr (diatomaceous earth) it became safer and more, convenient ,to handle, and this mixture he patented in 1867 as 'dynamite '. Nobel
  44. Market (ISM) venture. Transport on the island is relatively, convenient , with 'route taxis ', called " Mrs" ( pronounced" Zed-Rs" ), travelling to
  45. Other services to nations that need them the most. The regional divisions most, convenient ,to its operations include, among others, the Middle East and Europe, and South
  46. At Frigid us. And according to rumor, exposing the Visigoths in battle was a, convenient ,way of weakening the Gothic tribes. This, combined with their post-battle
  47. Standards exist that mandate the size. The de facto standard of eight bits is a, convenient ,power of two permitting the values 0 through 255 for one byte. Many types of
  48. With iodine. Ethanol-based soaps are becoming common in restaurants and are, convenient ,because they do not require drying due to the volatility of the compound.
  49. To the gastrointestinal side effects associated with salicylates, but it is a, convenient ,treatment for arthritis in older dogs and has shown some promise in cases of
  50. Mainly nylon netting and Velcro) in the cabin, which the technicians found, convenient ,for holding tools and equipment in place. Though Shea gave the spacecraft a

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