Examples of the the word, stranger , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stranger ), is the 3959 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Poor at the hands of the king. 5 Protect the poor and the slave / support the, stranger , The villages, more and larger in the north, probably shared the highlands with
  2. To him, in his Julie, ou la novella Heloise, a fine panegyric; and when a, stranger ,flatteringly told Voltaire he had come to see a great man, the philosopher
  3. In a universe that is suddenly deprived of illusions and of light, man feels a, stranger , His is an irremediable exile. " The ravages of the plague in Oran vividly
  4. But a dispute arose. The Frankish bishops were not well-disposed towards this, stranger ,abbot, because of his ever-increasing influence, and at last they showed their
  5. Generally, someone is superior in status if he/she is an older relative,a, stranger ,of roughly equal or greater age, or an employer, teacher,customer, or the like
  6. Entirely without dialogue, she has an unexpected flirtation with a mysterious, stranger , Kate and the stranger " stalk" each other through the museum until they
  7. Incantations. Literal Christian interpreters like Henry M. Morris say that the, stranger ,was" God Himself and, therefore,Christ in His preincarnate state ", citing
  8. Forest alone. Along the way he feels he is being watched by a tall and thin, stranger ,(possibly Count Dracula). The short story climaxes in an old graveyard, where
  9. Cycle he says:" I am not the author of this divergence. I came as a poor, stranger ,into these parts for the cause of Christ, Our Savior. One thing alone I ask of
  10. Career success as a Weird Tales artist – though he did so through one of the, stranger ,events in the history of science fiction and fantasy. In the summer of 1939
  11. In the arena of debate and challenged all comers, and who is still a total, stranger ,to defeat .... James G. Blaine marched down the halls of the American Congress
  12. Even at the end of a sentence, unlike in English. **Formal, when addressing a, stranger ,:" Good day! ": Jo not (Ivanov)! **Informal, when addressing someone you
  13. Mother / Son / Daughter etc. of. Notable epitaphs Go tell the Spartans, stranger ,passing by that here, obedient to their law, we lie.: — Simonides's
  14. Playing an important role to place stranger s, carrying the message of where a, stranger ,originates (which quarter or district in a town, which village in a rural
  15. Something outlandish if told that it actually happened, per the" truth is, stranger ,than fiction" idiom. The 1996 Canadian film Hard Core Logo, about a punk band
  16. The man was his father. Did Alpha ignore his own father and treat him as a, stranger , #The Heap (sorties) paradox: A single grain of sand is certainly not a heap.
  17. Retained; so that, though all heretics wish to be called Catholics, yet when a, stranger ,asks where the Catholic Church meets, no heretic will venture to point to his
  18. She has an unexpected flirtation with a mysterious stranger . Kate and the, stranger ," stalk" each other through the museum until they finally wind up outside
  19. Richard. Lancastrian Henry Tudor was unfamiliar with the arts of war and a, stranger ,to the land he was trying to conquer. He spent the first fourteen years of his
  20. Which includes the lyrics" Your kids are coming up straight / My child's a, stranger ,/ I bore her / But I could not raise her. " Mitchell first talked about the
  21. Argued that some cases were actually cases of xenoglossia (from Greek, xenos, stranger ,; and glossy, language. When one speaks in a language unknown to him).
  22. Of the earlier myth made Actaeon the familiar hunting companion of Artemis, no, stranger , In an embroidered extension of the myth, the hounds were so upset with their
  23. In an English-speaking context, family names are most often used to refer to a, stranger ,or in a formal setting, and are often used with a title or honorific such as Mr
  24. Gadjo (non-Gypsy),Hebrew and Yiddish go (non-Jew) – all of them can mean, stranger , foreigner * Korean Tikki (axe) and Apache natives and Easter Island
  25. Work on mathematical physics). The famous mathematician Lagrange was also no, stranger ,in the Cauchy family. On Lagrange's advice, Augustin-Louis was enrolled in the
  26. Very few are ignorant of the English; and yet some so affect their own, as to a, stranger ,they will not speak it; for if meeting them by chance, you inquire the way, or
  27. Conflicts. Outside these neutral areas, territory holders usually chase away, stranger ,cats, at first by staring, hissing,and growling, and if that does not work, by
  28. But a man could not do this with a young girl or another man's wife. If a, stranger ,entered the circle, he had to do so to the woman's right so as not to come
  29. Then for the first time ... he has never seen any of this flesh before, this, stranger , He groks over that ...." Contemporary spiritual teacher Ram Days, in Be Here
  30. We are intended to fulfill. We are like travelers at an inn, or guests at a, stranger ,'s table; whatever is offered we take with thankfulness, and sometimes, when
  31. JPG|Lear self-portrait, illustrating a real incident when he encountered a, stranger ,who claimed that" Edward Lear" was merely a pseudonym. Lear (on the right)
  32. S face.: And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat, : No, stranger ,in the crowd could doubt 'twas Casey at the bat.: Ten thousand eyes were on him
  33. Edward Lear" was merely a pseudonym. Lear (on the right) is showing the, stranger ,(left) the inside of his hat, with his name in the lining. Eve Arden (April
  34. Socialite Mrs. Chosen (Vivian Pickles). At a funeral service for a total, stranger , Harold meets Maude (Ruth Gordon),a 79-year-old woman who shares Harold's
  35. His true identity. He was welcomed by Aegean, who was suspicious about the, stranger ,who came to Athens. Medea tried to have Theseus killed by encouraging Aegean to
  36. The Lord. 2 Judge the slave and the widow / Judge the orphan :3 and the, stranger , Plead for the infant / plead for the poor and :4 the widow. Rehabilitate the
  37. Or strange woman. In here women as" foreign or" strange" ( that is,a, stranger , a non-Israelite) reflects the frequent biblical insistence on marriage within
  38. August 1502:: Item. The same day, Hugh Deny's for money by him delivered to a, stranger ,that gave the queen a Payne of clavichords. In crowns form his reward ITII
  39. Now in bitter rivalry over who is the normal group (“ A-1 March” ) Another, stranger , a French woman in a feathered coat appears. It is really Fay Apple in disguise
  40. Love your neighbor as yourself "; see also Great Commandment) and (" But the, stranger ,that dwellers with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt
  41. Dark matter. The remaining 72 % is thought to consist of dark energy, an even, stranger ,component, distributed diffusely in space. Determining the nature of this
  42. Fully succeeding. The effect of Apollo 8 can be summed up by a telegram from a, stranger , received by Borman after the mission, that simply stated," Thank you, Apollo
  43. Is expecting a new assistant who might help them. At that moment a mysterious, stranger , J. Bowden Hap good, arrives asking for directions to the Cookie Jar. He is
  44. The earth; thou must forsake all, young and old, keep out of all, and be as a, stranger ,unto all. " First travels Driven by his" inner voice ", Fox left
  45. An integral component to these meetings, where a congregation member or even a, stranger ,would rise and recount his turn from a sinful life to one of piety and peace. "
  46. Spring appeared where it landed. He taught them laws and then disappeared. The, stranger ,and the spring are identified with Site and the sacred spring of Friesland.
  47. Man by nature and his relationship with the bourgeois Belgian is one of the, stranger ,aspects of Poirot’s world. He first met Poirot in Belgium,1904,during the
  48. Paradox: Alpha ignored the man approaching him and treated him as a, stranger , The man was his father. Did Alpha ignore his own father and treat him as a
  49. Apartment but on the way out realizes that she has left her wedding ring on the, stranger ,'s nightstand, and she returns to retrieve it. The elevator doors open on the
  50. Endued our new master and sovereign Lord, who doth not come amongst us as a, stranger ,but as a natural prince, succeeding by right of blood and inheritance, not as a

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