Examples of the the word, realistic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( realistic ), is the 3637 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Weapon ever detonated) Not all of that energy can be utilized by any, realistic ,propulsion technology because, while electron-positron reactions result in
  2. Provides little benefit to debtors who receive the counseling because the only, realistic ,option for many is to seek relief under the Bankruptcy Code. Europe in general
  3. Rates of above 80 MB/s. Furthermore, sustained transfer rate tests do not give, realistic ,throughput expectations for most workloads: They use I/O loads specifically
  4. As closely as possible but incorporating unpredictable elements to provide, realistic ,alternate settings. Crimson Skies is one example of an alternate history
  5. Style which dominated the Late Renaissance. Baroque Art is less complex, more, realistic , and more emotionally affecting than Mannerism. This movement was
  6. Closure. Complexity The development of New Comedy involved a trend towards more, realistic ,plots, a simpler dramatic structure and a softer tone. Old Comedy was the
  7. Art of Catholic Europe. Renaissance art had a greatly increased emphasis on the, realistic ,depiction of the material world, and the place of humans in it, reflected in
  8. Or what Miller called" the dynamics of play construction ". Rowe provided, realistic ,feedback along with much-needed encouragement, and became a lifelong friend.
  9. Nakamoto are known for having realistic ally proportioned eyes, as well as, realistic ,hair colors on their characters. Facial expressions Anime characters may employ
  10. Physics and new ways to blow each other up," and that the game would feature, realistic ,aliens. Terry Coleman of Computer Gaming World predicted that SMAC would be "
  11. Color are like moving paintings or photographs, which are too beautiful to be a, realistic ,depiction of life. Vadim Yukon Tchaikovsky worked in close collaboration with
  12. Amplitude envelope and instantaneous frequency function, creating a, realistic , dynamic sound that changes over time. Theory The concept behind additive
  13. Smoluchowski's 1D model can only qualitatively describe Brownian motion. For a, realistic ,particle undergoing Brownian motion in a fluid many of the assumptions cannot
  14. Film which he shot in a semidocumentary style in early 1944. In order to coax, realistic ,performances from his actresses, the director had them live in a real factory
  15. Odysseus' cunning and shrewd nature quickly won Athena's favor. In the, realistic ,epic mode, however,she largely is confined to aiding him only from afar, as by
  16. Value for many hard problems. * Quantum algorithm: Quantum algorithm run on a, realistic ,model of quantum computation. The term is usually used for those algorithms
  17. Collectively referred to as the avant-garde arts. " By contrast,the, realistic ,attitude, inspired by positivism, from Saint Thomas Aquinas to Anatole France
  18. Is addressed and a position which is both principled and politically, realistic ,is firmly established. We don't hate anyone, especially the mixed race
  19. And Rehab. Some Hindi filmmakers such as Sham Bengal continued to produce, realistic ,Parallel Cinema throughout the 1970s,alongside Mani Paul, Kumar Shaman, Ketan
  20. Artificial joints in her face, neck,and lower body; she is able to demonstrate, realistic ,facial expressions and sing while simultaneously dancing. In South Korea, the
  21. Hope for that part of the world. " The people of Panther (and Taker) remain, realistic ,however:" We are very sure that if they the Taliban come back they will not
  22. To the work of God; thus, it is believed by many that to attempt to depict in a, realistic ,form any animal or person is insolence to God. This tendency has had the effect
  23. Different estimates have been made. Neil Christie considers 150,000 to be a, realistic ,size, a number which would make the Lombards a more numerous force than the
  24. Such singularities, when they are created through the gravitational collapse of, realistic ,matter. This is supported by numerical simulations. Due to the relatively large
  25. The country, the railway. It was the reservoir of living details, the identical, realistic ,presentation of ideas, that saved him from the danger of digressing from the
  26. Involving wealth, romance,or fighting. Unlike the knight, the adventurer was a, realistic ,figure, often lower class or otherwise impoverished, who is forced to make his
  27. Back again. The nipple and areolar region may then be tattooed to produce a, realistic ,color match with the contralateral breast. * Local Tissue Flaps With Use of
  28. Large amounts of memory for the time, sound sampling packages became a, realistic ,proposition. The Microdeal Replay Professional product featured a sound sampler
  29. Their electrochemical activity; such simulations are known as biologically, realistic ,neural networks. On the other hand, it is possible to study algorithms for
  30. That" missile defense systems may be deployed ... that will not pose a, realistic ,threat to the strategic nuclear force of the other side and will not be tested
  31. Film to be created and rendered entirely using 3D graphics. Terms * Photo, realistic ,animation, is used primarily for animation that attempts to resemble real life.
  32. Other titles use different methods: Only Yesterday or Intro take much more, realistic ,approaches, featuring few stylistic exaggerations; Pokémon uses drawings which
  33. The machine's life. At the end, Spectrum 512 and CAD-3D teamed up to produce, realistic ,512-color textured 3D renderings, but processing was slow, and Atari's failure
  34. Notes, was common in silent cinema but became considerably rarer in the more “, realistic ,” sound cinema. Goodwin claims that the wipes in Fashion, for instance
  35. On a complete absence of noise in the system, which is not a biologically, realistic ,assumption. McCulloch and Pitts, though,went on to collaborate in experimental
  36. Field geology lesson, but as launch time approached, these trips became more, realistic , Crews began to wear mock-ups of the backpacks they would carry, and
  37. One of today's most celebrated bead artists, pioneered a movement of highly, realistic ,beaded portraits. His imagery ranges from 19th century Native leaders to pop
  38. Was the first film in which he was able to express himself freely. A gritty, realistic ,story of a doctor who tries to save a gangster (yakuza) with tuberculosis, it
  39. Different from the romanticism followed by her sisters. She wrote in a, realistic , rather than a romantic style. Her novels, like those of her sisters, have
  40. Known in English, somewhat misleadingly, as The Art of Courtly Love, though its, realistic , somewhat cynical tone suggests that it is in some measure an antidote to
  41. Withholding its positions towards the Euro,combining positive and, realistic ,attitudes. Since Bulgarian LEV is anyway bounded to Euro Bulgaria is looking
  42. With atomic particles. While modelling atoms in isolation may not seem, realistic , if one considers atoms in a gas or plasma then the time-scales for atom-atom
  43. The goddess poured ambrosia over your head—out of a ladle," the homely and, realistic ,ladle brings the ineffable moment to ground with a thump. The consumption of
  44. A distribution of different possible \Delta Vs instead of always just one in a, realistic ,situation. Modeling using differential equations The equations governing
  45. Violent, reckless nature—an ending which the publisher insisted would be 'more, realistic ,' and appealing to a U. S. audience. The film adaptation, directed by Stanley
  46. For the government because of corruption. So that expectation is also not, realistic ,at this stage. " In FY 2009,the United States resettled just 328 refugees from
  47. Non-integer Hausdorff dimension. He also emphasized the use of fractals as, realistic ,and useful models of many" rough" phenomena in the real world. Natural
  48. Achieved by English poets such as Shakespeare using iambic pentameters). His, realistic ,use of the meter makes it ideal for both dialogue and soliloquy, as for
  49. Are in countries where political stability is fragile. There is therefore a, realistic ,possibility that its status could decline to Threatened in the near future. As
  50. Often associated with their phobia. In some extreme cases, even a picture or a, realistic ,drawing of a spider can also trigger fear. Arachnophobia may also be touched

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