Examples of the the word, connector , in a Sentence Context
The word ( connector ), is the 8181 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- On the system board, the blue connector on the remote device and the gray, connector ,on the center device) will ground pin 34 of the remote device and connect host
- To directly adapt the smaller CF socket onto the larger ATA connector . The ATA, connector ,specification does not include pins for supplying power to a CF device, so
- Types and is not grounded. Installing the cable backwards (with the black, connector ,on the system board, the blue connector on the remote device and the gray
- Use of software for both Apple DOS and Apple CP/M. The Track star also had a, connector ,allowing use of an actual Apple floppy drive, which enhanced its compatibility
- Include pins for supplying power to a CF device, so power is inserted into the, connector ,from a separate source. CF devices can be designated as master or slave on an
- Macintosh computers with the Apple Display Connector (ADC) have an extra, connector ,which delivers power to the attached display. Additionally, moving cards
- Into an adapter interfacing with the rest of the computer system. The remaining, connector ,(s) plug into drives. ATA's cables have had 40 wires for most of its history
- Use of Parallel ATA declined, and new motherboards had only a single DATA, connector , for up to two DATA devices-typically optical drives-along with (typically)
- Maker. All three connector s are different from one another. The blue (host), connector , has the socket for pin 34 connected to ground inside the connector but not
- Host) connector has the socket for pin 34 connected to ground inside the, connector ,but not attached to any conductor of the cable. Since the old 40 conductors
- Motherboards as Intel's' due to licensing issues surrounding Intel's Slot 1, connector , and instead used a Slot A connector , referenced to the Alpha processor bus.
- Of the cable. The bottom row of contacts are the odd-numbered sockets of the, connector ,(mating with the odd-numbered pins of the receptacle) and attach to the
- Byte 6532 RIOT and TIA * Ports: 2 joystick ports,1 cartridge port,1 expansion, connector , power in, RF output * Sound: TIA video and sound chip, same as the 2600. Only
- Acorn Plus 3 but packaged as a ROM cartridge for the Plus 1 with a disc drive, connector ,at the head. This made it possible to connect a 5¼” floppy disc drive as used
- The slave device goes on the middle connector —the gray one—and the blue, connector ,goes onto the motherboard. So, if there is only one (master) device on the
- Functionally identical to the original Disk II controller but used a different, connector , allowing a single cable to control both drives in the Disk. The Disk was
- Putting the slave device at the end of the cable, and the master in the middle, connector , This arrangement eventually was standardized in later versions. If there is
- And connect host pin 34 through to pin 34 of the center device. The gray center, connector ,omits the connection to pin 28 but connects pin 34 normally, while the black
- Pin 28 of the drive attached to the gray connector will be open. On the black, connector , sockets 28 and 34 are completely normal, so that pins 28 and 34 of the drive
- In the slave device connector , usually simply by omitting the contact from the, connector ,body. Master and slave clarification Although they are in extremely common use
- Ever, criticizing the complexity of the" phone keypad" and the VGA-style, connector , Lack of titles was attributable to two main factors: the Jaguar's
- PCs in 1986. The term Integrated Drive Electronics refers not just to the, connector ,and interface definition, but also to the fact that the drive controller is
- Require 80-conductor cables. Though the number of wires doubled, the number of, connector ,pins and the pinout remain the same as 40-conductor cables, and the external
- Often obstructed, requiring pin 20 to be omitted from the male cable or drive, connector , making it impossible to plug it in the wrong way round; a male connector with
- 1200 baud variation on the Kansas City standard for data encoding),aerial TV, connector ,(RF modulator),composite video and RGB monitor output Quirks Like the BBC
- The other two connector s, it does connect to the common ground bus. On the gray, connector , note that socket 28 is completely missing, so that pin 28 of the drive
- A1010 Floppy drive. Consists of an 3,5" DD, drive unit connected via DB-23, connector , Track-to-track delay is on the order of. The default capacity is. Many clone
- Into whose systems these drives would initially go),they developed the, connector , the signaling protocols, and so on with the goal of remaining software
- Issues surrounding Intel's Slot 1 connector , and instead used a Slot A, connector , referenced to the Alpha processor bus. The Huron was a lower cost and limited
- They could place the games on cartridges essentially for the price of the, connector ,and packaging. In August 1976,Fair child Semiconductor released their own
- Emulation of noise channel supported * I/O ports: Expansion port, tape recorder, connector ,(1200 baud variation on the Kansas City standard for data encoding),aerial
- The cable backwards (with the black connector on the system board, the blue, connector ,on the remote device and the gray connector on the center device) will ground
- Not include the Bitter chip. Included a real-time clock and internal expansion, connector , Some early MEGA 2 had a MEGA 4 main board with half of the me chip places
- Of the cable. The top row of contacts are the even-numbered sockets of the, connector ,(mating with the even-numbered pins of the receptacle) and attach to every
- Looking from the opposite side of the connector ) that socket 34 of the blue, connector ,does not contact any conductor but unlike socket 34 of the other two connector s
- Other than to directly adapt the smaller CF socket onto the larger ATA, connector , The ATA connector specification does not include pins for supplying power to a
- Drive connector , making it impossible to plug it in the wrong way round; a male, connector ,with pin 20 present cannot be used. However, some flash memory drives can use
- Completely normal, so that pins 28 and 34 of the drive attached to the black, connector ,will be connected to the cable. Pin 28 of the black drive reaches pin 28 of the
- End) connector s.; Pin 34 Pin 34 is connected to ground inside the blue, connector ,of an 80 conductor cable but not attached to any conductor of the cable. It is
- In place of the earlier ISA plug-in cards, there was usually only one ATA, connector ,on the board, which could support up to two hard drives. At the time in
- 20 is defined as (mechanical) key and is not used. This socket on the female, connector ,is often obstructed, requiring pin 20 to be omitted from the male cable or
- Uniformly colored 40-wire cable's connector s (commonly all gray). The gray, connector ,on 80-conductor cables has pinned 28 CSL not connected, making it the slave
- Also note (enlarged detail, bottom,looking from the opposite side of the, connector ,) that socket 34 of the blue connector does not contact any conductor but
- Connectors, pin 2 is top left, etc., except that the lower image of the blue, connector ,shows the view from the opposite side, and pin one is at top right. Each
- To cause reflections. Also, cable select is now implemented in the slave device, connector , usually simply by omitting the contact from the connector body. Master and
- 28 is completely missing, so that pin 28 of the drive attached to the gray, connector ,will be open. On the black connector , sockets 28 and 34 are completely normal
- Or arteriovenous, various meanings in medicine Technology *Audio and video, connector , a cable between two devices *Aperture priority, Av (Aperture value) is a
- The connection to pin 28 but connects pin 34 normally, while the black end, connector ,connects both pins 28 and 34 normally. Multiple devices on a cable If two
- 16-bit ISA buses in disguise, the bridge was especially simple in case of an ATA, connector ,being located on an ISA interface card. The integrated controller presented the
- Supports this use of pin 20.; Pin 28 Pin 28 of the gray (slave/middle), connector , of an 80 conductor cable is not attached to any conductor of the cable. It is
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