Examples of the the word, embark , in a Sentence Context

The word ( embark ), is the 6334 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Champion (published in Lagos),the Nigerian states Bayes and Rivers are to, embark ,on the construction of a high-speed rail line to connect Senator, the Bayes
  2. Actions. Ethical discipline also provides the mental stability and freedom to, embark ,upon mental cultivation via meditation. History Early development Certain basic
  3. In 1953 and the seventh in 1954. Following these titles, Inter were to, embark ,upon the best years of their history, affectionately known as the era of La
  4. Towards the end of the 1950s encouraged B-movie producer Hammer Films to, embark ,on their series of influential and wildly successful horror films. Beginning
  5. Was always disappointed at the tendency of his students to go their own way, to, embark , upon fundamental revisions of phenomenology rather than engage in the communal
  6. 18,the Cuban embassy indeed approved the visa, but Oswald did not in fact, embark ,for Cuba. (Eleven days before the assassination of Kennedy, Oswald wrote to
  7. Car marque to launch in its country of origin. This question prompted Toyota to, embark ,on a top-secret project, code-named F1 (“ Flagship One” ). The F1 project
  8. Fanny had a settling effect on Allen; for the remainder of his years he did not, embark ,on many great adventures. The notable exception to this was when land claims by
  9. Monks were to accompany him. Accordingly, he was hurried to Never, made to, embark ,on the Loire, and thus proceed to Nantes. At Tours, he visited the tomb of Saint
  10. 1212–50) of Germany. Like many other rulers, Frederick II had taken an oath to, embark ,for the Holy Land in 1217. But Frederick II hung back, and Honors III
  11. And selling it to government facilities and weapon makers. Superman and Batman, embark ,on a mission to rid Earth of kryptonite, a mission that almost fails when the
  12. Will focus on a new protagonist, Tagiru Akash and his partner Gumdrop who, embark ,on a new journey with Tiki, Shoutmon, Yuu and Daemon along other new comrades
  13. 1825 disfigured his face and slurred his speech. In June 1825,he resolved to, embark ,on an improved version of his Anger of Achilles (also known as the Sacrifice
  14. Proposed to strengthen their alliance systems, quadruple defense spending, and, embark , on an elaborate propaganda campaign to convince the U. S. public to fight this
  15. Gravel surface, excellent for running and biking. Columbia also is preparing to, embark ,on construction of several new bike paths and street bike lanes thanks to a $25
  16. Contracts of their own. It was also during this period that Parton began to, embark ,on a high profile crossover campaign, attempting to aim her music in a more
  17. Later, coming of the heels of the conflict with Hannibal, Rome was preparing to, embark ,on another military mission, this time in Greece. While they would eventually
  18. Had in mind a career in law or diplomacy, but instead Baudelaire decided to, embark ,upon a literary career. His mother later recalled:" Oh, what grief! If Charles
  19. The dogmatism of the schools. " After a few months, Elgar left the solicitor to, embark ,on a musical career, giving piano and violin lessons and working occasionally
  20. Election was annulled, and in light of human rights abuses and the failure to, embark ,on a meaningful democratic transition, the United States imposed numerous
  21. That suggested the U. S. not only" capture or kill Osama bin Laden ", but also, embark ,upon" a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq ". In a
  22. Would be titled, Better Day. In February 2011,Dolly announced that she would, embark ,on the Better Day World Tour on July 17, 2011,with shows in Northern Europe
  23. By certain countries; a system that did not allow Peruvian exporters, embark ,in long-term export-related investments. The technical regulator of
  24. The Volga basin after he destroyed Til, and departed relatively quickly to, embark ,on his campaign in Bulgaria. The permanent conquest of the Volga basin seems to
  25. Erich and Morris, who continued to work collaboratively, that they should, embark ,on writing a novel. Love Medicine In 1984,Erich published the novel Love
  26. The Apostle Paul, though given spiritual authority directly by Christ, did not, embark ,on his apostleship without conferring with those who were apostles before him
  27. Many people still retaining enough knowledge from their childhood to, embark ,on conversations ..." He also notes that in 1777 John Narrow of Marion (
  28. To drink frequently and to contemplate suicide for a while. He finally chose to, embark ,on" an experiment, to find what a single individual could contribute to
  29. HyFttihvZr&sig x11WDJZ-M-mACFmJCF-KKanlHvg&hl en By extension, the term ", embark ," literally means to board the kind of boat called a" baroque ". The long poles
  30. And Left Without a Fortune"—she decided, after only a year as a governess, to, embark , upon a career as an author. This was a radical choice, since,at the time, few
  31. From the opponent’s actions, collectively called. Thus, today it is possible to, embark ,on a similar quest for spiritual enlightenment as followed by the samurai of
  32. The American West from the 1830s to the 1860s. These people had many reasons to, embark ,on this strenuous year-long journey – economic crisis, and later gold strikes
  33. Alvaro did not immediately confront Pizarro for Cuzco, and promptly decided to, embark ,on his new quest for the discovery of the riches of Chile. Discovery of Chile
  34. Funding in their different fields). In early October 2007,Watson was about to, embark ,on a UK book tour to promote the memoir. He was interviewed by Charlotte
  35. Whom he had met on a European tour. The evening before Joy Division were to, embark ,on the American tour, Curtis returned to his home in Macclesfield in order to
  36. Reeds requires years of practice, and the amateur is often well advised not to, embark ,on making his own reeds, ... Orchestral musicians sometimes do this make reeds
  37. After losses to Juventus and Genoa. Despite this setback, Roma would later, embark ,on an incredible unbeaten streak of 24 matches in the league – with the last of
  38. Leaving his villa in Format in a litter going to the seaside where he hoped to, embark ,on a ship destined for Macedonia. When the assassins – Harris (a centurion
  39. Circus purposely re-enacted and shot for film.: King Arthur and his knights, embark ,on a low-budget search for the Holy Grail, encountering humorous obstacles
  40. Show with Jay Leno. Following the festival shows, the band was scheduled to, embark ,on a full U. S. tour in July, but was postponed to fall 2010 due to the bands
  41. Follow-up album to Minutes to Midnight. However, he stated the band will first, embark ,on a United States tour to gather inspiration for the album. A Thousand Suns (
  42. Suicide Silence, Warbringer, and Uranium. In January 2010,Megadeath was set to, embark ,on the" American Carnage" tour with Slayer and Testament, both giants of the
  43. U. S. The engines had to be dismantled, loaded on a ship, which would, embark ,on a four-month journey that went around South America's Cape Horn until
  44. Regular season Following the preseason, each of the thirty-two teams, embark ,on a seventeen-week, sixteen-game schedule, with the extra week consisting of a
  45. Becomes a true belief. But at the very next moment, when the hearer is about to, embark ,upon the venture of knowing whether he knows p, doubts may arise. " If, in some
  46. 1974,between production on the third and fourth seasons, the group decided to, embark ,on their first" proper" feature film, containing entirely new material. Monty
  47. A Led Zeppelin reunion. In early 2008 Jimmy Page stated that he was prepared to, embark ,upon a world tour with Led Zeppelin, but due to Robert Plant's tour
  48. He and President Arroyo issued a joint statement expressing their commitment to, embark ,upon a multi-year plan to implement the JDA recommendations. The Philippine
  49. Of Iranian soil had been liberated to accept the Iraqi ceasefire offer rather, embark ,upon an invasion that was likely to take a heavy toll on Iran's youth and with
  50. A specific character to play instead of a military formation. These characters, embark ,upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. A Dungeon Master serves as

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