Examples of the the word, brad , in a Sentence Context
The word ( brad ), is the 6332 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Twist drill bit which is optimized for drilling in wood. It is also called the, brad ,point bit or dwelling bit. Conventional twist drill bits tend to wander when
- Mariano, tammy Baumann, brad Gordon, mary bones, ratsy, duckman, nate and Vito, brad ,Gordon, shu LAN than, kia Kármán, ashley/Amy/Brigitte, petra Baden and brad
- Hadn’t been born: brad Gordon, jeff gross, scott and set hat acoustic live, brad ,Gordon, miles Eastman. Little Pawnee front, matt Mariano, tammy Baumann, brad
- In English. Less obvious situations are described below. ** most tree names: ", brad ," (fir)," star" ( oak)," Esteban" ( birch),but some are feminine:
- Individuals may be made as follows personhasSon→man. Abrahamson→>. Married (, brad , Angelina). This defines that" the son of a person is a man "," Maddox and
- Skuia as a Damian word for fir-tree, strengthening the possibility that, brad ,may be an Syrian word for this tree. # The numerous Rom. Substratum words
- Paper, it is common to see scripts in the UK held together by a single, brad ,punched in the top left-hand corner. This makes it easy to flip from page to
- Is rapidly gaining ground as users find that it leaves a much smaller hole than, brad ,nails, thereby eliminating the time normally taken to fill holes while at the
- Is warranted and not the tape itself. Air tools These include: compressors, brad ,jailers, air ratchets, die grinders, paint sprayers, Lucy Suns, etc. Tool and
- Hidden straps couldn't be cut without the armor being penetrated, and the, brad ,straps did not require continuous mending, and the straps were stiffer and more
- An Irish word meaning robbing or pilfering). Alternatively, the Welsh word ", brad ," (treachery or deceit) could have been coupled with the Irish" -ACH "
- Modern descendant of the ancient Syrian language. A possible example is Rom., brad ,(" fir-tree" ), Alb. Cognate Brad (same meaning). Duridanov has
- Sounding and looking the way it does, if the following people hadn’t been born:, brad ,Gordon, jeff gross, scott and set hat acoustic live, brad Gordon, miles Eastman
- Individuals may be defined in F-logic as follows man: :person. Woman: :person., brad ,: man. Angelina: woman. This states, that " men and women are people" and that
- Brad Gordon, shu LAN than, kia Kármán, ashley/Amy/Brigitte, petra Baden and, brad ,Gordon, and brad Gordon. I would not be who I am or where I am if these fine
- Brother (or maybe just a serious lack of self-worth). The time and energy, brad ,Gordon put into this project is certainly notable, but the adventure and
- Owning big hearts and the finest establishment in Hollywood),Hailey Briana, brad ,Gordon, jason Pippin, tammy Baumann, greg Cohen (thanks for your time and
- To failure. Meanwhile, Tex,already delayed by removing the subfloor, inserts, brad , nails to secure his vinyl flooring and carpet, earning another failure.
- Allows for a figure inside the frame to raise and lower her arm by means of a, brad ,attached through the backing, letting the sword she is holding move up and down
- Brad Gordon, miles Eastman. Little Pawnee front, matt Mariano, tammy Baumann, brad ,Gordon, mary bones, ratsy, duckman, nate and Vito, brad Gordon, shu LAN than
- Size up is the 18 gauge (1.22 mm diameter) fixing, often referred to as a ", brad ,nail ". These fastenings are also used to fix moldings but can be used in the
- Which continued to grow and now also includes glue guns, rivet tools, and, brad , nailers. __NOT__ Gina Rude Maleniecka is a rural Gina (administrative
- Faith lines. History Toponymy The name Bradford is derived from the Old English, brad ,and ford the broad ford which referred to a crossing of the Bradford Beck at
- Origin has been proposed for several Roms. Substratum words e.g. Blair, brad ,(" fir-tree" ). # About 160 of the Romanian substratum words have cognates in
- Of about 2° or 2½°. *The binary degree, also known as the binary radian (or, brad ,), is 1/256 of a turn. The binary degree is used in computing so that an angle
- The troublemakers, my extraordinary band, my mama and papa, dana b, MW, brad , gordon, jordan burger, sir Gary Jules, max and mark oat the hotel café, cary
- Or patterns based on traditional Navajo rugs. Name AR/> His blending of, brad ,angles and cultural elements produced a distinctive Southwestern style of
- Give a resolution of 216 = 65536 distinct angles. Binary degree, binary radian, brad ,A related unit of angular measure equal to of a circle, represented by 8 bits
- And thus allows fastening without splitting, even close to edges. * floor, brad ,(aka 'stings' ) - flat, tapered and angular, for use in fixing floor boards *
- Mae hen faith y Camry for few AG period, Ni muddied yr Owen an recall law, brad , Na then Bassanio FY glad. (Cyan - Chorus) Translations The following
- Lan than, kia Kármán, ashley/Amy/Brigitte, petra Baden and brad Gordon, and, brad , gordon. I would not be who I am or where I am if these fine people hadn’t
- Like its smaller predecessors, with orifices for basins and fitted with a, brad ,shelf-like stretcher upon which the jugs were placed when they were removed
- Reviews * – Review of the 2006 Indian subcontinent edition. A brass fastener, brad , or split pin is a stationery item used for securing multiple sheets of paper
- Lawn, was established in the early 20th century. It was originally home to a, brad ,factory,a wirework and a ball bearing factory. Sightseeing * Closer
- Two strips of metal laid one on top of the other and joined in the center by a, brad ,or screw. When the two pieces are turned perpendicular to each other it forms a
- Prior to the invention of plywood. Today, nail up panels can be easily, brad ,nailed or hand nailed, into plywood without the need for the original furring
- Up, tears up his existing subfloor before starting, but makes the mistake of, brad ,nailing wall paneling on his floor, and as a result fails. Charmaine also
- A turn into 32 points. The binary degree, also known as the binary radian (or, brad ,), is 1/256 turn. The binary degree is used in computing so that an angle can
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