Examples of the the word, pronunciation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pronunciation ), is the 8889 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Above example of" library" in full pronunciation , but " library" in short, pronunciation , The restriction on final long vowels does not apply to the spoken dialects
  2. It is important in descriptions of" Arabic" phonology to distinguish between, pronunciation ,of a given colloquial (spoken) dialect and the pronunciation of MSA by these
  3. Arabic has, normally use when speaking MSA. Of Persian Gulf is the only, pronunciation ,which isn't pronounced in MSA, but instead. Another example: Many colloquials
  4. Often used in ways similar to a Romanization system—that is, for aiding in, pronunciation ,and as an input method for Chinese characters on computers and cell phones.
  5. Varieties with this vowel harmony tend to introduce it into their MSA, pronunciation ,as well, but usually with a lesser degree of spreading than in the colloquial
  6. In two directions: a writer could predict the spelling of a word given its, pronunciation , and a speaker could predict the pronunciation of a word given its spelling.
  7. And verbs. The following levels of pronunciation exist: Full pronunciation Full, pronunciation ,with Paula This is the most formal level actually used in speech. All endings
  8. Other languages, notice that transliteration mainly indicates spelling not real, pronunciation ,(e.g. " Film" or" democracy" ). However, the current preference is to
  9. Each phoneme of Standard Italian is represented in only one way. However, pronunciation ,cannot always be predicted from spelling in cases of irregular syllabic stress.
  10. Arabic Although Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is a unitary language, its, pronunciation , varies somewhat from country to country and from region to region within a
  11. These rules are successful most of the time; rules to predict spelling from the, pronunciation ,have a higher failure rate. Sometimes, countries have the written language
  12. Colloquial pronunciation s. Specifically: *All the rules for formal short, pronunciation ,apply, except as follows. *The past tense singular endings written formally as
  13. Forming part of the formal paradigm of nouns and verbs. The following levels of, pronunciation ,exist: Full pronunciation with Paula This is the most formal
  14. Varieties, e. g. Speakers whose native variety has either or will use the same, pronunciation ,when speaking MSA, even speakers from Cairo, whose native Egyptian Arabic has
  15. T -t -ti. But masculine is pronounced in full. *Unlike in formal short, pronunciation , the rules for dropping or modifying final endings are also applied when a
  16. Object or possessive suffix is added (e.g. " Us/our" ). Informal short, pronunciation ,This is the pronunciation used by speakers of Modern Standard Arabic in
  17. The word adobe has existed for around 4000 years, with little change in either, pronunciation ,or meaning: the word can be traced from the Middle Egyptian (c. 2000 BC) word
  18. Provided a significant number of new words, and have sometimes also influenced, pronunciation ,or word order; however, a much more significant factor for most dialects is, as
  19. Lack much correspondence between spelling and pronunciation , but its rules on, pronunciation ,are actually consistent and predictable with a fair degree of accuracy. At the
  20. In accents with no emphatic allophones of /a/ (e.g. in the Hijab),the, pronunciation ,occurs in all situations. Consonants See Arabic alphabet for explanations on
  21. Astrology, from February 15 to March 14. Notes is the Japanese abbreviated, pronunciation ,of" animation ". The definition sometimes changes depending on the context. In
  22. Allophones, but the differences are less great than for the low vowels. The, pronunciation ,of short and tends towards and in many dialects. The definition of both "
  23. Of irregular syllabic stress. In standard Spanish, it is possible to tell the, pronunciation ,of a word from its spelling, but not vice versa; this is because certain
  24. Book "," writer "," desk "," desks "," library" ( but" library" in short, pronunciation ,), ( Modern Standard Arabic) " they wrote" ( dialect),(Modern Standard
  25. H is usually omitted. ) Formal short pronunciation This is a formal level of, pronunciation ,sometimes seen. It is somewhat like pronouncing all words as if they were in
  26. Nonetheless, there are some common trends. Most noticeable is the differing, pronunciation ,of and, which tend towards fronted, or in most situations, but a back in the
  27. Such as" us, our ", due to the deletion of final short vowels. ) In surface, pronunciation , every vowel must be preceded by a consonant (which may include the glottal
  28. Between pronunciation of a given colloquial (spoken) dialect and the, pronunciation ,of MSA by these same speakers. Although they are related, they are not the same
  29. Arabic occur in only two places: at the end of the sentence (due to causal, pronunciation ,), and in words such as" hot "," stuff, substance "," they disputed with
  30. Nouns) is pronounced as h. (At least, this is the case in extremely formal, pronunciation , e.g. some Quranic recitations. In practice, this h is usually omitted. )
  31. Light; and in longer words, the final syllable cannot be stressed. ) Levels of, pronunciation ,The final short vowels (e.g. the case endings -a -i -u and mood endings -u -a
  32. Long vowels. There are also two diphthongs: and. As mentioned above,the, pronunciation ,of the vowels differs from speaker to speaker, in way that tends to echo the
  33. To follow the eastern phonology. It is this phonology that underlies the modern, pronunciation ,of Classical Arabic. The phonological differences between these two dialects
  34. Quranic recitations. In practice, this h is usually omitted. ) Formal short, pronunciation ,This is a formal level of pronunciation sometimes seen. It is somewhat like
  35. Or no vowel) to be supplied by the native speaker. These glyphs were used as, pronunciation ,guides for logo grams, to write grammatical inflections, and,later, too
  36. At varying levels. Even English has general, albeit complex, rules that predict, pronunciation ,from spelling, and these rules are successful most of the time; rules to
  37. word, it was borrowed from, but silences it. Otherwise, according to Thai, pronunciation ,rules, the word might be pronounced more like" bean ". * Pronunciation of
  38. Could predict the pronunciation of a word given its spelling. However,the, pronunciation ,of a language often evolves independently of its writing system, and writing
  39. Of the vowels differs from speaker to speaker, in way that tends to echo the, pronunciation ,of the corresponding colloquial variety. Nonetheless, there are some commons
  40. Of the Arabic diacritic mark, which indicates doubled consonants. In actual, pronunciation , doubled consonants are held twice as long as short consonants. This consonant
  41. Suffix is added (e.g. " Us/our" ). Informal short pronunciation This is the, pronunciation ,used by speakers of Modern Standard Arabic in extemporaneous speech,i.e. when
  42. In vocalized spelling, a small diacritic is added on top of the to indicate the, pronunciation , One exception may be in the pre-Islamic Bad inscription, where it ends with
  43. Vowels and elision, may seem to lack much correspondence between spelling and, pronunciation , but its rules on pronunciation are actually consistent and predictable with a
  44. Sudanese and Yemeni dialects, it may be either or, representing the original, pronunciation ,of Classical Arabic. Foreign words containing may be transcribed with, or
  45. Where they are not pronounced, as in the above example of" library" in full, pronunciation , but" library" in short pronunciation . The restriction on final long vowels
  46. Paradigm of nouns and verbs. The following levels of pronunciation exist: Full, pronunciation ,Full pronunciation with Paula This is the most formal level actually used in
  47. Rather than simply reading a prepared text. It is similar to formal short, pronunciation ,except that the rules for dropping final vowels apply even when a critic suffix
  48. Is now being taught to Hui. Sounds It is important to distinguish between the, pronunciation ,of the" formal" Literary Arabic (usually specifically Modern Standard Arabic
  49. The spelling of a word given its pronunciation , and a speaker could predict the, pronunciation ,of a word given its spelling. However, the pronunciation of a language often
  50. Egypt and some regions in Yemen and Oman. Generally this corresponds with the, pronunciation ,in the colloquial dialects. In some regions in Sudan and Yemen, as well as in

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