Examples of the the word, summon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( summon ), is the 8892 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Salisbury sui juris. He took great care not to address the baronage, or, summon , Parliament,until after his coronation. Almost immediately afterwards, he
  2. Simultaneously writing to Bonifacio, warning him that Placid was about to, summon ,him for no good reason in order to put him away. Bonifacio, trusting the
  3. Arrogance grow even faster than his skill and, in his hubris, he attempts to, summon ,a dead spirit - a perilous spell which goes awry. The shadow seizes the chance
  4. Who were responsible for creating the land of Work. If the player tried to, summon ,the Implementers, the game would suddenly produce a vision of Dave Le bling and
  5. Providing" counsel ", so that if the lord faced a major decision he would, summon ,all his vassals and hold a council. At the level of the manor this might be a
  6. Off both Ebirah's claws and causing it to retreat into the sea. The natives, summon ,Mithra to save everyone, however,Godzilla challenges Mithra when she gets to
  7. Hanoi in the late 19th century *Black flag, one of the racing flags used to, summon ,drivers to the pits *He I Been Eng Chen Lungful, AKA Black Flag Wing Chen, a
  8. Hubbard collaborated on the" Babylon Working ", a sex magic ritual intended to, summon ,an incarnation of Babylon, the Mother of Abominations. It was undertaken over
  9. Gathered an estimated 10,000 fighters while the AFL, splintering,could only, summon ,2,000. The revolt reached Monrovia by July 1990,and General Dubai left the
  10. The Bastardy Laws Amendment Acts of 1872 and 1873. The mother of a bastard may, summon ,the putative father to petty sessions within 12 months of the birth (or at any
  11. 7,2003,the war tribunal Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) decided to, summon ,Charles Taylor and charge him with war crimes and crimes against humanity, but
  12. Literally" boy" or" male servant "; sometimes used by English speakers to, summon ,the attention of a male waiter (has a playful connotation in English but is
  13. Strategy, and inspects and approves the Mayor's budget. It is able to, summon ,the Mayor and senior staff to account for TfL's performance. London
  14. Tools and characters that allow them to do things like teleport to players, summon ,items, and browse logs that record players' activities. Game masters in Mud
  15. It was undertaken over several nights in February and March 1946 in order to, summon ,an" elemental" who would participate in further sex magic. As Richard Metzger
  16. Army was too small to be used, so Washington invoked the Militia Act of 1792 to, summon ,militias from Pennsylvania, Virginia,Maryland and New Jersey. The governors
  17. She would not return to the king unless he was pleased enough with her to, summon ,her again by name. For his wife and queen, King Chasers chose Esther, an
  18. Class but with noticeably less direct-damage spell power. They are able to, summon ,strong elemental pets, viz. Earth, Water,Air, and Fire, each with unique
  19. The fire school of magic. * Necromancer: These" masters of death" are able to, summon , buff, and heal powerful undead pets and use poison, magic,fire, and disease
  20. I Samuel 28:3-19 AJV),in which a disguised King Saul has the Witch of Vendor, summon ,the spirit/ghost of Samuel. In the New Testament, Jesus has to persuade the
  21. Of alchemy believed that the philosopher's stone might be used to, summon ,and communicate with angels. In the 17th century, practical alchemy started to
  22. Join in. He would often sleep until evening in his dacha, and after waking up, summon ,high-ranking Soviet politicians to watch foreign movies with him in the Kremlin
  23. Was agreed. War becomes inevitable. The battle at Kurukshetra The two sides, summon ,vast armies to their help, and line up at Kurukshetra for a war. The Kingdoms
  24. Amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms and divination and also how to, summon ,or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits,and demons. In many
  25. Level 34. Eventually - Shadow Knights are able to summon a weak skeleton pet, summon ,players' corpses who are in the same zone as them, and cast the spell feign
  26. Was considered the overlord of south Britain by Charlemagne. That Off could, summon ,the resources to build Offa's Dyke is testament to his power. However, a
  27. Times than clerics or druids. They wear" chain mail" levels of armor, and can, summon ,a pet. Because of the range of Shaman's spells, they are sometimes considered
  28. Janus took the alias of Magus and gained a cult of followers while plotting to, summon ,and kill Laos in revenge for the death of his sister, Schala. As Crono's
  29. XII then sent representatives to Constance, whom he granted full powers to, summon , open and preside over an Ecumenical Council; he also empowered them to present
  30. Provincial courts. For example, in BC, Justice of Peace can only issue, summon ,to the offender for Contempt, for which will be dealt with by a judge, even if
  31. Summoning and dissolving the legislature A head of state is often empowered to, summon ,and dissolve the country's legislature. In most parliamentary systems, this is
  32. Of the historical chronicles (the Gun You),nine sets of five beats would, summon ,an ally to battle, while nine sets of three beats, sped up three or four times
  33. Spells. Necromancers are able to feign death, snare enemies, and, summon , players ' corpses in-zone. They have a combination of skills and abilities
  34. A werewolf tribe in the role playing game Dark Ages: Werewolf *A recurring, summon ,from the Final Fantasy series, appearing in Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy IX
  35. Of the lay elders and the ministers. The city government retained the power to, summon ,persons before the court, and the Consistory could judge only ecclesiastical
  36. For Fichte, is the existence of other rational subjects. These others call or, summon ,(former AUF) the subject or self out of its unconsciousness and into an
  37. Quest. One of these was a summon ing spell, which the player needed to use to, summon ,certain characters at different parts of the game. At one point the game
  38. System is where a seizure response dog, a form of service dog, is trained to, summon ,help or ensure personal safety when a seizure occurs. These are not suitable
  39. For raising the army, and only upon its consent was the king able to, summon ,soldiers. The impact of Visigothic rule was not widely felt on society at large
  40. Fighting. The only way to defeat her was to capture her before she could, summon ,her armies, which included elvish warriors. They are also found in the
  41. Is unable to learn until level 34. Eventually - Shadow Knights are able to, summon ,a weak skeleton pet, summon players' corpses who are in the same zone as them
  42. Over the South Sea Bubble. English Tories out in their constituencies were to, summon ,their kinsmen, friends and tenants to secure their localities and march on
  43. Criticism, meaning both the fact that words and signs can never fully, summon ,forth what they mean, but can only be defined through appeal to additional
  44. Enraged Dole. Reagan supported the reforms at Dole's request, causing Kemp to, summon ,allies to meetings to stop the act, which eventually passed in 1982. Dole
  45. Is found to be non-violent, an inquest is unnecessary. Juries A coroner must, summon ,a jury for an inquest if the death occurred in prison or in police custody, or
  46. At Marathon. In order to face the Persians in battle, the Athenians had had to, summon ,all available hollies;) Since the Athenians seem to have taken up a strong
  47. English as" wing" or" flank ". The instrument was used on the battlefield to, summon ,the flanks of an army. Structure and variants The flügelhorn is built in the
  48. Mod rods, which allow players to convert their health into MANA. Magicians can, summon ,party members to different parts of a zone with the Call of the Hero spell
  49. 1939,the ensuing crisis in Czech-Slovak relations was used as a pretext to, summon ,the Czechoslovak President Emil Dacha to Berlin over his" failure" to keep
  50. Rez" ( Resurrect - any of several spells or abilities cast on a corpse to, summon ,the player to it, often restoring lost experience points). " Crack" or" mind

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