Examples of the the word, tub , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tub ), is the 8907 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Heating process. The open, bath-type Annmarie heats via a small, hot-water, tub , ( or" bath" ), and the vapour-type Annmarie heats with scalding-hot steam.
  2. The mixing is done with a hanging, which is a round, flat-bottom wooden, tub ,or barrel, and a wooden paddle (Shoji). Sushi rice is prepared with
  3. Her neighbor, Mr. Todd, a barber. At one point Love provides him with a large, tub ,of ground meat for his recipe of shepherd's pie and is evasive about what type
  4. Political poetry. Quotation: My doll Janie has no waist: and her body is like a, tub ,with feet on it.: Sometimes I beat her: but I always kiss her afterwards.: When
  5. And Tube are separate graphics programs that can open tub e files (., tub ,) and save them as. png files for use in other programs. License Management
  6. Set tools which are placed over the workpiece and struck. Slack tub A slack, tub ,is usually a large container full of water, brine,or oil used by a blacksmith
  7. Screen printing, basket weaving, sweat lodge, water slides, human pyramid, hot, tub , Frisbee golf, spear throwing, Kubb competition, bingo,communal organic
  8. To the dive site and back to its underwater home. Other wrecks include the fish, tub ,Neal H. Dow (1910),the Elder ado" steamer-cum-barge" ( 1880),Incidentally
  9. The cave and AME no Azure danced an erotic dance, stamping her feet on a wooden, tub , The gods laughed and cheered loudly, and the noise provoked Amaterasu to come
  10. Jeepneys were built from Jeeps by lengthening and widening the rear ", tub ," of the vehicle, allowing more passengers to ride. Over the years, Jeepneys
  11. Tobe" mud brick. " This evolved into Arabic album (الطّوب all" the" +, tub ," brick" )" mud brick," which was assimilated into Old Spanish as adobe
  12. Also be locked into an" undead" state, by blocking them from exiting a hot, tub ,or bed, where they will remain to interact with other players, despite having
  13. women's equality," the lords must wash the dishes, scour up, be put to the, tub , handle the broom, darn stockings. " Further conventions Signers of the
  14. Its density. While taking a bath, he noticed that the level of the water in the, tub ,rose as he got in, and realized that this effect could be used to determine the
  15. In March 1966 and set the fastest time at the Le Mans trials that year. The, tub ,weighed only, and the entire car weighed only, less than the Mk II. It was
  16. Also used with set tools which are placed over the workpiece and struck. Slack, tub ,A slack tub is usually a large container full of water, brine,or oil used by a
  17. Further fried in cooking oil or butter (known as Fried rice),or beaten in a, tub ,to make mocha. Rice is a good source of protein and a staple food in many parts
  18. Conditions and considerations. A simple water garden may consist solely of a, tub ,containing the water and plant (s). Container gardening
  19. As the tap runs water (analogous to the emission of carbon dioxide) into the, tub ,faster than water escapes through the plughole (the natural removal of carbon
  20. The tub e system originated with PSP Pro version 5. Native tub e files may be in., tub , Psp, Pspimage, and. Psp tub e formats. View, IrfanView, and Tube are
  21. Their approach to birthing by adding private birthing areas, often with a hot, tub ,(which is good for relieving pain without medication). Privatization
  22. Assyrian kings from the 7th and 8th centuries, as the ships in these images are, tub ,shaped (gallon) and have horse heads on the ends of them (hippo). It is
  23. Basic, which rapidly cools the workpiece in a large body of water. The slack, tub ,also provides water to control the fire in the forge. Types of forges
  24. Product range Jar varieties * Mar mite 600g – (Catering size, in a plastic, tub ,rather than the normal glass jar) * Mar mite Love portions (6 x 8g) – (sold
  25. They would embark on adventures based in the bathroom, like water-skiing in the, tub , or rescuing friends caught in the drain. Episodes were generally a couple of
  26. Against allowing too much contact with hot tub or pool water, or soaking in a, tub ,for the first two weeks. This is to prevent the tattoo ink from washing out or
  27. Being transferred between cups based on the roll of a die, or dipping into a, tub ,of colored beads with a scoop. Payment and Securities Settlement System
  28. Arc valve. The device is enclosed in a bulbous glass vessel or large metal, tub , One electrode, the cathode, is submerged in a pool of liquid mercury at the
  29. Conditions and considerations. A simple water garden may consist solely of a, tub ,containing the water and plant (s). In aquaplaning, a garden is created
  30. Degradation. * On 13 September 2007,a group of 20 people set up a hot, tub ,at the summit. * On 29 May 2009,Olympic snowboarding gold medalist Marine Ruby
  31. Identification of Arabian navies) noting that the only match for the" old, tub ," with one funnel and two masts was the El Square. Meadows claims he never sent
  32. With new work items such as the runway and leisure items such as the mud bath, tub , Superstar includes a new destination called" Studio Town" in which celebrity
  33. Removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere),then the level of water in the, tub ,(analogous to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) will
  34. With a fire made of shavings, Gray climbed down the rope but landed in a, tub ,of water which had been placed below his window. Image: Cavendish Henry
  35. Lorry arrive and Stan realizes his unreliable watch he received out of the bran, tub ,told him the wrong time. They jump in the skip and retrieve the bag, which
  36. For a party of four for bathing and washing clothes. A washboard and, tub ,was usually brought for washing clothes. Wash days typically occurred once or
  37. Dawg and my hide is worth money. Hit me if you dare! Ah'll wash yo ', tub ,uh 'gator guts and DAT quick. " Several of Hurston's literary contemporaries
  38. Was occupied by the apartment DES gains, which included a sunken octagonal, tub ,with hot and cold running water. The king’s brother and sister-in-law, the duke
  39. Claiming that he twisted her breast when she refused to join him in the hot, tub , She also described cocaine use to authorities. A six person 11 hour search of
  40. Which was collected in a special wooden vat and given to the poor. This vat or, tub ,is still on display in College Hall. ) Each Officer, in addition to his
  41. Breathe '. Many tattooists advise against allowing too much contact with hot, tub ,or pool water, or soaking in a tub for the first two weeks. This is to prevent
  42. Damage that cannot be felt and numbing the pain that can. One may step into the, tub ,to relieve sore calves, quads,hams, and connective tissues from hips to toes
  43. Lighter than the Redstone's. The second and third stages were clustered in a ", tub ," atop the vehicle. The second stage was an outer ring of eleven scaled-down
  44. By Ollie Prefects (All: Prey:),which literally translates as" prefect of, tub ,". (This is the revival of an ancient office, which was suppressed in the 19th
  45. It around the world. Ice cream was made by hand in a large bowl placed inside a, tub ,filled with ice and salt. This was called the pot-freezer method. French
  46. A heat exchanger to be cooled. The heat exchanger consists of tub ing inside a, tub ,of cold water. It is very important to quickly cool the wort to a level where
  47. One common game is dunking or apple bobbing, in which apples float in a, tub ,or a large basin of water and the participants must use their teeth to remove
  48. Which the participants have sex underwater, such as in a swimming pool or a hot, tub ,.; Double penetration: When a person is entered or penetrated in the vagina
  49. Packs, Hot Date also adds a variety of items such as the heart-shaped hot, tub , cuddle swings, and items used to build eateries and shops. New characters such
  50. Charters on a field trip for Folkways Records. The sound of the washboard and, tub ,bass, however,lasted well into the 1940s as an integral part of the" Bluebird

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