Examples of the the word, incorrectly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incorrectly ), is the 8901 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Through the use of a blue card and can be caused by protesting or behaving, incorrectly , attacking an opponent violently or stopping the ball incorrectly to get an
  2. Around 400 BC and mentioned a well and a garden beneath the inscription. He, incorrectly ,concluded that the inscription had been dedicated" by Queen Semiramis of
  3. The Supreme Court applied this standard, it found that the Court of Appeals had, incorrectly ,determined the presence of a disability because it relied solely on her
  4. Marc Almond's all-time favorite songs, he had never read the lyrics and thus, incorrectly ,sang" What'll it be,what'll it be, you and me" instead of" Falling free
  5. Included such items as faulty emergency slides, improper engine coatings, incorrectly ,drilled holes and other examples of shoddy workmanship. The most serious
  6. Because BC is the English abbreviation for Before Christ, it is sometimes, incorrectly ,concluded that AD means After Death, i. e., after the death of Jesus. If that
  7. Example, Edward Granville Browne claims that the following Persian verses are, incorrectly ,attributed to Omar Khayyam, and were originally written by In Sing:
  8. 92:10 and Isaiah 34:7) is occasionally associated with the aurochs and has, incorrectly ,been translated as" unicorn" in the past (The International Standard Bible
  9. Disarmingly simple riff that turns foreboding. " Recording This album has been, incorrectly ,cited as being recorded digitally into Protocols. This album was recorded to a
  10. Or variants thereof. Radio amateurs casually call ITA2 and variants" Ballot ", incorrectly , and even the American Radio Relay League's Amateur Radio Handbook does so
  11. Or behaving incorrectly , attacking an opponent violently or stopping the ball, incorrectly ,to get an advantage. The third time a player receives a penalty, it will be a
  12. Misconception is that anode polarity is always positive (+). This is often, incorrectly ,inferred from the correct fact that in all electrochemical devices negatively
  13. This is also what makes the boomerang fly straight up into the air when thrown, incorrectly , Except long-distance boomerangs, they should not be thrown
  14. Finally,Othen's son Both killed Other. Other, Balder,Other and Thor were, incorrectly ,considered to be gods. Utrecht Inscription A Latin votive inscription from
  15. For the ethnicity of the performer, and even that was sometimes documented, incorrectly ,by record companies. Though musicologists can now attempt to define“ the blues
  16. And, in particular, temazepam are sometimes used intravenously, which,if done, incorrectly ,or in an unsterile manner, can lead to medical complications including
  17. That characters outside the printable ASCII range (32 to 126) usually appear, incorrectly , This presents few problems for English-speaking users, but other languages
  18. In Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay),Maharashtra, India. The term is often, incorrectly ,used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; it is only a part of the total
  19. Advantages over use of a" live" edged weapon, it is still deadly if used, incorrectly , and any training with a broken/bout should be done with due care and
  20. Of the" three-legged stool" of scripture, reason,and tradition is often, incorrectly ,attributed to Hooker. Rather Hooker's description is a hierarchy of authority
  21. Effectiveness rates are of all condom users, including those who use condoms, incorrectly ,or do not use condoms at every act of intercourse. Rates are generally
  22. Except, of course, the language" ( The Canterville Ghost,1888). Henry Sweet, incorrectly ,predicted in 1877 that within a century American English, Australian English
  23. Agree with the AME usage and use pants to refer to trousers; this is often, incorrectly ,considered an Americanism by people from elsewhere in Britain. The word pants
  24. Cooled computers and generally shorten component lifespan. Overclocking, incorrectly ,performed, may also cause component temperatures to rise so quickly that they
  25. While more than 90 % are literate in the Arabic alphabet; total literacy is, incorrectly ,estimated at 62.5 %. Comoran has no native script, but both Arabic and Latin
  26. Were found on this site. The modern history of Babelsberg, which is often, incorrectly ,compared with that of the 3rd century Roman Castro (military outpost) of
  27. Hound, Barutzy Hound, Shalgar Hound, Kabul Hound, Galanday Hound, or sometimes, incorrectly ,African Hound. Description Appearance The Afghan Hound is tall, standing in
  28. Were victorious! )),whereupon he promptly died of exhaustion. Most accounts, incorrectly ,attribute this story to Herodotus; actually, the story first appears in
  29. And not limited to physical appearance. Throughout history, they have been, incorrectly ,labeled as Black Caribs. When the British took over Saint Vincent after the
  30. Characters in place of some control codes. The consequence of choosing, incorrectly ,is that characters outside the printable ASCII range (32 to 126) usually
  31. AGP Pro card. It is important to check voltage compatibility as some cards, incorrectly ,have dual notches and some motherboards incorrectly have fully open slots.
  32. Depending on the light source) red secondary hues. Green quartz is sometimes, incorrectly ,called green amethyst, which is an actual misnomer and not an acceptable name
  33. The oil sands of Alberta, Canada are a similar material. Bitumen is sometimes, incorrectly ,called" tar" ( tar is a black viscous material obtained from the destructive
  34. And/or the prosecutor can make an appeal on the basis that the verdict was, incorrectly ,reasoned. On the other hand, in an adversarial system, neither defense nor
  35. For perjury (2001) * Edwina Carrie resigns as a junior Health minister for, incorrectly ,claiming that millions of British eggs were infected with salmonella, stating
  36. Have fully open slots. Furthermore, some poorly designed older 3.3 V cards, incorrectly ,have the 1.5 V key. Inserting a card into a slot that does not support the
  37. Unvalidated interventions used until the 19th century, as many diseases were, incorrectly ,thought to be due to an excess of blood, according to Hippocratic medicine.
  38. Mechanisms do not involve cell-to-cell contact. Bacterial conjugation is often, incorrectly ,regarded as the bacterial equivalent of sexual reproduction or mating since it
  39. Was also interested in the phenomenon of senescence, or aging. He claimed, incorrectly ,that all cells continued to grow indefinitely, and this became a dominant view
  40. Popper did not argue against the existence of everyday conspiracies (as, incorrectly ,suggested in much of the later literature). Popper even uses the term "
  41. When many Linux users were banned after an update to Warden caused it to, incorrectly ,detect Ceded as a cheat program. Blizzard issued a statement claiming they had
  42. And brought it to the attention of Western European scholars. His party, incorrectly ,came to the conclusion that it was Christian in origin. French General Marianne
  43. Was meant as a Latin translation of the German term or, which was (possibly, incorrectly ,) interpreted as literally meaning" primeval ox" or" protocol ". This
  44. To also occur in the eye, Regarding the process of image formation, he, incorrectly , agreed with Avicenna that the lens was the receptive organ of sight, but
  45. Is generally resolved according to the context. A mishearing of such, based on, incorrectly ,resolved ambiguity, is called a nondegree. Semantic ambiguity arises when a
  46. Wyoming—which, because of discrepancies including the size difference, Marsh, incorrectly , identified as belonging to an entirely new genus and species. He dubbed the new
  47. And works on civil law. Defender of Law and Tradition (Great and others have, incorrectly , En Duran): Leader of the opposition to the rationalism of the Mai monists in
  48. Compatibility as some cards incorrectly have dual notches and some motherboards, incorrectly ,have fully open slots. Furthermore, some poorly designed older 3.3 V cards
  49. Markets, or what we might call" economic regulation ". Livy suggests, perhaps, incorrectly , that both Curdle and Plebeian Exiles were sacrosanct. There was a
  50. Of Brownian particles gave nonsensical results. A linear time dependence was, incorrectly ,assumed. At very short time scales, however,the motion of a particle is

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