Examples of the the word, monarch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monarch ), is the 8904 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Formally from a church whose Supreme Governor was (and remains) the British, monarch , Thus, they formed their own dioceses and national church, the Episcopal Church
  2. The Church of England. " This was another provision to avoid a Roman Catholic, monarch , Along with James II's perceived despotism, his religion was the main cause of
  3. The provisions that exclude Roman Catholics from the throne, and which make the, monarch ,of Canada the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, requiring him or her
  4. Persisted in sending numerous petitions and pleas for intervention from a, monarch ,to whom they still claimed loyalty. In late 1772 Samuel Adams in Boston set
  5. That would eventually lead to war with England. Had Alexander, who was a strong, monarch , lived, things might have worked out differently. He was buried in Undermine
  6. As if they were kings in their own right, frequently opposing the Scottish, monarch , Succession Alexander had married Princess Margaret of England, a daughter of
  7. Are also commonly spoken. The Principality was formed in 1278. The role of, monarch ,is exercised jointly by the two co-princes, the President of the French
  8. Consent of ecclesial representatives (see Ecclesiastical Commissioners). The, monarch ,has no constitutional role in Anglican churches in other parts of the world
  9. Baptism, confirmation and ordination, and also in the coronation of a, monarch , Names Since 1972,the Roman Catholic Church uses the name Anointing of the
  10. Religious bigotry but in political considerations. He claimed a Roman Catholic, monarch ,would mean the acceptance of a source of authority external to the realm and "
  11. Poem gave rise to the common phrase monarch of all I survey via the verse: I am, monarch ,of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute; From the
  12. Many Catholic European states. Prior to the English Civil War in England,the, monarch ,maintained a personal Bodyguard of Yeomen of the Guard and the Honorable Corps
  13. And made his triumphal entrance in Naples on 26 February 1443,as the, monarch ,of a pacified kingdom. In 1446, he conquered also Sardinia. Alfonso, by formally
  14. Has been named the Queen Elizabeth II Highway to commemorate the visit of the, monarch ,in 2005. Highway 2 is supplemented by two more highways that run parallel to it
  15. The Celtic Taoist, a recognized successor closely associated with the reigning, monarch , It is possible that this arrangement was sanctioned by Alfred's father, or by
  16. Have been selected by the English (British since the Act of Union in 1707), monarch , Today the choice is made in the name of the monarch by the prime minister
  17. Pupil as often as he wished. This was the beginning of a relationship between, monarch ,and musician that would last until Joseph's death in 1790. Salary met Pietro
  18. The Act of Union in 1707) monarch . Today the choice is made in the name of the, monarch ,by the prime minister, from a shortlist of two selected by an ad-hoc committee
  19. To the Royal Society, the Copley Medal, and one honor from the British, monarch ,: the Order of Merit. Above all, his role as the co-discoverer of natural
  20. Of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of power, and a, monarch ,as an impartial element able to practice justice (in a practical and everyday
  21. Sovereign affords the subject. It was the mutual bond and obligation between, monarch ,and subjects, whereby subjects are called his liege subjects, because they are
  22. Was produced as a motion picture under the title Asoka. King Ashoka, the third, monarch ,of the Indian Mauryan dynasty, has come to be regarded as one of the most
  23. To generosity of the Royal Majesty, and the best measure of grants, for a, monarch , is immeasurableness ". He gave away everything - money, villages,domains
  24. Finally, he outlined how the government should support the dignity of the, monarch ,or chief magistrate, such that they are equal or above the public in fashion.
  25. On traditional accounts, early scholars regarded Ashoka as a primarily Buddhist, monarch ,who underwent a conversion to Buddhism and was actively engaged in sponsoring
  26. Not recognize the Church of England as an apostolic church, a Roman Catholic, monarch ,who abided by their faith's doctrine would be obliged to view Anglican and
  27. Alterations to the act is a long and complex process. Further, as the current, monarch ,is a woman and both her eldest child and, in turn, his eldest child, are
  28. Rulings, and it assured nearly full judicial independence. * No pardon by the, monarch ,can save someone from being impeached by the House of Commons. Effects of the
  29. That it was passed because" the nation had learned that when a Roman Catholic, monarch ,is upon the throne, religious and civil liberty is lost. " He points to the
  30. Of the Peloponnese, Agamemnon was regarded as the highest type of powerful, monarch , and in Sparta he was worshiped under the title of Zeus Agamemnon. His tomb
  31. Cabinet. The governor of Aruba is appointed for a six-year term by the, monarch , and the prime minister and deputy prime minister are elected by the Staten (
  32. Prefer to be ruled by a lion than one of his fellow rats" — i.e., by a, monarch , rather than a democrat. Schopenhauer shared the view of Thomas Hobbes on the
  33. Hunting trip at the time, but he sent a messenger to request permission of the, monarch ,to go to Mecca for the hajj pilgrimage. Permission was given, and Hasan Ali
  34. The faith and be a member of the Anglican Communion, but that a Roman Catholic, monarch ,would, like all Roman Catholics, owe allegiance to the Pope. This would
  35. Government and economy Administration and commerce The pharaoh was the absolute, monarch ,of the country and, at least in theory, wielded complete control of the land
  36. Kingdoms of southern England against the Vikings, becoming the only English, monarch ,still to be accorded the epithet" the Great ". Alfred was the first King of
  37. Does not include bishops or archbishops. ) Hilton also claims a Roman Catholic, monarch ,would therefore be unable to be crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury and
  38. Basis. Noblemen and professional regular soldiers were commissioned by the, monarch ,to supply troops, raising their quotas by indenture from a variety of sources.
  39. Of graven images (especially see Deuteronomy 4:16,23),yet the image of a, monarch ,is a staple of Hellenistic coins. In place of an image of himself, therefore
  40. As he lived all alone on the island. This poem gave rise to the common phrase, monarch ,of all I survey via the verse: I am monarch of all I survey, My right
  41. Inside parliament, the primary concern changed from fears of an over-mighty, monarch ,to the issues of representation, parliamentary reform, and government
  42. In a discussion program on Five to discuss who had been England's greatest, monarch ,since the Norman Conquest; her choice of monarch was Charles II. She was the
  43. Principles of governance Contrary to popular misconception, the British, monarch ,is not the constitutional" head" but in law the" Supreme Governor" of the
  44. Obtain the assistance of Louis XI, but finding himself deceived by the French, monarch , he returned to Portugal in 1477 in very low spirits. Disillusioned and
  45. Roman Catholic were to come to the throne. They also point to the fact that the, monarch ,must swear to defend the faith and be a member of the Anglican Communion, but
  46. Were Kent, Sussex,Wessex, Mercia and Benicia, each recognizing their own, monarch , After a considerable period of time and fluctuations in power balance, Alfred
  47. Of the day, but in principle it could again become relevant in the future. * No, monarch ,may leave" the dominions of England, Scotland,or Ireland," without the
  48. And succeeded on 27 April 1064 as sultan of Great Seljuk, and thus became sole, monarch ,of Persia from the river Oxus to the Tigris. In consolidating his empire and
  49. Mujahideen to King Fahd to protect Saudi Arabia from the Iraqi army. The Saudi, monarch ,refused bin Laden's offer, opting instead to allow U. S. and allied forces to
  50. Act would only come into effect upon the death of both William and Anne: * The, monarch ," shall join in communion with the Church of England. " This was another

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