Examples of the the word, heroin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heroin ), is the 8908 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Globe award for the role. In 1996,actress-screenwriter Zoe Tamers, herself a, heroin ,addict who died of drug-related causes in 1999,was commissioned to write a
  2. It is often used by high school and college students, rave party attendees, and, heroin , and cocaine users (who call a dose of flunitrazepam a" rookie" ) for
  3. The Minutemen) (b. 1958) *1986 – Ida Cook (aka Mary Burchell),British, heroin ,and novelist (b. 1904) *1987 – Luca Prod an, Italian-Scottish singer (Sumo)
  4. Mahan entered a court ordered drug rehabilitation program to battle his, heroin ,addiction after his near fatal overdose. With Mahan out of rehab in 1996
  5. A doctor friend who dabbled in country music, Parsons managed to kick his, heroin ,habit once and for all (a treatment suggested by William Burroughs proved
  6. Speedy, the teen sidekick of superhero archer Green Arrow, as having become a, heroin ,addict. Jeanette Khan, a former children's magazine publisher, replaced
  7. Issues of Cosmopolitan between 1979 and 1982. After she became addicted to, heroin , Carangi's modeling career rapidly declined. She later became infected with
  8. Of the U. S. government to control imports of illicit drugs, including cocaine, heroin , methamphetamine, and cannabis. This is especially true in Latin America, a
  9. To the US and other international drug markets, and an important supplier of, heroin ,to the US market. *In 1998,cultivation of opium in remained steady at;
  10. The release of Live Through This, on June 16,Kristen Faff died of an apparent, heroin ,overdose. And breaking into screaming fits onstage. Disgruntled Nirvana
  11. 1940s,Ginsberg saw that he was sick from his heroin addiction, but at the time, heroin ,was a taboo subject and Hence was left with nowhere to go for help. Role in
  12. Treating his patients in bizarre and often disturbing ways, such as prescribing, heroin ,for a cold, making a man with a headache jump up and down in order to make his
  13. Is in Schedule I. Fentanyl is approximately 80 times as potent as morphine, and, heroin , is around four times as potent as morphine. Morphine has been used by
  14. Regardless of purity, standard for Federal charges) equivalent to 1 gram of, heroin ,(approximately fifty doses) or 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of cannabis for sentencing
  15. Of the four most widely used illicit drugs in the U. S., along with cocaine, heroin , and cannabis. According to some estimates as of 2004,only marijuana attracts
  16. The Mud Club. She usually used cocaine in clubs, but later began to develop a, heroin ,addiction. In October 1978,Caring did her first major shoot with top fashion
  17. To time other secondary tactical causes such as fighting against: * Alleged, heroin ,traffickers, as " corrupts of Basque youth" and police collaborators,a. *
  18. And this is a decision she made on her own. " Though Love has admitted she used, heroin ,before she knew she was pregnant, she asserts that she stopped" damn fast ":
  19. Which was estimated at around $300 million. Other sources of income include the, heroin ,trade and donations from supporters. Strategy On March 11, 2005,Albums
  20. The cause of death was a respiratory infection. He had become addicted to, heroin ,after being prescribed morphine for his asthma and bronchitis many years
  21. Portion of the island. Illicit drugs Cyprus is a minor transit point for, heroin ,and hashish via air routes and container traffic to Europe, especially from
  22. And ex-Clash drummer Nicky" Topper" Head on. Head on was quickly sacked for his, heroin ,addiction and Leonard either left or was fired and the band folded. Although
  23. Military and police. Cambodia is also a possible site of small-scale opium, heroin , and amphetamine production. The country is a large producer of cannabis for
  24. Defined. Illicit drugs Cambodia is a transshipment site for Golden Triangle, heroin , and possibly a site of money laundering. Reportedly, there is corruption
  25. Also known as The Rip Chords. The two shared a mutual penchant for cocaine and, heroin , and as a result, the sessions were largely unproductive, with Parsons
  26. And more likely to receive government benefits, use methamphetamine or, heroin , and be arrested or imprisoned. Benzodiazepines are sometimes used for criminal
  27. Eric Clapton, who made his first public appearance in months (due to a, heroin ,addiction which began when Derek and the Dominos broke up),Leon Russell
  28. Which is used as a potent antidiarrheal; * Methadone (used in treatment of, heroin ,addiction as well as for treatment of extreme chronic pain) * Oxycodone (
  29. Deepening commitment to Christianity ", to which he had converted prior to his, heroin ,addiction. After an embarrassing fishing incident, Clapton finally called his
  30. Survival situations. * Condoms have also been used to smuggle cocaine, heroin , and other drugs across borders and into prisons by filling the condom with
  31. The world's leading supplier of refined cocaine and a growing source for, heroin , More than 90 % of the cocaine that entered the 1990s the United States was
  32. Purposes, including: * To increase sedative effect in combination with, heroin ,(or any other opiate) and/or get desired effects from a smaller dose, or ease
  33. Book Thing of Beauty, she locked herself in a bathroom for hours, shooting, heroin , In fall 1981,Caring looked significantly different from she used to. Despite
  34. In Charlottenburg, gained notoriety in the late 1970s for its popularity with, heroin ,users and other drug addicts as described in Christiane F. is book WIR Kinder
  35. Opium, cocaine,hashish, cannabis,alcohol, ether,mescaline, morphine,and, heroin , Allan Bennett,Crowley's mentor, was said to have" instructed Crowley in the
  36. The CSA, a drug does not necessarily have to have the same abuse potential as, heroin ,or cocaine to merit placement in Schedule I (in fact, cocaine is currently a
  37. Substances are paradoxical: both morphine and fentanyl are in Schedule II, and, heroin , is in Schedule I. Fentanyl is approximately 80 times as potent as morphine, and
  38. For the BBC. " I have never done cocaine, ever in my life. I have never done, heroin , I have never done speed," he said in a 2008 interview, adding that he had
  39. Drug use Crowley developed a drug addiction after a London doctor prescribed, heroin ,for his asthma and bronchitis. His life as an addict influenced his 1922 novel
  40. Devotional Tour as" The Most Debauched Rock'n'Roll Tour Ever ". Dave Gahan's, heroin ,addiction was starting to affect his behavior, causing him to become more
  41. Following Germany's surrender after World War I, Aspirin (along with, heroin ,) lost its status as a registered trademark in France, Russia,the United
  42. As morphine. ). In the United Kingdom it is also prescribed to intravenous, heroin ,addicts who have not responded to, or are unable to tolerate methadone
  43. First got to know Hence in the 1940s,Ginsberg saw that he was sick from his, heroin ,addiction, but at the time heroin was a taboo subject and Hence was left with
  44. A tour of his underground base and invites him to be his representative for his, heroin ,smuggling operations in the United States. When questioned, Han shows Roper the
  45. Neurotransmitter systems. This applies to drugs such as marijuana, nicotine, heroin , cocaine, alcohol,Prozac, Thorazine,and many others. The two
  46. Magical techniques and the exercise of True Will. He overcame his addiction to, heroin ,during this period (chronicled in Fiber XVIII – The Fountain of Hyacinth) but
  47. November 1980 issue of Vogue stated that Carangi's track marks from shooting, heroin ,were visible even after airbrushing. The photographer disputes this claim. For
  48. S Woodland Hills home. The coroner determined that he died from an overdose of, heroin ,and morphine. Income In 2001,Dr. Dre earned a total of about US$52 million
  49. And touring to isolation in his Surrey, England,residence. There he nursed his, heroin ,addiction, which resulted in a career hiatus interrupted only by the Concert
  50. In 1992-95 war) (2007) Illicit drugs Increasingly a transit point for, heroin ,being trafficked to Western Europe; minor transit point for cannabis; remains

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