Examples of the the word, preface , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Of St Andrews, later published as The Central Questions of Philosophy. In the, preface ,to the book, he defends his selection to hold the lectureship on the basis that
  2. Of these, see Voltaire: Candide of L'Optimism et actress contest (1989) with, preface ,and commentaries by Pierre Maintain. In May 2009,a play called" Optimism,"
  3. For 42 years, ca. 1792 to 1750 BCE according to the Middle chronology. In the, preface ,to the law code, he states," And and Be called by name me, Hammurabi,the
  4. Of Cosmos' writings, published a Latin translation thereof in 1576. In its, preface , he argued that Cosmos' picture of Constantine was superior to that offered
  5. In the author's proof composited from the manuscript. For reasons unknown, no, preface , was supplied and all the page numbers needed to be redone at the last minute.
  6. Comprise two" oracles" of the future. Chapters 1 to 6 The book begins with a, preface ,(), which recalls the nation's past history, for the purpose of presenting a
  7. Winters. The word curling first appears in print in 1620 in Perth, in the, preface ,and the verses of a poem by Henry Adamson. The game was (and still is, in
  8. Manages to work in some subtle digs at Avellaneda's own work, and in his, preface ,to Part II, comes very near to criticizing Avellaneda directly. In his
  9. After having experienced extreme combat situations. Remarque comments in the, preface ,that" All Quiet on the Western Front will try simply to tell of a generation
  10. 1945 without any introduction. However, the publisher had provided space for a, preface ,in the author's proof composited from the manuscript. For reasons unknown, no
  11. Of the conflict with the British church over the correct dating of Easter. The, preface ,mentions that Beowulf received an earlier draft of the book; presumably
  12. Terror was a figment of Nazi imagination, and Orwell had quit the BBC. In that, preface , Orwell also described what gave him the idea of setting the book on a farm:
  13. Abdul Shared. However, due to political correctness later writers sometimes, preface ,Shared with words such as" monk" ( such as in the Chick parody tract
  14. Political left in the world in the late-18th and early-19th centuries. In his, preface ,to this book, Thompson set out his approach to writing history from below::" I
  15. Of creating such a country once again. Text The original text is found on the, preface ,Blake printed for inclusion with Milton, a Poem, following the lines beginning
  16. That ended with the national liberation movements of the 1960s. " In his, preface ,to Jürgen Osterhammel's Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview, Roger Signor says
  17. Defence of his realm as the building of the Burns. As Alfred observed in the, preface ,to his English translation of Gregory the Great's Pastoral Care, kings who
  18. 續高僧傳 EU gassing Chuan),Damian (道宣; 596-667) possibly drew on Tanlin's, preface ,as a basic source, but made several significant additions: Firstly, Dàoxuān
  19. By Darwinian Selection. Many dismissed this as a joke; but, in his, preface ,to the second edition, Butler wrote:: I regret that reviewers have in some
  20. Poetry, which had previously received relatively little consideration. As the, preface ,to the 2nd edition (1976) notes, the first edition (1955) appears to have
  21. And treasonable expressions' but was acquitted. ) The poem is followed in the, preface ,by a quotation from Numbers ch. 11,v. 29:" Would to God that all the Lord's
  22. Speeches of Ann Widdecombe; edited by John Simmons, with a biographical, preface ,by Nick Kochab. London: Politico's Publishing ISBN 1-902301-22-6 * 2000:
  23. Located near where Butler lived, is named" Erewhon" in his honor. In the, preface ,to the first edition of his book, Butler specified:: The author wishes it to be
  24. A small section of the text outraged Foucault. Foucault responds in the new, preface ,to the 1972 edition of the History of Madness by complaining that after the
  25. With new postscript, Harmondsworth: Penguin,1968,third edition with new, preface ,1980. * Time, work-discipline and industrial capitalism. Past & Present 38 (1
  26. Book. (In the second edition of the work, the relevant page is 407. ) * The, preface ,of Concrete Mathematics includes the following anecdote:" When Knuth taught
  27. His consecration in Aberdeen in 1784,containing elements of each. The, preface ,to the 1789 Book of Common Prayer says" this Church is far from intending to
  28. Since" Christ is neither taught nor known in it. " But in the completely new, preface ,that he composed in 1530,he reversed his position and concluded that Christ
  29. The special providence of God, as manifested in the Biblical miracles. In the, preface , Abbey Mari explains his object in collecting the correspondence; and in the
  30. Addict ". Martin Luther changed his perspective on Revelation over time. In the, preface ,to the German translation of Revelation that he composed in 1522,he said that
  31. Witnesses signed testimonies of its authenticity, which are now included in the, preface ,to the Book of Mormon. The Three Witnesses testified to having seen an angel
  32. Literary satire. In 1542, he published a prose satire to which Luther wrote the, preface , Her Barrister Months Eulenspiegel UND Koran, a parodic adaptation of the
  33. Understand, and to our sister Molly, who cannot. " Hofstadter explains in the, preface ,that his younger sister Molly never developed the ability to speak or
  34. And did those feet in ancient time" is a short poem by William Blake from the, preface ,to his epic Milton a Poem, one of a collection of writings known as the
  35. Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory, published in 1930. In the book's, preface , Heisenberg wrote: On the whole the book contains nothing that is not to be
  36. Geography, geology and all aspects of the world around him. He stated in the, preface ,that he had compiled 20,000 facts from 2000 different works by 200 authors, and
  37. In lower case on the cover and spine, together with the opening sentence of the, preface ,to E. E. Cummings: the growth of a writer (styled on the title as: e. e.
  38. The word encyclopaedia for the first time in English as early as 1646 in the, preface ,to the reader to describe his Pseudopodia Epidemic or Vulgar Errors, a series
  39. 202-157 BC) of Emperor Wen of Han. This commentary (try. Yerkes 1950) has a, preface ,written by Ge Xuan (,164-244 AD),granduncle of Ge Hong, and scholarship
  40. From Real Life (1788),as well as in the Rights of Woman. Stating in her, preface ,that“ my main argument is built on this simple principle, that if woman be not
  41. And enlarged by Simon, Labbeus, and Casimir Odin. Melamine wrote the, preface ,to the new Sixto-Clementine Vulgate. Dogmatic From his research grew his
  42. The Geometry of Thinking (1975) in collaboration with E. J. Apple white with a, preface ,and contribution by Arthur L. Lobe, ISBN 002541870X * Tetra scroll: Goldilocks
  43. Have renamed him Bodhidharma. Practice and teaching Meditation Tannin, in the, preface ,to Two Entrances and Four Acts, and Damian, in the Further Biographies of
  44. Precepts set forth by Luck and his librettist Ranger de' Calzabigi in the, preface ,to Alcestis; Salary also drew on some musical ideas from the more traditional
  45. 506–574). Tánlín's brief biography of the" Dharma Master" is found in his, preface ,to the Two Entrances and Four Acts, a text traditionally attributed to
  46. L'Esprit geometrize (" Of the Geometrical Spirit" ), originally written as a, preface ,to a geometry textbook for one of the famous" Petites-Ecoles de Port-Royal" (
  47. Had also a devastating impact on learning in England. Alfred lamented in the, preface ,to his translation of Gregory's Pastoral Care that" learning had declined so
  48. Of Churches published the ecumenical paper Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry. The, preface ,of the document states: A 1997 document, Becoming a Christian: The Ecumenical
  49. In the Christian Science Journal): That she wrote the Autobiography, and that, preface , and the Poems, and the Plague-spot Bacilli, we are not permitted to doubt.
  50. The lengths of their reigns. It survives in several forms, including as a, preface ,to the B manuscript of the Chronicle. As with Chronicle, The List was compiled

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