Examples of the the word, forefront , in a Sentence Context

The word ( forefront ), is the 8902 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He is regarded more accurately as the person who brought the Americas into the, forefront ,of Western attention. " Columbus's claim to fame isn't that he got there
  2. One of Germany's biggest political objectives, and Germany has been on the, forefront ,of most achievements made in European integration: Most of the social issues
  3. With the release of Sgt. Pepper, the notion of the concept album came to the, forefront ,of the popular and critical mind, with the earlier prototypes and examples from
  4. A song by the then-unknown Bob Dylan. In the early 1960s,Baez moved into the, forefront ,of the American folk-music revival. Increasingly, her personal convictions –
  5. Experienced course designer will ensure that all of these are kept at the, forefront , Scoring Medal play is the most common scoring method, but there are many others
  6. How far the English Reformation should progress was constantly brought to the, forefront ,of political debate. Arminian theology contained an emphasis on clerical
  7. Period with acclaimed English actors Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee at the, forefront , but other companies were created specifically to meet the new demand
  8. Executed, but it succeeded in bringing physical force republicanism back to the, forefront ,of Irish politics. In the 1918 General Election to the British Parliament
  9. To the Chair of Classics, as had been expected, that really thrust into the, forefront ,of Baptist thinking the need for a College established and run by the Baptists.
  10. Meaning to rise again. Although the doctrine of the resurrection comes to the, forefront ,in the New Testament, it predates the Christian era. There is an apparent
  11. To bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the, forefront , http://www.gracehopper.org/ Anecdotes Throughout much of her later career
  12. Constitutional Modernisation has come to the, forefront ,of politics recently with the collapse of the now defunct Euro Bank Corporation
  13. 20th century The turn of the 20th century saw Cape Breton Island at the, forefront ,of scientific achievement with the now-famous activities launched by inventors
  14. Of admitting many East European countries to the EU. Germany is at the, forefront ,of European states seeking to exploit the momentum of monetary union to advance
  15. A 13th century Scottish knight who gained recognition when he came to the, forefront ,of the First War of Scottish Independence by opposing King Edward I of England
  16. The UK. CND was formed in 1957 and since that time has periodically been at the, forefront ,of the peace movement in the UK. It claims to be Europe's largest single-issue
  17. Leader and interim Prime Minister Varese Bainimarama, who has been at the, forefront ,of the attempt to change the definition of" Fijian ", stated: In May 2010
  18. Including ethanol production. Brazil, together with Mexico, has been at the, forefront ,of the Latin American multinationals' phenomenon by which, thanks to superior
  19. Of a single cell organism. Research on Bacillus subtitles has been at the, forefront ,of bacterial molecular biology and cytology, and the organism is a model for
  20. Introduced where new mechanics introduced to Seafarers is brought into the, forefront , In this scenario, the map is split up into four islands of roughly equal size
  21. Economy The Dublin region is the economic center of Ireland, and was at the, forefront ,of the country's rapid economic expansion during the Celtic Tiger period. In
  22. Telecenters. The Policy for Industry, Technology and Foreign Trade, at the, forefront ,of this sector, for its part, invests $19.5 billion in specific sectors
  23. Below university level (A Levels). Alan Brown noted that this brings to the, forefront ,questions about the political content of teaching practices. Study aids, in
  24. c. 1595 BC) which brought new ethnic groups — particularly Assizes — to the, forefront ,in southern Mesopotamia. From the 15th century BC onward, the term Amur is
  25. As an extension of his Superman responsibilities, bringing truth to the, forefront ,and fighting for the little man. To deflect suspicion that he is Superman
  26. United Nations, and in moderating other initiatives. Powell was placed at the, forefront ,of this diplomatic campaign. s. Powell's chief role was to garner
  27. Banksy, who has revolutionized the style of UK graffiti (bringing to the, forefront ,stencils to aid the speed of painting) as well as the content; making his work
  28. Several national styles: French, Italian,and Polish. He remained at the, forefront ,of all new musical tendencies and his music is an important link between the
  29. After gaining his BA, MA and B.Sc., and doing two years of research at the, forefront ,of electrical technology, in 1895 Rutherford travelled to England for
  30. Since 1997,the landscape of Dublin has changed immensely. The city was at the, forefront ,of Ireland's rapid economic expansion during the Celtic Tiger period, with
  31. XIV in the 17th century that the likes of Poussin and Le Run put France in the, forefront ,of European art. Versailles found its stately mirror in the powerful idea of
  32. And 1931. Most Haitians continued to resent the loss of sovereignty. At the, forefront ,of opposition among the educated elite was L'Union Patriotic, which
  33. To Abraham, my soul to keep. " Abraham an Indian Metal band has been in the, forefront ,of the Indian metal movement. The band was formed in 2008 and are working on a
  34. And simple case for personal salvation for each person. Romans has been at the, forefront ,of several major movements in Protestantism. Martin Luther's lectures on
  35. Of its kind in England,” bringing the morality and duty of imperialism to the, forefront ,of the public’s perception. Burke was already known for his eloquent rhetorical
  36. S first populist president, Andrew Jackson, economic questions came to the, forefront , The economic ideas of the Jacksonian era were almost universally the ideas of
  37. It was only an impetus that brought a successful and talented Cossack to the, forefront ,of popular discontent among the people of what is now Ukraine. Religion
  38. The illness of Augustus in 23 BC brought the problem of succession to the, forefront ,of political issues and the public. To ensure stability, he needed to designate
  39. Votes were cast, and the voter turnout was 51.4 %. Energy Basel is at the, forefront ,of a national vision to more than halve energy use in Switzerland by 2050. In
  40. The seminal funk act; they also pushed the funk music style further to the, forefront ,with releases such as" Cold Sweat" ( 1967)," Mother Popcorn" ( 1969) and
  41. The palace. The new King and his wife Queen Alexandra had always been at the, forefront ,of London high society, and their friends, known as" the Marlborough House Set
  42. This society continues to be active today. The built heritage was also at the, forefront ,of the growth of member based organizations in the United States for example
  43. And D. O. A. are tales told by dead men. Latter-day noir has been in the, forefront ,of structural experimentation in popular cinema, as exemplified by such films
  44. During this time a new generation of statesmen and military leaders came to the, forefront ,: Ivan Vygotsky, Pavlo Tetra, Danylo Techie and Ivan Techie, Ivan Bohun
  45. International footballer (born 1966) Music French Polynesia came to the, forefront ,of the world music scene in 1992,with the release of The Tahitian Choir's
  46. 2006 24 Hours of Le Mans, which it later went on to win. Audi has been on the, forefront ,of sports car racing, claiming a historic win in the first ever diesel sports
  47. In the nation as early as 1870. The 1890s brought several key persons to the, forefront ,of Dayton's historical achievements. The first, Paul Laurence Dunbar an
  48. Sheep, goats,cattle and deer). Partly due to this BTV has been in the, forefront ,of molecular studies for last three decades and now represents one of the best
  49. Αθηναίοι Μαραθώνι: χρυσοφόρων Μήδων εστόρεσαν δύναμιν: Fighting in the, forefront ,of the Hellenes, the Athenians at Marathon: destroyed the might of the
  50. 2008,Ericsson Enterprise business is sold to Astra, a global company at the, forefront ,of the Enterprise Communication market. Business Unit Global Services Ericsson

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