Examples of the the word, creed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( creed ), is the 8906 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the BC/AD notation, nor does it give implicit expression to the Christian, creed ,that Jesus was the Christ. Among the reasons given by those who oppose the use
  2. Although the western Emperor Gratin held orthodox belief in the Nicene, creed , the younger Palestinian II, who became his colleague in the Empire, adhered to
  3. With his students. For example, in the authoritative modern monograph about the, creed , J. N. D. Kelly asserts that Vincent of Lenin was not its author, but that it
  4. So. Although much of the church hierarchy in the East had opposed the Nicene, creed ,in the decades leading up to Theodosius' accession, he managed to achieve
  5. Churches readily accepted the creed , but some eastern churches did not. The, creed ,became standard orthodox doctrine, while the Coptic Church of Alexandria
  6. The devil and all his works and all his ways" as the beginning of this, creed , before the line" We believe in God etc. ". This is mostly due to the
  7. Constantius used his power to exile bishops adhering to the Nicene, creed , especially Athanasius of Alexandria, who fled to Rome. In 355 Constantius
  8. As the author usually relies on a combination of the following: # The, creed ,originally was most likely written in Latin, while Athanasius composed in Greek
  9. Adrianople in 378 and was succeeded by Theodosius I, who adhered to the Nicene, creed , This allowed for settling the dispute. Two days after Theodosius arrived in
  10. Of the Empire, actually encouraged the Arians and set out to reverse the Nicene, creed , His advisor in these affairs was Eugenics of Comedian, who had already at the
  11. Up with a new formula, three camps evolved among the opponents of the Nicene, creed , The first group mainly opposed the Nicene terminology and preferred the term
  12. Athabaskan Creed has been used in public worship less and less frequently. The, creed ,has never gained much acceptance in liturgy among Eastern Christians. And it
  13. By political appointments, declaring it" a leading principle in the republican, creed , " By the end of his term, Jackson dismissed nearly 20 percent of the Federal
  14. In the Church of England there are currently two authorized forms of the, creed ,: that of the Book of Common Prayer (1662) and that of Common Worship (2000)
  15. Also used by Presbyterians, Methodists,and Congregationalists. This particular, creed ,was developed between the 2nd and 9th centuries. Its central doctrines are
  16. Authored by Athanasius. Athanasius' name seems to have become attached to the, creed ,as a sign of its strong declaration of Trinitarian faith. The reasoning for
  17. May force people into wearing a certain style of dress, publicly reciting a, creed ,or a pledge of allegiance which they find ethically reprehensible or starting
  18. Led to a rapprochement between the Western supporters of the Nicene, creed ,and the homoousios and the Eastern semi-Arians. Theodosius and the Council of
  19. Have been inserted only in the 7th century. The account of the origin of this, creed , the forerunner and principal source of the Apostles' Creed, as having been
  20. Of the language of the Athabaskan Creed, have led many to conclude that the, creed ,originated either with Vincent or with his students. For example, in the
  21. Christians. And it has since been widely accepted by modern scholars that the, creed ,was not authored by Athanasius. Athanasius' name seems to have become attached
  22. And Constantinople in 325 and 381 respectively and ratified as the universal, creed ,of Christendom by the First Council of Ephesus in 431. The Caledonian Creed
  23. i. e., Father,the Son, and the Holy Spirit),the first section of the, creed ,ascribes the divine attributes to each individually. Thus, each person of the
  24. The supremacy of the Bishop of Rome. The western churches readily accepted the, creed , but some eastern churches did not. The creed became standard orthodox doctrine
  25. That Christ is 'one '. However, the best modern analysis of the sources of the, creed ,(by A. de Halley, in Revue Theologize de Louvain 7,1976) and a reading of
  26. Titled Symbol of the Apostles, is an early statement of Christian belief,a, creed ,or" symbol ". It is widely used by a number of Christian denominations for
  27. Athabaskan Creed is prescribed by the earlier confessional documents, but the, creed ,does not receive much attention outside occasional use – especially on
  28. Of faith, even while agreeing with some or all of the substance of the, creed , The Baptists have been non- creed al“ in that they have not sought to establish
  29. Until),and Muhammed received the Qur'an. Judaism There is not a formal, creed ,within Judaism, though one has become especially authoritative. Although
  30. Has been used by Christian churches since the sixth century. It is the first, creed ,in which the equality of the three persons of the Trinity is explicitly stated
  31. S position. In the East, Emperor Theodosius I likewise professed the Nicene, creed ,; but there were many adherents of Arianism throughout his dominions, especially
  32. Those of the Trinity and God the Creator. Each of the doctrines found in this, creed ,can be traced to statements current in the apostolic period. The creed was
  33. That the LDS church does not conform to the same young-Earth creationist, creed ,as many other faiths. The church has made it quite clear that the six days of
  34. Been intended as a liturgical document – that is, the original purpose of the, creed ,was to be spoken or sung as a part of worship. The creed was often set to music
  35. Of God the Word. This church felt that this understanding required that the, creed ,should have stated that Christ be acknowledged" from two natures" rather than
  36. Theodosius' accession, he managed to achieve unity on the basis of the Nicene, creed , In 381,at the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, a group of mainly
  37. World must know these facts about the Zionist entity and its terrible corrupt, creed , The world should know this. " Views of the Catholic Church The attitude of the
  38. Jesus Christ or respecting his teachings, but do not hold to the Nicene, creed , Despite the frequency with which this name is used as a polemical label, there
  39. The Eastern provinces disputed the homoousios, the central term of the Nicene, creed , as it had been used by Paul of Samosa ta, who had advocated a monarchist
  40. And at which faculty salaries are" sacrificial. " Religion Creed The BYU, creed ,was written in 1927 by journalist and prohibitionist Sam Small. Students and
  41. Council of Rimini and Seleucid in 359,and no fewer than fourteen further, creed ,formulas between 340 and 360,leading the pagan observer Minus Marcellus
  42. There was a great deal of speculation about who might have authored the, creed , with suggestions including Ambrose of Milan, Venantius Fortunate, and Hilary
  43. Belief, focusing on Trinitarian doctrine and Christology. The Latin name of the, creed , Quicumque cult, is taken from the opening words," Whosoever wishes. " The
  44. Challenged the nation to" rise up and live out the true meaning of its, creed ,that all men are created equal ..." The Civil Rights Movement marked a
  45. Of 'two natures' derives from him. Oriental Orthodox dissent The Caledonian, creed ,was written amid controversy between the western and eastern churches over the
  46. Purpose of the creed was to be spoken or sung as a part of worship. The, creed ,was often set to music and used in the place of a Psalm. Early Protestants
  47. Of Germany. The sixth of ten children, he was brought up in the strict Lutheran, creed ,of his father Adolf Gottlieb Friedrich, a candle-maker and soap boiler. Caspar
  48. In this creed can be traced to statements current in the apostolic period. The, creed ,was apparently used as a summary of Christian doctrine for baptismal candidates
  49. Palestinian II, who became his colleague in the Empire, adhered to the Arian, creed , Ambrose did not sway the young prince's position. In the East, Emperor
  50. Policy toward the western provinces, frequently using force to push through his, creed , even exiling Pope Tiberius and installing Antipope Felix II. As debates raged

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