Examples of the the word, imitate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( imitate ), is the 8895 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Transpires therein. From an" aspiration or desire ", the celestial spheres, imitate ,that purely intellectual activity as best they can, by uniform circular motion.
  2. Chatterbot) which uses semantic nets to organize its knowledge in order to, imitate ,a very close human behavior within conversations. * Loki, research into
  3. That" everyone is equal before heaven ", and that people should seek to, imitate ,heaven by engaging in the practice of collective love. His epistemology can be
  4. His influence and the comically misplaced efforts of lesser authors to, imitate ,his style. Entrants are encouraged to submit one" perfect page of really
  5. Were false. They found one similar figurine, but the vast majority did not, imitate ,the Mother Goddess style that Cellar suggested. Instead of a Mother Goddess
  6. Itself. From these considerations of Scripture come the simplest way to, imitate ,Christ: an emulation of the moral actions and attitudes that Jesus demonstrated
  7. And early 19th-century Britain, a dandy, who was self-made, often strove to, imitate ,an aristocratic lifestyle despite coming from a middle-class background. Though
  8. For members of the profession to imitate ; for example, the knights tried to, imitate ,Lancelot or Parsifal. In many cases, medieval mythology appears to have
  9. Determined ahead of time or improvised in performance. The player can also ", imitate ," the soprano (which is the name for the solo instrument or singer) and
  10. Tunes and" jazz standards ", playing smooth quarter note lines that, imitate ,the double bass. For Latin or salsa tunes and rock-infused jazz fusion tunes
  11. Men—would make any difference. " Invited to hear an actor who could perfectly, imitate ,the nightingale, Agesilaus declined, saying he had heard the nightingale itself
  12. Detect. Synthetic and artificial gemstones Some gemstones are manufactured to, imitate ,other gemstones. For example, cubic zirconia is a synthetic diamond simulant
  13. The Amphetamines, a ska-punk band, are also named after amphetamine, but also, imitate ,its effects. Dexy's Midnight Runners, of number one hit" Come On Eileen "
  14. And they, not the bourgeois, continued to be the model that everyone wanted to, imitate , In imperial Germany, possessing a collection of medals or wearing a uniform
  15. Follies pastiche numbers and the book numbers. " Some Follies numbers, imitate ,the style of particular composers of the early 20th century: Losing My Mind is
  16. Own" origin myth" which established models for members of the profession to, imitate ,; for example, the knights tried to imitate Lancelot or Parsifal. In many cases
  17. Artists. However, later blues and rock and roll musicians attempted to, imitate ,both his songs and his musical style. Jefferson was one of eight children born
  18. JPG|Bird nests built by Saudi in the terrace walls. The walls, imitate ,the trees planted on them. Image: GuellTerraceSeperate. JPG|An uninterrupted
  19. One of his haiku:: Although there were further attempts outside Japan to, imitate ,the" hook" in the early 20th century, there was little understanding of its
  20. And follow me. " (Mark 10:21 and elsewhere) They are therefore all called to, imitate , in one way or another, Christ himself who denied himself to the extent of
  21. Whether physical, intellectual,or emotional ... Women at their best may only, imitate ,the truths men discover. " Kurosawa scholar Stephen Prince concurs with Ellen
  22. Seemed to stall and many believed that symbolic systems would never be able to, imitate ,all the processes of human cognition, especially perception, robotics,learning
  23. Jewelry is said to be merely" burnt amethyst ". Synthetic amethyst is made to, imitate ,the best quality amethyst. Its chemical and physical properties are so similar
  24. Epics. One such epic is the Old English story Beowulf. Epics that attempt to, imitate ,these like Milton's Paradise Lost are known as literary, or secondary, epics.
  25. Validate also the rulings of jurists. This, in turn, made them far easier to, imitate ,(valid) than to challenge in new contexts. The argument is, the schools have
  26. In impairments. Another barrier is the capability of computer programs to, imitate ,normal speech and keep up with the speed of regular conversation. Therefore
  27. Christ people are called to obey and Christ is the example they are called to, imitate , Erasmus also wrote of the legendary Frisian freedom fighter and rebel Pier
  28. Faces and forms it is God's currency and the cleverest coiner or forger can't, imitate ,it. " Major John Hall-Edwards, a keen photographer and pioneer of medical X-ray
  29. Power of the computer. Computers have also been used in an attempt to, imitate ,the music of great composers of the past, such as Mozart. A present exponent of
  30. Legacy It has been argued that no one in history was as dedicated as Francis to, imitate ,the life, and carry out the work, of Christ in Christ’s own way. Perhaps the
  31. Of a showy dress, high-heeled shoes, obvious makeup, and wig. A drag queen may, imitate ,famous female film or pop-music stars. A faux queen is a female-bodied person
  32. By the 20 dialogues in GET, many of which simultaneously talk about and, imitate ,strict musical forms used by Bach, such as canons and fugues. Most of
  33. In the 1980s and 1990s,musicians began using electronic and digital devices to, imitate ,the sound of the Hammond, because the vintage Hammond organ is heavy and hard
  34. Of communication, especially through signals. The talking drums of Africa can, imitate ,the inflections and pitch variations of a spoken language and are used for
  35. To the now-defunct Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry that China should, imitate ,the practice in the United States of Arbor Day. The holiday would be held the
  36. Expressive purposes are called abstract; that which derives from, but does not, imitate ,a recognizable subject is called nonobjective abstraction. In the 20th century
  37. 1984 film Amadeus, when the disguised Salary character requests that Mozart, imitate ,his compositional style. Just as in the film, Stewie, as Mozart, plays a
  38. The human figure shouldn't disrupt nature, but rather participate in it or, imitate ,its natural processes. Taking and developing the landscape style of Lucas
  39. Would involve two chairs with a piece of rope between and the clown trying to, imitate ,the artiste by trying to walk between them with the resulting falls and
  40. Round him a host of followers imitating his asceticism in an attempt to, imitate ,his sanctity. The deeper he withdrew into the wilderness, the more numerous his
  41. De La Mettrie's book from 1748. To pass the test a computer must be able to, imitate ,a human well enough to fool interrogators. In his essay Turing discussed a
  42. On some younger blues singers of his generation, as they did not seek to, imitate ,him as they did other commercially successful artists. However, later blues and
  43. He also says of Solomon in section three," I'm with you in Rockland where you, imitate ,the shade of my mother," once again showing the association between Solomon
  44. The thick! Used to spur on a horse, and the clip-clop! Sound children make to, imitate ,a horse trotting. Technically, clicks are obstructs articulated with two
  45. Drums to make the song. The German metal band van Canto uses vocal noises to, imitate ,guitars on covers of well-known rock and metal songs (such as" Master of
  46. Like Blink 182,as well as the corresponding" emo/pop punk" fashion, but some, imitate ,1960s surf and garage rock revivalist acts like The Horrors or post-punk
  47. Phrase. The shorter sustain of a muted note on an electric bass can be used to, imitate ,the shorter sustain and character of an upright bass. Palm-muting is commonly
  48. Name to Boston, the name of the city where he was converted. In an attempt to, imitate ,Jesus, he began to wear his hair very long. On July 16, 1858,in order to avoid
  49. Of singular naturally occurring flavor compounds combined to either, imitate ,or enhance a natural flavor. These mixtures are formulated by flavorists to
  50. And many went unreleased. These included several gangster films attempting to, imitate ,Guy Ritchie's black comedies Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) and

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