Examples of the the word, wisely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wisely ), is the 8897 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have a duty to make sure that every penny piece we raise in taxation is spent, wisely ,and well. For it is our party which is dedicated to good housekeeping—indeed, I
  2. Her reign, indicate that she chose ministers and exercised her prerogatives, wisely , In popular culture Anne is a character in the novel The Man Who Laughs by
  3. Enough to determine whether one should interpret, with older scholars, that he, wisely ,curtailed the activities of the Roman Empire to a careful minimum, or perhaps
  4. To proceed in such hostile territory with so limited a force, Valdivia, wisely ,elected to return to Santiago shortly thereafter, after finding a site for a
  5. An appeal to observe the natural laws of the Most High God. These laws must be, wisely ,and lovingly observed. History Origins There had been a long-standing general
  6. As" markedly ineffective" and the story selection for seeming" less than, wisely ,chosen. " However, they found the better stories" provide a feast from the
  7. Common with the origin legend of the Lombards. Name bears/> Wideout ruled, wisely ,and issued laws regulating family life (for example, men could have three
  8. Used as a pawn and contributed to the arrangement of her own marriage, she, wisely , guided the Duchess in deciding her marriage; against the wave of marriage
  9. As emperor in 518. A career soldier with little knowledge of statecraft, Justin, wisely , surrounded himself with trusted advisors. The most prominent of these, of
  10. By Christopher Tolkien to his father's notes on the creation process:" I, wisely ,started with a map, and made the story fit ". A new redrawing of the map of "
  11. For its completion by her eventual successor, Catherine II. Elizabeth had, wisely ,placed Bestuzhev at the head of foreign affairs immediately after her accession
  12. Warning of" digging out of phase ". If the arbitrary area for excavation is, wisely ,chosen, the sequence should be revealed and excavation can return to a truly
  13. Results which he had anticipated, and which he so ardently desired and had so, wisely ,endeavored to prevent. " After holding for a short period the office of
  14. With world markets, and spend the revenue – known as the" currency gift" –, wisely , The Norwegian government established its own oil company, Statoil, and awarded
  15. While exploiting Slavic weakness in the wake of the Mongol invasion, Gediminas, wisely ,avoided war with the Golden Horde, a great regional power at the time, while
  16. For oneself and others: It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living, wisely ,and well and justly (agreeing" neither to harm nor be harmed" ), and it is
  17. Bullet" in which he advised African Americans to exercise their right to vote, wisely , Several Sunni Muslims encouraged Malcolm X to learn about Islam. Soon he
  18. Practiced foolishly to abuse individual rights, but both can be practiced, wisely , James D. Watson, the first director of the Human Genome Project, initiated the
  19. Made public endorsement of the establishment under his pseudonym: Congress have, wisely ,appointed a superintendent of their finances, — a man of acknowledged abilities
  20. The Egyptians welcome him as their deliverer, and the Persian satrap Manages, wisely ,surrenders. Alexander's conquest of Egypt completes his control of the whole
  21. Others. " – Epictetus *"It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living, wisely ,and well and justly (agreeing 'neither to harm nor be harmed' ), and it is
  22. Feared and he was respected for his leadership and his cunning. For example, he, wisely , kept his soldiers out of Hideyoshi's campaign in Korea. He was capable of
  23. Good is the cause of all things and when it is seen it leads a person to act, wisely , In the Symposium, the Good is closely identified with the Beautiful. Also in
  24. Of writers from 1850 onwards, and more recently by Frédéric Barley, who, wisely , attempts no ultimate solution. When the partisans of Richmond or Hausdorff
  25. Does not mean that samurai women were always powerless. Powerful women both, wisely ,and un wisely wielded power at various occasions. After Ashikaga Yeshivas,8th
  26. Jahangir's religion to be of his own making," for he envies Mahomes, and, wisely , sees Noe reason why he should not bee as great a prophet as he, and therefore
  27. Barton Rogers wrote," The legislators of the University have, we think, wisely ,made their highest academic honor—that of Master of Arts of the University of
  28. Society refuses to believe the Howard Families simply 'chose their ancestors, wisely ,', instead insisting they have developed a method to extend life, and the
  29. Agreeing" neither to harm nor be harmed" ), and it is impossible to live, wisely ,and well and justly without living a pleasant life. Epicureanism incorporated a
  30. Pythias Ode 1),including however stern, moral advice for the tyrant to rule, wisely , Pindar was not commissioned to celebrate Hieron's subsequent victory in the
  31. Agreeing 'neither to harm nor be harmed' ), and it is impossible to live, wisely ,and well and justly without living a pleasant life. " – Epicurus *" ... it has
  32. On horseback ", wearing helmets, carrying shields and that the horses, wisely ,bore them. A brief exchange follows between Aaron and the Valkyrie Soul::
  33. Charles V resisted the Protestant Reformation, he ruled the Dutch territories, wisely ,with moderation and regard for local customs, and he did not persecute his
  34. Incentives to reduce costs because" nobody spends somebody else’s money as, wisely ,or as frugally as he spends his own ". Others contend that health care
  35. Agreeing" neither to harm nor be harmed" ), and it is impossible to live, wisely ,and well and justly without living a pleasant life. Legacy Elements of
  36. Scheduled to join the tour, but given Landis's position, according to Spin,", wisely ,decided to pass it up ". Spin describes the tour as" a fiasco. " When Ruth
  37. To speak too fast on one or two occasions. " It was a fault that Roster was, wisely ,never to correct. He gave up his job in insurance to enrol in Preston repertory
  38. Skogskyrkogården Cemetery just south of her native Stockholm. She had invested, wisely , primarily in stocks and bonds, and left her entire estate,$32,042,429,to her
  39. At the same time. In other international issues, Beria (along with Mikoyan), wisely , foresaw the victory of Mao Zedong in the Chinese Civil War and greatly helped
  40. Will continue to consolidate its economic reforms and invest its oil revenues, wisely ,in order to encourage a wider range of economic initiatives. Recent political
  41. The British established their capital in the northern city of Vargas, and, wisely , allowed local Muslim judges to try most cases, rather than impose alien British
  42. Of them. " (The Crime of Sylvester Board) *" It is human nature to think, wisely ,and act in an absurd fashion. " *" The whole art of teaching is only the art
  43. Of oneself and others: It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living, wisely ,and well and justly (agreeing" neither to harm nor be harmed" ), and it is
  44. The 2004 Academy Awards, Jackson mentioned the film, noting that it had been ", wisely ,overlooked by the Academy. " Plot The eponymous theater troupe is rehearsing
  45. Unambitious and notes that Vilnius showed indications of a desire to govern, wisely , but that Valets and Carina encouraged him in a course of vicious excesses
  46. As the world's the biggest consumer, with its own natural resources, the U. S. can, wisely ,dictate what conditions can apply to goods and services imported for U. S.
  47. Which request that God bless the parents of the baby, and help them raise him, wisely ,; the sanded; the baby boy to have strength and grow up to trust in God and
  48. Leading lady in what was to be her Broadway comeback in Moose Murders. But she, wisely ,withdrew (and was replaced with the much younger Holland Taylor) after one
  49. With the 49th FG. He compared the P-40 favorably with the P-38::" If you flew, wisely , the P-40 was a very capable aircraft. It could out turn a P-38,a fact that
  50. Clinton's Telecommunications Act of 1996. " If every parent uses this chip, wisely , it can become a powerful voice against teen violence, teen pregnancy, teen

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