Examples of the the word, stool , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stool ), is the 8890 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Community. Diagnosis of typhoid Diagnosis is made by any blood, bone marrow or, stool ,cultures and with the Tidal test (demonstration of salmonella antibodies
  2. Intestinal motility, giving the intestines greater time to absorb fluid in the, stool , Chemical and physiological properties Opium contains two main groups of
  3. Three legs (an arrangement known as a" three-legged mare" or" three-legged, stool ,"). Several felons could thus be hanged at once, and so the gallows were used
  4. A laboratory diagnosis is usually made based on recovery of poliovirus from a, stool ,sample or a swab of the pharynx. Antibodies to poliovirus can be diagnostic
  5. Led by a caudillo. The party is typically referred to as the three-legged, stool , in reference to Mexican workers, peasants,and bureaucrats. After its
  6. Blood, urine and sputum cultures are usually the first step. Chest x-rays and, stool ,analysis may also aid diagnosis. Spinal fluid can be tested to ensure that
  7. Black. It was reached by five steps and the only things on it were a disrobing, stool , the block, a cushion for her to kneel on, and a bloody butcher's axe that had
  8. Of Lindy) is danced in a position often described as someone about to sit on a, stool , thereby bringing their center point of balance closer to the ground. This
  9. Private censure or through public rituals, such as" rough music ", the bucking, stool ,and the skimming ton ride. In Thomas Herman’s Caveat for Common Curators 1566 a
  10. Fender Lead II guitar to the Hard Rock Café to designate his favorite bar, stool , Pete Townshend also donated his own Gibson Les Paul guitar, with a note
  11. With sound. It's got to do with trying to keep Keith Moon on his fucking drum, stool , " Dave Marsh's The New Book of Rock Lists ranks Moon at No. 1 on its list of
  12. There is little standardization in this regard. Players who sit generally use a, stool ,about the height of the player's pants inseam length. Traditionally, double
  13. In the abdomen, and bloody diarrhea. Living and dead larvae may pass in the, stool , Other regional variations There are several other regional varieties of cheese
  14. Methods for identifying botulism. Laboratory tests of the patient's serum or, stool , which are then injected into mice are also indicative of botulism. But the
  15. It seemed not a religious painting at all ... a girl sitting on a low wooden, stool ,drying her hair ... Where was the repentance ... suffering ... promise of
  16. To receive their award. Those who are to be knighted kneel on an investiture, stool ,to receive the Accolade, which is bestowed by The Queen using the sword which
  17. He could neither stand nor walk. When saying Mass he was obliged to sit on a, stool ,and at the elevation of the host his hands had to be raised by a mechanical
  18. Severe cramping and involuntary leg movements (" kicking the habit" ), loose, stool , insomnia, elevation of blood pressure, moderate elevation in body temperature
  19. The personand it passes through their digestive system and comes out in the, stool , Hemodialysis and hemoperfusion are also used to remove thallium from the blood
  20. S entries into the machine Low Level or Slant Top slot machines include a, stool ,so the player has sit down access. Stand Up or Upright slot machines are played
  21. And craftsman are not separate. A sculpture shaped like a hand can be used as a, stool , Fifth, the use of fractals or non-linear scaling. The shape of the whole is
  22. Mode of locomotion, however it is hinted at:" Can you imagine a milking, stool ,tilted and bowled violently along the ground? That was the impression those
  23. Early 19th century. Hanging by turning the victim off a ladder or by kicking a, stool ,or a bucket, which causes death by suffocation, was replaced by long drop "
  24. The story goes that it was initiated by a certain Jenny Geodes who threw a, stool ,in St Giles Cathedral). Representatives of various sections of Scottish
  25. Presence of kidney stones. The PUB is often used to diagnose constipation as, stool ,can be seen readily. The PUB is also used to assess positioning of indwelling
  26. That was the impression those instant flashes gave. But instead of a milking, stool ,imagine it a great body of machinery on a tripod stand. " Techs were
  27. On the side. PRINCESS AND TUSK: In the second scene, the princess, seated on a, stool , is shown fainting, because the six tusks of the elephant are brought to the
  28. Being taken into the body, but it limits the amount of water removed from the, stool , In the food industry, where it may be called" wax ", it can be used as a
  29. His learning. Career As Hume's options lay between a traveling tutorship and a, stool ,in a merchant's office, he chose the latter. In 1734,after a few months
  30. When playing the double bass, the bassist either stands or sits on a high, stool ,and leans the instrument against the bassist's body with the bass turned
  31. When a woman sat upright. Therefore, during parturition, midwives brought a, stool ,to the home where the delivery was to take place. In the seat of the birth stool
  32. Problems such as constipation and diarrhea by increasing the weight and size of, stool ,and softening it. Insoluble fiber, found in whole-wheat flour, nuts and
  33. More powerfully than any other formula. The analogy of the" three-legged, stool ," of scripture, reason,and tradition is often incorrectly attributed to Hooker
  34. Mechanics. In his studio he mounted a bicycle wheel upside down onto a, stool , spinning it occasionally just to watch it. It is often assumed that the
  35. Testing of serum specimens, wound tissue cultures, and toxicity testing, and, stool , specimen cultures are the best methods for identifying botulism. Laboratory
  36. Comment to Predict about Maggio's sister causing Maggie to smash a bar, stool ,on Judson's head. Judson pulls a switchblade on Maggie, but Warden, sitting in
  37. While awaiting the results of Tidal test and cultures of the blood and, stool , The Tidal test is time-consuming and oftentimes when diagnosis is reached it
  38. It does have demulcent properties, and mild laxative properties, acting as a, stool ,softener. It is also used at room temperature as an ear wax softener. Olive oil
  39. Flat 2–3 mm in diameter, yellow nucleated colonies. Direct microscopy of, stool ,is not recommended, as it is unreliable. Microscopy is preferred only after
  40. Unemployed, thereby explaining his constant presence in Cheers at the same, stool , though he was not above leaving work early when he was employed. The face of
  41. For two weeks without either food or water, and had passed no urine or, stool , with no need for dialysis. Interviews with the researchers speak of strict
  42. Made on clinical grounds. Confirmation of the diagnosis is made by testing of a, stool ,or enema specimen with the mouse bioassay. Physicians may consider diagnosing
  43. Carbonate reduces diarrhea is by binding water in the bowel, which creates a, stool ,that is firmer and better formed. Calcium carbonate supplements are often
  44. Expertise and facilities, since the animal's urine, sweat,saliva, and, stool , are radioactive for several days after the treatment, requiring special
  45. Reporting on a trial, has the defense using this passage as a definition of a ", stool ,pigeon. " In 1914 the New Age Magazine, quoted a paragraph from The Eastern
  46. Is present in their lungs during or before delivery. Meconium is the first, stool ,of an infant, composed of materials ingested during the time the infant spends
  47. Of the 26th Infantry Regiment,1st Infantry Division, sitting slouched on a, stool ,midway through a tent ward filled with injured soldiers. Years later, Kuhl
  48. Often the abscess will start as an internal wound caused by ulceration, hard, stool , or penetrative objects with insufficient lubrication. This wound typically
  49. Gut flora (intestinal bacteria) to decimate the clostridium. The healthy, stool ,is administered by nasogastric tube, enema,or in a capsule. Consuming other
  50. And rapidly kill many victims. More recently, in 2002,Adam, et al., studied, stool , samples from patients at the International Center for Diarrheal Disease (

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