Examples of the the word, gadget , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gadget ), is the 8899 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of a comics' series. Initially published from 1970 to 1973 by the magazine PIF, gadget , it brought him much popular and critical success. Later published in album
  2. It. Instead, it was hoisted up in a steel tower 800 yards (730 m) from the, gadget ,as a rough measure of how powerful the explosion would be. In the end, Jumbo
  3. Russia with Love in 1963,Llewellyn appeared as Q, the quartermaster of the MI6, gadget , lab (also known as Q branch),in almost every Bond film until his death (17
  4. Generally held to be one of the stronger sequences in the film, the famous, gadget ,sequence is mercilessly lampooned. " It's an American idea," Q tells Tremble
  5. Batteries, etc. using organic semiconductive materials. Their original ", gadget ," is now in the Smithsonian's collection of early electronic devices. This
  6. Theory, criticizing it as having very limited use beyond" a classroom, gadget ,", and criticizing equilibrium methods generally:" When one turns to questions
  7. Joined one. While a student at Williams, he earned the nickname" Gang," for, gadget , because, he said," I was small, compact,and handy to have around. " Kazan
  8. Used for focusing the explosive shock waves of the detonators in both the, gadget ,and Fat Man atomic bombs. The truncated icosahedral can also be described as a
  9. Revenge, or flaunt to his friends. Unfortunately when in possession of the, gadget , Nikita usually gets into deeper trouble than before, despite Doraemon's best
  10. After Nobita's pleading and/or goading, Doraemon produces a futuristic, gadget ,out of his aforementioned pouch to help Nikita fix his problem, enact revenge
  11. The Powered Armor - a variant of a Gangster, who uses an" all-in-one ", gadget ,worn as armor (Iron Man / John Henry Irons) *the Speedster - with abilities
  12. Because of the proposed pyramid. One critic called it a" gigantic, ruinous, gadget ,"; another charged Mitterrand with" despotism" for inflicting Paris with the
  13. Of all kinds and specialty stores that include artisan shops and unique, gadget ,shops. In the summer and on weekends, many street shows and acts can be found
  14. It expanded in a spherical shape) and would generate less nuclear fallout. The, gadget ,was assembled by Rudolf Fairly at the nearby McDonald Ranch House on July 13
  15. A district with a station may choose to end their move at another station. The, gadget ,also times auctions of unowned property initiated by landing upon an auction
  16. Powers to the point that she could control and regain Noble Scarlet. When said, gadget ,went out of control, Urd used her angel to save Skull, thus unlocking World Of
  17. For The Sea Devils, Michael Brian claims to have suggested it as a one-off, gadget ,in 1968. During the Third Doctor's tenure, producer Barry Lets was adamant
  18. Sometimes, I admit, I think of Bruce as a man in a costume. Then, with some, gadget ,from his utility belt, he reminds me that he has an extraordinarily inventive
  19. After the Trinity test had proven its operability in an atomic explosion. The, gadget ," The gadget " was the code name given to the first bomb tested. It was so
  20. To walls and ceilings. Through his native knack for science, he develops a, gadget ,that lets him fire adhesive webbing of his own design through small
  21. Model. It was an implosion-type weapon with a plutonium core, similar to" The, gadget ,", the experimental device detonated only a month earlier in New Mexico. " Fat
  22. With refined menu designs and more intuitive icons, new desktop ZIP/UNZIP, gadget ,with drag-and-drop functionality, new and extensive email/webmail support (+
  23. Into a production design, and both were strictly one-off prototypes. The, gadget ,was tested at Trinity Site, New Mexico, near Alamogordo. For the test, the
  24. Is limited to 1,2 or 3 by the outcome of a button press to a battery powered, gadget ,(and by the amount of cash to hand). A skyscraper may be built when a full
  25. Had always been obvious, yet provision of networking devices, even wireless, gadget ,sign-outs from libraries, made availability of information an expectation of
  26. Weapon, X (for explosives) Division headed by George Kistiakowsky and G (for, gadget ,) Division under Robert Backer. The new design that von Neumann and T (for
  27. Boy, relied on uranium fission, while the very first nuclear explosive (The, gadget ,) and the bomb that destroyed Nagasaki (Fat Man) were plutonium bombs.
  28. Was selected, resulting in the design known as Fat Man. Both Fat Man and the, gadget ,are not strictly" Fat Man type ", as the design was modified into a production
  29. And began a series of short Porto Maltese stories for the comics' magazine PIF, gadget , an arrangement lasting four years and producing many 20-page stories. In 1974
  30. And production of the weapons. A total of four weapons (the Trinity, gadget , Little Boy, Fat Man, and an unused bomb) were produced by the end of 1945
  31. Board was erected in front of the Post Office. - and wasn’t that a handy, gadget , Anyone could post notices of articles for sale, lost animals, their club’s
  32. And design something that people can use. That something can be a device,a, gadget , a material, a method, a computing program, an innovative experiment, a new
  33. Energy applied directly to the target, and generated less nuclear fallout. The, gadget ,was assembled under the supervision of Norris Bradbury at the nearby McDonald
  34. Boomerang with razor sharp wings; Jason's and Tiny's multipurpose, gadget ,guns, which can be outfitted with grappling hook and line, drill bits, etc.;
  35. Test had proven its operability in an atomic explosion. The gadget " The, gadget ," was the code name given to the first bomb tested. It was so called because it
  36. It could reach about 2.5 critical masses. " Fat Man" and the Trinity ", gadget ,", by way of comparison, had five critical masses. Construction and delivery On
  37. Was tested at Trinity Site, New Mexico, near Alamogordo. For the test,the, gadget ,was lifted to the top of a bomb tower. It was feared by some that the Trinity
  38. It a score of 8.8 out of 10 and voted it as its number one" must-have ", gadget , praising its robust graphical capabilities and stylish exterior design while
  39. Bestseller and only months after its release became the best-selling tech, gadget ,in history. Multiple competing tablet computers are now on the market. * Mobile
  40. TNT. ) For the actual test, the plutonium-core nuclear device, nicknamed " the, gadget ,", was hoisted to the top of a for detonation — the height would give a better
  41. ½-ton command vehicle. Also referred to as" any small plane, helicopter,or, gadget , " This definition is supported by the use of the term" jeep carrier" to
  42. igGameCenter Play Football online in a browser or with an Google, gadget ,* http://conwaygo.sourceforge.net Conway - Football Program in Java Papyrus (
  43. Vital for the Trinity test. For the actual test, the weapon, nicknamed " the, gadget ,", was hoisted to the top of a steel tower, as detonation at that height would
  44. Objects at the players. * Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, it is used as a, gadget ,to move marked objects from one place to another, often to advance the plot. *
  45. To work cleanly on a mobile device * One or more shelves to manage the, gadget ,placement and appearance on the screen * Animated, interactive desktop
  46. Fermi, Groves,Lawrence, Oppenheimer and Holman. At 05:30 on 16 July 1945 the, gadget ,exploded with an energy equivalent of around 20 kilotons of TNT, leaving a
  47. For all districts of that color. Even better is the“ Monopoly Tower ”. The, gadget ,may also allow the building of a station, now the only building that may occupy
  48. Salt Lake. * AGG, manufacturer and marketer of the popular invisibleSHIELD, gadget ,protection film, is based in South Salt Lake. Taylorsville is a city in Salt
  49. Effort, the more complex design of the implosion device, known as the" Christy, gadget ," after Robert Christy, another student of Oppenheimer's, was finalized in a
  50. Of combs (Kauai),the use of collegium and a special three-in-one toiletry, gadget ,) that were found in Harappan contexts still have similar counterparts in

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