Examples of the the word, sprint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sprint ), is the 8900 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sprint is the meeting of developers from Money, Kraft and Scrooge. Promo, sprint ,is the meeting, which discuses KDE Marketing and Promo. Technology platform The
  2. World housemate and AIDS activist (d. 1994) *1976 – Stalin Kovacs, Hungarian, sprint , canoer * 1976 – JA Rule, American rapper and actor * 1976 – Terrence Long
  3. Similar to a slalom hull, providing stability in big water. Paddles used for, sprint ,boats are made out of carbon fiber and/or fiberglass. At the discretion of the
  4. Elongated forelegs, about 10 % longer than their hind legs, and can reach a, sprint ,speed of up to. It cannot sustain a lengthy chase. The apparent inflexibility
  5. Also compete successfully in sprint s. A classic example of this long jump /, sprint ,doubling are performances by Carl Lewis. The approach The objective of the
  6. Of takeoff: the kick style, double-arm style, sprint takeoff, and the power, sprint ,or bounding takeoff. Kick The kick style takeoff is a style of takeoff where
  7. Power and force from the ground through the body to the javelin. Stretching and, sprint ,training are used to enhance the speed of the athlete at the point of release
  8. For maintaining velocity through takeoff. Power sprint or bounding The power, sprint ,takeoff, or bounding takeoff, is arguably one of the most effective styles.
  9. Longer endurance and long fast forced marches, including the ability to, sprint ,to close and overwhelm opposing positions and archers. In essence, the range of
  10. Tests may span multiple stories (that are not implemented in the same, sprint ,) and there are different ways to test them out during actual sprint s. One
  11. A sprint landing page on the community wiki, which give a brief summary of the, sprint ,and link to relevant material. KDE PIM Meeting is the annual meeting of KDE PIM
  12. Original distance of the CRASH-B Sprints). Many competitions also include a, sprint ,event (100 m-500m) and sometimes team relay events. The machines used are
  13. Competitors' starts are staggered, normally by 30 seconds. Sprint The, sprint ,is for men and for women; the distance is skied over three laps. The biathlete
  14. Events and in competition that emphasizes the handling of live cattle. However, sprint ,races were also popular weekend entertainment and racing became a source of
  15. The race, unseen since the 1957 Formula One season, to allow their drivers to, sprint ,away at the start of races on a light fuel load and soft tires. After studying
  16. There are four main styles of takeoff: the kick style, double-arm style, sprint ,takeoff, and the power sprint or bounding takeoff. Kick The kick style takeoff
  17. Caused by tiredness. In athletics, moderate doses of caffeine can improve, sprint , endurance and team sports performance, but the improvements are not usually
  18. In spite of this, these boats have a fairly large turning radius. Canoe, sprint ,kayaks are closely related to sprint canoes, with both styles of boat usually
  19. Means faster, and harder means fewer scratches and therefore also faster. Canoe, sprint ,The three types of Canoe sprint kayaks (sometimes termed ' sprint boats' ) are
  20. Since 2009. KDE Education Meeting is the meeting of KDE EDU team. KDE Marble, sprint ,is the meeting of Marble team, held in Nuremberg, Germany. KDE Games Sprint is
  21. Pure methanol is required by rule to be used in Champ cars, Monster Trucks, USAC, sprint ,cars (as well as midgets, modifieds, etc.),and other dirt track series, such
  22. For high impact events such as the long jump. It also helps the athlete, sprint ,down the runway. A common tool in many long jump workouts is the use of video
  23. Arrived (Arrive at the lane in fifth place, you shoot at lane five. ). As in, sprint ,races, competitors must ski one 150 m penalty loop for each miss. Here again
  24. The gallop averages, but the world record for a horse galloping over a short, sprint ,distance is. Besides these basic gaits, some horses perform a two-beat pace
  25. Running workouts are performed 1-2 times a week. This is great for building, sprint ,endurance, which is required in competitions where the athlete is sprint ing
  26. Narrow shape to reduce drag. Due to their length (a K-1 is and a K-2 is long), sprint , boats come equipped with a rudder to help with turning. The rudder is
  27. KDE Games Sprint is the meeting of KDE Games team. KDE Imaging Sprint is a, sprint ,for KDE photography applications. Tokamak is the meeting of designers and
  28. Takeoff, is arguably one of the most effective styles. Very similar to the, sprint ,style, the body resembles a sprint er in full stride. However, there is one
  29. And more races are being held in audience-friendly formats, such as mass start, sprint , relay and pursuit (a race that involves switching skis, and styles halfway
  30. A sport with some similarities to pole-vaulting. A jump consists of an intense, sprint ,to the pole (Poisson),jumping and grabbing it, then climbing to the top
  31. Are separated by their time differences from a previous race, most commonly a, sprint , The contestant crossing the finish line first is the winner. The distance is
  32. Scratches and therefore also faster. Canoe sprint The three types of Canoe, sprint ,kayaks (sometimes termed ' sprint boats' ) are K-1 (single paddler),K-2 (
  33. They are not as tightly bound in the defense. On a turnover, they immediately, sprint ,forward and receive the ball halfway to the other goal. Thus, these positions
  34. Increased. However, because there was also a need for animals suitable for, sprint ,racing, the modern Quarter Horse has two distinct types: the sleeker racing
  35. Off. This produces a high hip height and a large vertical impulse. Sprint The, sprint ,takeoff is the style most widely instructed by coaching staff. This is a
  36. Most other track shoes in that they have much thicker soles than ordinary ", sprint ,spikes" - in order to provide stability and comfort at take-off - and there
  37. Mth January 19 On This Day in Canada ---- Jet sprint or, sprint ,boat racing is a form of racing sport in which jet boats with a crew of two race
  38. Former So You Think You Can Dance contestant) * 1992 – Giselle Klein, Canadian, sprint , car driver Deaths *1403 – Henry Percy, English nobleman and soldier (b. 1364)
  39. And crocodiles. Many species of lizards become bipedal during high-speed, sprint ,locomotion, including the world's the fastest lizard, the spiny-tailed iguana (
  40. by the USA Triathlon. Held annually in May since 2004,there is an absence of a, sprint ,course. Iron man Hawaii was first held in Honolulu, it was the first ever
  41. Lead maneuver operations. Prelude Case Blue Army Group South was selected for a, sprint ,forward through the southern Russian steppes into the Caucasus to capture the
  42. Elements (if need be). Acceptance test cards are ideally created during, sprint ,planning or iteration planning meeting, before development begins so that the
  43. The results of meetings are documented on the KDE. News. They also create a, sprint ,landing page on the community wiki, which give a brief summary of the sprint
  44. Is an efficient takeoff style for maintaining velocity through takeoff. Power, sprint ,or bounding The power sprint takeoff, or bounding takeoff, is arguably one of
  45. Tutorials and interactive sessions. The last two days were a focused code, sprint , The conference was opened by its main organizer Pradeep Bhattacharya, over
  46. Have a fairly large turning radius. Canoe sprint kayaks are closely related to, sprint ,canoes, with both styles of boat usually at the same club or with the same team
  47. Were invented here, including the first hill climb (Nice – La Turbine) and a, sprint ,that was, in spirit, the first drag race. An international competition, between
  48. Diseases below) Racing and hunter type Quarter Horse race horses are bred to, sprint ,short distances ranging from 220 to 870 yards. Thus, they have long legs and
  49. C-1,C-2,C-4 (women's C-1 and C-2 was exhibition-level at the 2009 world, sprint ,championships). All units compete at all distances. Each country can send one
  50. In difficulty to the difficulty of the routine as a whole.; Vault: Gymnasts, sprint ,down a runway, which is a maximum of 25 meters in length, before hurdling onto

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