Examples of the the word, propagate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( propagate ), is the 9338 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. This category. If one item in a package or stack initiates, it will usually, propagate ,to the other items creating a mass fire. * 1.4 Moderate fire, no blast or
  2. The chemo tactic movement of cells is organized by periodic waves of camp that, propagate ,through the cell. The waves are the result of a regulated production and
  3. Of the waves emanating from the two different slits, he deduced that light must, propagate ,as waves. Augustin-Jean Fresnel did more definitive studies and calculations of
  4. And high magnetic fields. Magneto hydrodynamic waves (MHD waves) can also, propagate ,in this plasma, even if it is not still clear how they can be transmitted or
  5. Period must be longer than the amount of time it takes for a signal to move, or, propagate , in the worst-case scenario. In setting the clock period to a value well above
  6. Of the conquest led him to adopt Buddhism, and he used his position to, propagate ,the relatively new religion to new heights, as far as ancient Rome and Egypt.
  7. The first case two cracks can be initiated and in the second only one crack can, propagate , Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, CBE (born 31 December 1937),best known as
  8. Adherents after deboning will be covered by fractured adhesive. The crack may, propagate ,in the center of the layer or near an interface. For this last case, the
  9. By great Jain monks, sanyasis and Tunis of ancient times. There is a need to, propagate ,these methods during this age of increasing diseases of the body and mind due
  10. And formalization and celebration of these legends served to legitimize and, propagate ,the doctrines of the Church and serve as examples. The Latin Rite Canon of the
  11. One-dimensional transport Because of the nanoscale dimensions, electrons, propagate , only along the tube's axis and electron transport involves many quanta
  12. Sailors to stay in touch with families and loved ones and equally serve to, propagate ,the lifestyle and share information between cruisers and 'want-to-be' cruisers
  13. Waves of activity that originate spontaneously at a random point and then, propagate ,slowly across the retinal layer. These waves are useful because they cause
  14. Will sympathetically detonate the surrounding items. The explosion could, propagate ,to all or the majority of the items stored together causing a mass detonation.
  15. Wave fronts are increased, so the waves" spread out ". For waves that, propagate ,in a medium, such as sound waves, the velocity of the observer and of the
  16. Is avoiding it. However, in a supersonic flow, the pressure disturbance cannot, propagate ,upstream. Thus, when the fluid finally does strike the object, it is forced to
  17. To be a Cartesian and atheist who was forbidden by the city government to, propagate ,his doctrines publicly. His books were put on the Catholic Index of banned
  18. Distance during the short-but-finite time taken for the deceleration to, propagate ,across the impactor. As a result, the impactor is compressed, its density rises
  19. Surface area, hindering the ability of the" crack" formed by the serration to, propagate ,through the tooth. These two species are the only described Albertosaurus;
  20. Is not quite the same as traveling faster than light, since: * Some processes, propagate ,faster than c, but cannot carry information (See Examples section immediately
  21. Requires users to confirm the installation of unknown software before it can, propagate , The virus was written as a proof-of-concept by a group of virus writers known
  22. Cultivars and hybrids have also been developed as well. They are easy to, propagate ,from seed. Columbine is a perennial, which propagate s by seed. It will grow to
  23. Heat by the further release of heat energy in the process of combustion and may, propagate , provided there is a continuous supply of an oxidizer and fuel. Fire can be
  24. That consistently enhance survival and procreation of the practitioners will, propagate ,the physiological controls that favor the acquisition of the practices during
  25. Two-dimensional problem. For water waves, this is already the case; water waves, propagate ,only on the surface of the water. For light, we can often neglect one direction
  26. To rest. In fluid traveling at subsonic speed, this pressure disturbance can, propagate ,upstream, changing the flow pattern ahead of the object and giving the
  27. Overflow was in 1988. It was one of several exploits used by the Morris worm to, propagate ,itself over the Internet. The program exploited was a service on Unix called
  28. Enough to support combustion, but the holes are too fine to allow a flame to, propagate ,through them and ignite any firedamp outside the mesh. The first trial of a
  29. Fundamentally change and/or disrupt a deployment. Schema changes automatically, propagate ,throughout the system. Once created, an object can only be deactivated—not
  30. On the order of a few inches (or centimeters) per second, but fields, propagate ,at the speed of light - approximately 300 thousand kilometers (or 186 thousand
  31. In an EM field and the change in current (electrons' drift velocity) both, propagate ,across distance at rates much higher than the actual drift velocity. You can
  32. In the air molecules' drift velocity, whereas EM waves do carry the energy to, propagate ,the actual current at a rate which is much, much higher than the electrons '
  33. Involving changes in pressure and density of the medium through which they, propagate , Viscous vs in viscid flow Viscous problems are those in which fluid friction
  34. Or Asia, some locals consider them to be a symbol of the archipelago and, propagate ,them along roadsides, helping them to escape into the wild. Cryptomeria, the
  35. Effects, since they imply that the laws of physics allow for influences to, propagate ,at speeds greater than the speed of light. However, proponents of Many worlds
  36. Particle theory. Mechanism Diffraction arises because of the way in which waves, propagate ,; this is described by the Huygens–Fresnel principle and the principle of
  37. Of diffraction can also describe the way in which waves of finite extent, propagate ,in free space. For example, the expanding profile of a laser beam, the beam
  38. Wave propagation: pressure levels In fluids such as air and water, sound waves, propagate ,as disturbances in the ambient pressure level. While this disturbance is
  39. Memory (CAM) tables and Spanning Tree information stored in switches to, propagate ,and probe for vulnerable nodes until the enterprise network is covered. Most
  40. Under the direction of Mountstuart Elphinstone a program was launched to, propagate ,smallpox vaccination in India. From the beginning of the 20th century onwards
  41. Civilization" article argues for eugenics, stating that it is irrational to ", propagate ,low orders of intelligence, to feed the ranks of paupers, defectives and
  42. Is typically about 75 % of light speed. This occurs because electrical signals, propagate ,as a wave, with the velocity dependent on the dielectric constant of the
  43. The ability of exceptional conditions (overflow, divide by zero, etc.) to, propagate ,through a computation in a benign manner and be handled by the software in a
  44. In every way available; in fact, intermediate virtual particles are allowed to, propagate ,faster than light. The probability of each final state is then obtained by
  45. As the displacement of a ball from its rest position. Vibrations in this field, propagate ,and are governed by the appropriate wave equation for the particular field in
  46. Are preceded by foreshocks. Once the rupture has initiated it begins to, propagate ,along the fault surface. The mechanics of this process are poorly understood
  47. Electrons. For example, in AC power lines, the waves of electromagnetic energy, propagate ,through the space between the wires, moving from a source to a distant load
  48. Controlled cavitation can be used to enhance chemical reactions or, propagate ,certain unexpected reactions because free radicals are generated in the process
  49. Witted Style Ray Tracing, or hybrids. While most implementations let light, propagate ,on straight lines, applications exist to simulate relativistic spacetime
  50. Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG). The action potentials generated in the pacemaker, propagate ,throughout the heart in a specific pattern and is the system that carries this

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