Examples of the the word, procure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( procure ), is the 9399 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hotel in Shanghai dated March 25, 1959,Mao specifically ordered the party to, procure ,up to one third of all the grain, much more than had ever been the case. At the
  2. Had not given him sufficient money to register for classes, purchase texts, and, procure , and furnish a dormitory. Allan did send additional money and clothes, but Poe
  3. Or are otherwise difficult to handle with other pumps. Tesla himself did not, procure ,a large contract for production. The main drawback in his time, as mentioned
  4. Other things, wilfully assault that child or young person, or to cause or, procure ,that child or young person to be assaulted, in a manner likely to cause him
  5. Stupid geese in a convent, and give men of noble character a whole harem, and, procure , men,and indeed thorough men, for all girls of intellect and understanding
  6. Who enjoyed the support of the commander Constantine, used this opportunity to, procure ,for himself the position of supremacy above-mentioned, by winning over Cosmos
  7. Of the Royal Academy of Fine Art (from the year 1765) helped Goya to, procure ,work as a painter of designs to be woven by Royal Tapestry Factory. There, over
  8. Thick specimens at various depths. Laser capture microdissection use lasers to, procure ,specific cell populations from a tissue section under microscopic visualization
  9. But firearms in any other category require both registration and a" permit to, procure ," before they are transferred. Except under supervision of a license holder
  10. My Chance or Expectation to win anything is worth just such a Sum, as wou'd, procure ,me in the same Chance and Expectation at a fair Lay. ... If I expect a or b
  11. Isaac grew old and became blind. He called his son Esau and directed him to, procure ,some venison for him, in order to receive Isaac's blessing. While Esau was
  12. Production plan, though,was only notional as the USAF had no firm plans to, procure ,the winner. Finalists selected, and fly off Five companies responded and in 1972
  13. The colonial state. They took advantage of their treaties with the French to, procure ,more weapons which were used to capture more slaves and so much of the eastern
  14. Of 1215,and he started preparations for the crusade to begin in 1217. To, procure ,the means necessary for this colossal undertaking, the Pope and the cardinals
  15. To conquer Caledonia (Scotland),and in Dacia, where Domitian was unable to, procure ,a decisive victory against king Decals. Domitian's government exhibited
  16. Comes from the impressions made upon us by natural objects, it is impossible to, procure ,knowledge without the use of objects which impress the mind” ( Dewey
  17. Targeting a dissident republican gun smuggling plot. The IRA had attempted to, procure ,arms from France including Semtex and C-4 plastic explosives,SAM-7
  18. Discharge, whereupon many of the said purchasers have been suitors unto me to, procure ,the discharging of her Majesty's said debt, and do seem very willing to bear
  19. Seat stood aside, allowing Home to contest the by-election, win and thus, procure ,a seat in the lower House. Grey's bearing changed the Premiership. Often
  20. Stainless steel, this is historically inaccurate but is much less expensive to, procure ,and maintain than historically accurate reproductions. Mail can also be made of
  21. Organic Concentrate). They subsequently formed Amway Sales Corporation to, procure ,and inventory products and to handle the sales and marketing plan, and Amway
  22. Discussed the logistics of the expedition. Two small companies were detached to, procure ,boats, and Allen took the main contingent north to Hand's Cove in Shore ham to
  23. A 5th set to be formed, making a clean hand or all pong hand very difficult to, procure , American mahjong has distinctive game mechanics and the article on American
  24. i. e., armed robberies of banks and other companies by Bolshevik groups to, procure ,money for the Party, which had been banned by the 5th Congress, but continued
  25. That the F-15 was too large to be a dedicated dog fighter, and too expensive to, procure ,in large numbers, led to the Lightweight Fighter (LWF) program, which led to
  26. Both an auspicious and ominous aspect: *van: like, love; wish, desire; gain, procure ,; conquer, win; possess; prepare; Nirvana in Buddhism The Buddha described
  27. Can be problematic in developing countries where replacements are difficult to, procure , Another solution is to have a mechanism such as a shifting valve that
  28. Fired through a rifle's barrel. Armies have consistently attempted to find and, procure ,the most lethal and accurate caliber for their firearms. The standard calibers
  29. Ladies. " He described an expedition sent by the Chengdu Emperor in 1483 to, procure ,opium for a price" equal to that of gold" in Hainan, Fujian,Zhejiang
  30. Deterred Hitler, and perhaps would have caused Hitler's domestic opponents to, procure ,his removal. Parliamentary election results Notes Picador Parr Sandoval (born
  31. Their savings to the youngest son David, a merchant. Maimonides directed him to, procure ,goods only at the Sudanese port of ‘ Ahab. After a long arduous trip through
  32. Approved his application. Records at the time only recorded past failures to, procure ,a visa, so the officer had no way of realizing that Name had successfully
  33. Powers ...." Significant financial investments have been made to fund, procure ,existing and create new anti-malarial agents. During World War I and World War
  34. Achieve these goals. The law applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure , maintain, or use electronic and information technology. Under Section 508 ()
  35. Descent, James Kelley, editor of The Chicago Tribune traveled to Germany to, procure ,the services of the most popular humor artists. He recruited Fainter to
  36. View ships as they entered the Forth, affording the merchant the opportunity to, procure ,the best goods at port. During World War Two, the tower was used as a look-out
  37. Of the moons of Jupiter, as published in his Sidearms Nuncios in 1610,to, procure ,a position in the Medici court with the dual title of mathematician and
  38. Strongest and ablest" among their people to" go into foreign nations, to, procure , themselves sustenance, and free their native country from a superfluous
  39. Thatcher wrote to President Reagan to request the United Kingdom be allowed to, procure ,the Trident II (Trident D5) system, the procure ment of which had been
  40. Right of his wife and crowned at Acre in January 1198. In 1198, he was able to, procure ,five years' truce with the Muslims, owing to the struggle between Saladin's
  41. Its F-14s and AIM-54s operational, there is evidence that Iran continues to, procure ,parts clandestinely. Iran claims to be working on building an equivalent
  42. The prophet, fearing that they will be killed by Adonis, go to David and, procure ,his agreement that Solomon,Bathsheba's son, should sit on the throne. And so
  43. Test for it. Unfortunately, at this critical juncture, he was unable to, procure ,the necessary supercomputer time to continue his work. Others took up his
  44. Of the Harrier in USMC service led to calls for the United States Air Force to, procure ,Harrier II's in addition to the USMC's own plans, but these never resulted in
  45. 2004,it was subsequently extended until April 2005. The project to plan, procure , build and operate the next generation of the network was named GÉANT2 and it
  46. Or as loanable funds. For medium of exchange“ money is capable by exchange to, procure ,us the necessaries or conveniences of life. ” For loanable funds,“ it comes to
  47. The Combined Development Trust in June 1944,with Groves as its chairman, to, procure , uranium and thorium ores on international markets. In 1944,the Combined
  48. The program was projected to be US$553.6 million in 1997 dollars. The cost to, procure ,each B-2 was US$737 million in 1997 dollars, based only on a fleet cost of
  49. More realistic scaled down maps, in which players can converse with locals to, procure ,items and services, solve puzzles and challenges, or encounter enemies. Throne
  50. Him to fight against Rebecca's champion. Rebecca then writes to her father to, procure ,a champion for her. Meanwhile, Cedric organizes Aethelstane's funeral at

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