Examples of the the word, assert , in a Sentence Context

The word ( assert ), is the 3455 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. God arises as an attempt to harmonize these two conflicting goals, but critics, assert ,that practical reason is not committed to the pursuit of two ends that
  2. In views about the effect of baptism for a Christian. Some Christian groups, assert ,baptism is a requirement for salvation and a sacrament, and speak of "
  3. Who adds satanic aspects to its monsters. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt, assert ,in their introduction to Beowulf in the Norton Anthology of English Literature
  4. Natural laws,we'd come to accept it as a fact. But if every historian were to, assert ,that Queen Elizabeth was observed walking around happy and healthy after her
  5. Possessions of the various empires there (not all European). Lewis and Widen, assert ," The narrowing of 'Southeast Asia' to its present boundaries was thus a
  6. Between 1774 and 1800 Spain sent several expeditions to Alaska in order to, assert ,its claim over the Pacific Northwest. In 1789 a Spanish settlement and fort
  7. Acknowledged his own need to depend on God. As Lincoln grew older, some, assert , the idea of a divine will somehow interacting with human affairs increasingly
  8. Peter's gospel message was not the same as Paul's. Hyperdispensationalists, assert ,: *The great commission and its baptism is directed to early Jewish believers
  9. Of laws. During the course of the 15th century, the Crown of England would, assert ,a claim to the Crown of France, thereby also releasing the King of England as
  10. Congress. In response to protests in Boston over Parliament's attempts to, assert ,authority, the British sent combat troops, dissolved local governments, and
  11. Problems in metaphysics, phenomenology,ethics, and epistemology. Some scholars, assert ,that early Buddhist philosophy did not engage in ontological or metaphysical
  12. Increase scoring even further by initiating the designated hitter rule. Players, assert ,themselves From the time of the formation of the Major Leagues to the 1960s
  13. Berg 2003) proves the effectiveness of specific alternative treatments. They, assert ,that a PubMed search revealed over 370,000 research papers classified as
  14. And intraspecific (within species). Birds sometimes use plumage to assess and, assert ,social dominance, to display breeding condition in sexually selected species
  15. For example, to choose the left shoe. Without the axiom of choice, one cannot, assert ,that such a function exists for pairs of socks, because left and right socks
  16. With surrounding regions, and a military intended to defeat foreign enemies and, assert ,Egyptian dominance. Motivating and organizing these activities was a
  17. Credit cycle as the primary cause of most business cycles. Austrian economists, assert ,that inherently damaging and ineffective central bank policies are the
  18. Intended for personal use, never enforced, or only poorly done. While some, assert ,the lack of broad adoption was due to an inherent flaw, others insist they were
  19. Realities such as God and the soul, because human intelligence, they, assert , has a non-material, spiritual element. They affirm that“ not being able to
  20. Being allowed to make such foreign travels, nor did Voltaire (or Nurse), assert , that it had any actual historical foundation. The, also called Ainu, Aino (アイノ
  21. Postulate but as an axiom, since it does not, like the first three Postulates, assert ,the possibility of some construction but expresses an essential property ".
  22. Absolutely unconnected with the doctrine of Basil ides While it would be rash to, assert ,positively that no existing gems were the work of Gnostic's, there is no valid
  23. Identity and culture, and provided a platform for British Punjabi males to, assert ,their masculinity. In the 1980s,Bhangra artists were selling over 30,000
  24. For it is this that some assert to be one, others more than one, and that some, assert ,to be limited in number, others unlimited. And so we also must consider chiefly
  25. After a 20-year-long battle with Australia. The British Museum continues to, assert ,that it is an appropriate custodian and has an inalienable right to its
  26. Been maintained into the new millennium, and Labor would have a free hand to, assert ,its ideals in the subsequent parliament. Despite the victory, voter apathy was
  27. Peter Reef and Ronald Bacilli cite 20 arguments for God’s existence. They, assert ,that agnosticism's demand for scientific evidence through laboratory testing
  28. Cantor adds, that this is testified by the prophets of the Egyptians, who, assert , that these particulars which are narrated by Plato are written on pillars which
  29. Of operations that can be simulated by a Turing-complete system. Authors who, assert ,this thesis includes Minsky (1967),Savage (1987) and Reich (2000):
  30. Whose liberation from employment they were trying to secure. " These critics, assert ,that people from the Third World see the anti-globalization movement as a
  31. The Assyrian empire, but the rapid decline of Assyria after c.630 led Josiah to, assert ,his independence and institute a religious reform stressing loyalty to Yahweh
  32. Art work has erroneously been alluded to as" fresco ", rather than mural, and, assert , that the technique and process used to produce this kind of artwork is unlike
  33. With nature. Most modern Pueblo peoples (whether Kansans, Hopi,or Canons), assert , the ancient Pueblo did not" vanish ", as is commonly portrayed in media
  34. Homes to use force when ejecting an intruder. The resident merely needs to, assert ,to the court that he felt threatened by the intruder's presence. This defense
  35. Magic Book, Creatures Book, and Game master Book) were printed in order to, assert ,Chaosium's copyrights in the run-up to the publishing and distribution of
  36. Or" all triangles have three corners" ). All rational statements that, assert ,a factual claim about the universe that begin" I believe that ...." are
  37. Of Jews to the middle- or upper-class in Europe the myths evolved and began to, assert ,that Jews were" clever, devious,and manipulative financiers out to dominate
  38. This and similar passages with" Every man and every woman is a star. " To, assert ,the sovereignty of the individual, and to deny the right-to-exist to "
  39. Of outdoor recreationalists, such as hikers or hunters, is higher. People who, assert ,their presence through noises tend to be less vulnerable, as they alert bears
  40. Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 to exchange trading ports under their controls and, assert ,spheres of influences, in which indirectly set apart the two parts of Borneo
  41. Being is, is just the question, what is substance? For it is this that some, assert ,to be one, others more than one, and that some assert to be limited in number
  42. And the NPA (Natural Physique Association). Natural bodybuilders, assert ,that their method is more focused on competition and a healthier lifestyle than
  43. Because of the Common Draft instituted in 1967. This apparently was meant to, assert ,that the AFL could not achieve parity as long as it had to compete with the NFL
  44. Method is based on the heavy use of logical deduction from what they, assert ,to be undeniable, self-evident axioms or irrefutable facts about human
  45. Additional historical and cultural context Most modern day biblical scholars, assert ,that the Book of Lamentations was written by one or more authors in Judah
  46. Number of sometimes divergent spoken forms. For political reasons, Arabs mostly, assert ,that they all speak a single language, despite significant issues of mutual
  47. In The Market for Liberty, object to any statutory law whatsoever. They, assert ,that all one has to do is ask if one is aggressing against another (see tort
  48. As syncretic combinations of earlier religions' beliefs. Baha'is, however, assert , that their religion is a distinct tradition with its own scriptures, teachings
  49. Think tanks, and many mainstream economists. Lack of evidence Critics, assert ,that the empirical evidence does not support the views of the
  50. For example, wrote against the exclusion of miracles:" Nor does Scripture, assert ,this exclusion ... God has a free hand even in these last days. " Referring to

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