Examples of the the word, printed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( printed ), is the 4825 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. During the fifteenth century. Only six leaves of M survive; however,the, printed ,edition of Genius (G) is considered to be based on M, making it an
  2. Coercion the program prints 0 on an empty input, without it an empty line is, printed , Match a range of input lines $ yes Wikipedia | AWK 'NR % 4 1,NR % 4 3' | used
  3. Louie Rice compiled the Kannada version of it and its available 4th edition was, printed ,in 1927 which contains three hands and 25 Vargas. Alfonso XII (born Alfonso
  4. Editions were also produced in Lyons and elsewhere. Today, antique books, printed ,by the Aldine Press in Venice are referred to as Alpines. Initial innovations
  5. Provide the further advantage of computing coordinate precession. Traditional, printed ,sources are subtitled by the epoch year, which refers to the positions of
  6. Swell paper. * Scanner. A device used in conjunction with OCR software. The, printed ,document is scanned and converted into electronic text, which can then be
  7. About Beatrice Hence, partly inspired by Percy Bessie Shelley's The Hence, was, printed , while he was dying. The entire stock except for three copies was destroyed
  8. First full Albanian Bible to be printed was the Filial translation which was, printed ,in 1990. There are about 4,000 active Jehovah's witnesses in Albania. Among
  9. s. Early A500 units, at least, had the words" B52/ROCK LOBSTER" silk-screen, printed ,onto their printed circuit board, a reference to the popular song" Rock
  10. With sexually explicit subject. However, most of the hundred copies, printed ,for the initial release were later seized and destroyed by British customs.
  11. Strictly limited to 200 numbered and signed copies bound in Morocco leather and, printed ,on pre-wartime paper ". Crowley sold ₤1,500 worth of the edition in less than
  12. The most notable of which was White Stains, a piece of erotica that had to be, printed ,abroad as a safety measure in case it caused trouble with the British
  13. Language, only a year after King James Version was published),which was, printed ,in the Netherlands in 1629. Then he translated Mark which was published in
  14. For his labors in the cause of optical science. Some of his papers were not, printed ,by the Academic DES Sciences until many years after his death. But as he wrote
  15. Organbuilding and organ art) (Breitkopf & Cartel, Leipzig 1906) (first, printed ,in Music, vols 13 and 14 (5th year) ). *The Psychiatric Study of Jesus:
  16. An index by HT Holbrook, appeared at Seaport in 1808. The Sanskrit text was, printed ,at Calcutta in 1831. A French translation by ALA Loiseleur-Deslongchamps as
  17. Of its class, in meter, to aid the memory. The first chapter of the OSHA was, printed ,at Rome in Tamil character in 1798. An edition of the entire work, with English
  18. Icons, menu bars and scroll bars. * Optical character recognition. Converts the, printed ,word into text, via a scanner. * Braille translation. Converts the printed word
  19. At Rome in 1472 (the first printed edition of the Lives; the Greek text was, printed ,only in 1533). He also translated four books against the errors of the Greeks
  20. Languages, Lithuanian,Ukrainian and Belarusian were completely banned from, printed ,texts, see e.g. the Ems Ukase. The Polish language was banned in both oral and
  21. System, threatened the stability of state government. The Continental Congress, printed ,paper money which was so depreciated that it ceased to pass as currency
  22. Oil refinery was featured on the reverse side of Iran's 100-rial banknotes, printed ,in 1965 and from 1971 to 1973. Places of interest The Ibadan Institute of
  23. In 1747. The Press and Journal and its sister paper the Evening Express are, printed ,six days a week by Aberdeen Journals. There are two free newspapers: Aberdeen
  24. Circulated in manuscript form and was published at Rome in 1472 (the first, printed ,edition of the Lives; the Greek text was printed only in 1533). He also
  25. Interconfessional Bible Society of Albania. The first full Albanian Bible to be, printed ,was the Filial translation which was printed in 1990. There are about 4,000
  26. Other things, for the introduction of italics. The press was the first to issue, printed ,books in the small octavo size, similar to that of a modern paperback, and like
  27. E (for example friend→friend, head→he'd). Many general interest paperbacks were, printed ,in SR1. American Airlines Flight 77 was American Airlines' daily scheduled
  28. Units contained in a typical serving of an alcoholic beverage is publicized and, printed ,on bottles. An average healthy adult can metabolize three quarters of an
  29. This is a history of Spain from the earliest times down to 1456,and was, printed ,at Granada in 1545,and also in the Serum Hispanic arum Scriptures liquor, by
  30. world-famous. On 7 November 1919,the leading British newspaper The Times, printed ,a banner headline that read:" Revolution in Science – New Theory of the
  31. From the country. So far as can be ascertained, the word was first widely, printed ,in 1881,when Mary published" Wangle Antisemitic Hefty," and Wilhelm
  32. Bound self-published books by Warhol was 25 Cats Name Sam and One Blue Pussy, printed ,in 1954 by Seymour Berlin on Arches brand watermarked paper using his blotted
  33. The press was started by ALUs based on his love of classics, and at first, printed ,new copies of Plato, Aristotle,and other Greek and Latin classics. He also
  34. As well as occasionally in certain forms of written media, such as poetry and, printed ,advertising. The only variety of modern Arabic to have acquired official
  35. New copies of Plato, Aristotle,and other Greek and Latin classics. He also, printed ,dictionaries and grammars to help people interpret the books. While scholars
  36. Space dependent on how many characters, as well as the choice of character, printed ,in a particular place. Thanks to the increased granularity of tone, photographs
  37. Release notes, etc. Uses ASCII art is used wherever text can be more readily, printed ,or transmitted than graphics, or in some cases, where the transmission of
  38. Has the numeric value 0 At the end of the input the END pattern matches so s is, printed , However, since there may have been no lines of input at all, in which case no
  39. Aldine edition of Aristotle, Venice,1495–1498; his De NATO and De Anima were, printed ,along with the works of Chemists at Venice (1534); the former work, which
  40. Monuments, and banknotes Smith has been commemorated in the UK on banknotes, printed ,by two different banks; his portrait has appeared since 1981 on the £50 notes
  41. Objects at a given time to the nearest year (e.g.,J2005,J2007). Most such, printed ,sources have been updated for intervals of only about every fifty years (e.g.
  42. New Connecticut. An Autobiographical Poem (1887; first edition privately, printed ,in 1882) * Ralph Waldo Emerson, Philosopher and Seer: An Estimate of His
  43. Material forms (including scrolls, erasable tables, codices,broadsides and, printed ,forms and books). Under the heading of" places," his class explores where
  44. Known as Modern Standard Arabic. This is the variety used in most current, printed ,Arabic publications, spoken by some Arabic media across North Africa and
  45. At the end of the 12th century or the beginning of the 13th century. It was, printed ,by Friedrich Riser in 1572,with the title Optical thesaurus: Alhena Arabic
  46. In February 1998 they filed suit against The National Enquirer, claiming it, printed ," false and fabricated" statements about the couple, but the case was
  47. The printed word into text, via a scanner. * Braille translation. Converts the, printed ,word into Braille, which can then be embossed via a Braille embosser.
  48. The tape punch. SAMPLING suppresses the carriage return + line feed normally, printed ,between arguments. ALIGNED (1,6) controls the format of the output with 1
  49. Shines directly onto the paper and can be adjusted to suit. * Copyholder holds, printed ,material in near vertical position for easier reading and can be adjusted to
  50. Into squares. I shall also suppose that the number of symbols which may be, printed ,is finite ....:" The behavior of the computer at any moment is determined by

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