Examples of the the word, supportive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( supportive ), is the 4839 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That case, eh? Is used to confirm the attention of the listener and to invite a, supportive ,noise such as mm or oh or okay. This usage is also common in Queensland
  2. Population, as opposed to Congressmen from a specific small district. He was, supportive ,of states' rights, but during the Nullification Crisis, declared that states
  3. Been shown to make a real difference. Name "/IN"> Ernst-eval"/> However, a 2008, supportive , review found serious flaws in the aforementioned critical approach and found
  4. But accepted the welfare state after the war and participated in governments, supportive ,of state intervention and protectionism. Unlike other Scandinavian conservative
  5. As a background reference. Only 15 citations of Jensen's paper were in any way, supportive ,of his theories, and 7 of these 15 were only in relation to minor points. After
  6. Since opinion polls indicated that a majority of the U. S. public was not, supportive ,of the contrast, and since the Reagan administration lost much of its support
  7. To its port and airport facilities. The Djibouti an Government has been very, supportive ,of U. S. and Western interests, particularly during the Gulf crisis of 1990-91
  8. Not responded to antidepressant medication or, less often, psychotherapy or, supportive ,interventions. ECT can have a quicker effect than antidepressant therapy and
  9. Then at best limited support in the population of Quebec, which,while somewhat, supportive ,early in the invasion, became less so later during the occupation, when
  10. Wrote a number of political and lyrical works under the name Baht. But while, supportive ,of poetry, he displayed an aversion to artistry and continued his father's
  11. The universality of many aspects of cellular life is often pointed to as, supportive ,evidence to the more compelling evidence listed above. These similarities
  12. Could be installed without compromising the top speed. The Ministry were still, supportive ,of the aircraft for development purposes, but unavailability of engines and
  13. First discovered in Marburg, Germany. No treatments currently exist aside from, supportive ,care. The arena viruses have a somewhat reduced case-fatality rate compared to
  14. Countries describe relations between the countries as good in all areas, supportive ,of each other. Military Croatian Armed Forces (CAF) consist of the Army, Navy
  15. Analogy, the screen is cleared, and a file is called up that contains positive, supportive ,qualities. A seed syllable (Sanskrit BIA) is used both as a password that
  16. State, Gorbachev repeatedly attempted to build a coalition of political leaders, supportive ,of reform and created new arenas and bases of power. He implemented these
  17. The American Apollo Moon landings, which were in progress at the time, provided, supportive , evidence by recognizing the rate of impact cratering on the Moon. Processes of
  18. The 60 % in regular periods) seem to indicate that the Israeli public is quite, supportive ,of Sharon's policies. A survey conducted by Tel Aviv University's Gaffe
  19. Software company. He had talked this decision over with his parents, who were, supportive ,of him after seeing how much Gates wanted to start a company. In reality, Gates
  20. Status. Once declination has begun, there is no specific treatment. Care is, supportive , with the goal of preventing complications like aspiration pneumonia or deep
  21. Of this kind of treatment is detoxification followed by a combination of, supportive ,therapy, attendance at self-help groups, and ongoing development of coping
  22. In August 1901. By 1902,however, due to the Governor of ` Aka being, supportive ,of ` Abdul'Baha, the situation was greatly eased; while pilgrims were able to
  23. Parliamentary survival. With the end of the Cold War, however,Denmark has been, supportive ,of U. S. policy objectives in the Alliance. Denmark is not a member of the
  24. Failed, and as a result the Byzantines kept themselves neutral if not outright, supportive ,of the Avers. In 567 the allies made their final move against Unsound, with
  25. Care does not prevent death in every case. For those with very severe illness, supportive ,care in an intensive care unit may be needed. For persons with necrotizing
  26. And ventilation, administration of intravenous fluids or blood and other, supportive ,care as needed. Once a patient is stable and no longer in immediate danger, the
  27. Load-bearing function, which concentrates the weight of the entablature on the, supportive ,column, but it primarily serves an aesthetic purpose. The simplest form of the
  28. Housing, and social settings to create environments that are accessible and, supportive ,to people with Down syndrome. In most developed countries, since the early 20th
  29. Illinois Staats-Anzeiger, a German-language newspaper which was consistently, supportive ,; most of the state's 130,000 German Americans voted Democratic but there was
  30. Coming in future years. Israel Baseball League Selim and his family served a, supportive ,role on the Advisory Board of the Israel Baseball League during its inaugural
  31. Apply to all. Nonetheless, black metal is generally opposed to Christianity and, supportive ,of individualism. Artists who oppose Christianity tend to promote atheism
  32. Bartholdi, the distributor of the Elgin Theater, heard about it. He was very, supportive ,of the movie, helping to distribute it around the United States in 1977,and
  33. For the inability of the government to fund the army. The army had long been, supportive ,of a strong union. Knox wrote: As Congress failed to act on the petitions, Knox
  34. To brief them on the US intelligence and their proposed response. All were, supportive ,of the US position. On October 22 at 7:00 pm EDT, President Kennedy delivered a
  35. The same sex is not sinful. In opposing interpretations of the Bible that are, supportive ,of homosexual relationships, conservative Christians have argued for the
  36. The evangelical left is generally opposed to capital punishment and, supportive ,of gun control. In many cases, evangelical leftists are pacifistic. Some
  37. It has been noted that British punk rock critics of disco were very, supportive ,of the pro-black/anti-racist reggae genre. 1990–Present: Resurgence In the
  38. Polarised continental struggle between Catholic and Protestant. James, who was, supportive ,of Frederick, and had been seeking marriage between the new Prince of Wales and
  39. From poor countries (the Third World) have been relatively accepting and, supportive ,of globalization while the strongest opposition to globalization has come from
  40. Both of these replacements were political moderates and prospectively more, supportive ,of the Commander in Chief. Burnside, against the advice of the president
  41. PDP-8 by building a 16-bit minicomputer on a single board. Ken Olsen was not, supportive ,of this project, so de Castro left DEC along with another hardware engineer
  42. Cardiovascular system. Treatment of severe caffeine intoxication is generally, supportive , providing treatment of the immediate symptoms, but if the patient has very
  43. Acknowledged that their mother had a fiery temperament and was not always, supportive ,of her husband when jealousy of his high profile overbore a sense of their
  44. Did not welcome the occupation. The aim was to settle Ulster with a population, supportive ,of the Crown. The central diamond within a walled city with four gates was
  45. That this shortcoming was largely overlooked. The M8 Greyhound was a, supportive ,element to the advancing American and British armored columns. It was used by
  46. Against Jews and blacks that harmed the war effort. His cartoons were strongly, supportive ,of President Roosevelt's handling of the war, combining the usual exhortations
  47. Retracted isotopes; 255Db In 1983,scientists at DBNA carried out a series of, supportive ,experiments in their quest for the discovery of Bohrium. In two such
  48. S democratic and economic development. The Dominican Government has been, supportive ,of many U. S. initiatives in the United Nations and related agencies. The two
  49. Warfare ". Gibbon, though assumed to be entirely anti-religion, was actually, supportive ,to some extent, insofar as it did not obscure his true endeavor – a history
  50. Of Scotland show much discussion of possible union. William and Mary, whilst, supportive , of the idea, had no interest in allowing it to delay their enthronement.

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