Examples of the the word, backed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( backed ), is the 4827 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Motorcycle in Los Angeles, with his son Patrick in the sidecar, another driver, backed ,into the street he was riding on, causing him and his son to collide with the
  2. They were difficult to control and steer above 80 km/h (50 mph). Investors, backed ,out and research ended after one of the prototypes was involved in a
  3. Of the constitutional crisis. Campaigning on a platform of moderation, and, backed , by the support and computer-organization tactics of the Big Blue Machine from
  4. By rebel former Conservative MLA W. A. C. Bennett, formed a minority government, backed ,by the Liberals and Conservatives (with 6 and 4 seats respectively). Bennett
  5. Law. Disputed items in the collection *Elgin Marbles - claimed by Greece and, backed ,by UNESCO among others for restitution *Benin Bronzes - claimed by Nigeria,30
  6. And televising of the GOP convention on Pat Robertson's Family Channel, but, backed , off when Democrats criticized the donation as a ploy to avoid campaign-finance
  7. Felt that a general strike would be the inevitable result unless the government, backed ,down from its policies they had claimed were only about restraint and not about
  8. Anniversary in show business and with a horrified Bob Hope looking on, Crosby, backed , off the stage and fell into an orchestra pit, rupturing a disc in his back and
  9. Anything, nor allowed anyone else to do anything, to prevent the military coup, backed ,by former slave owners who resented the abolition of slavery. Early republic At
  10. Climate With its coastline facing the Adriatic and Ionian seas, its highlands, backed ,upon the elevated Balkan landmass, and the entire country lying at a latitude
  11. Harold as king, but when Harold was defeated at the Battle of Hastings, Ealdred, backed ,Edgar the Ætheling and then endorsed King William the Conqueror, the Duke of
  12. Although technically in breach of the statutory monopoly, CCT Boat phone was, backed ,by a powerful collection of local interests known as the BVI Investment Club.
  13. Him, and OKed quickly recorded and released Jefferson's" Matchbox Blues ", backed ,with" Black Snake Moan," which was to be his only OKed recording, probably
  14. The Democratic-Republicans in Congress boycotted the caucus. Those who attended, backed ,Treasury Secretary William H. Crawford for President and Albert Gallatin for
  15. At the height of their popularity the band consisted of singer Jimmy Somerville, backed ,by Steve Bonsai and Larry Steinbeck, both of whom played keyboards and
  16. Source of salt and woven mats. On August 19, 1978—the anniversary of the US, backed ,pro-Shah coup d'état which overthrew the nationalists and popular Iranian prime
  17. As that of the Qizilbash, plagued much of Bayed II's reign and were often, backed ,by the Shah of Persia, Ismail,who was eager to promote Shi'ism to undermine
  18. On a Mediterranean that was increasingly controlled by European shipping, backed ,by European navies, piracy became the primary economic activity. Repeated
  19. 17th Earl of Warwick, who was Edward IV's nephew. The Earl of Lincoln, backed ,him for the throne and led rebel forces in the name of the House of York. The
  20. The provinces if Almería, Granada,and Jaén. Grupo Joly is based in Andalusia, backed ,by Andalusian capital, and publishes eight daily newspapers there. Efforts to
  21. Position of the sun during the day by the use of an internal clock. These are, backed ,up in some species by their ability to sense the Earth's geomagnetism through
  22. I Did It Again. ' Spears is no technical singer,that's for sure. But, backed ,by Martin and Dr. Luke's wall of pound, her vocals melt into a mix of baby talk
  23. Backed allophones of nearby vowels (especially of the low vowels, which are, backed ,to in these circumstances, and very often fronted to in all other circumstances
  24. By bluegrass artists Flatt and Scruggs. The song was sung by Jerry Slogging (, backed ,by Flatt and Scruggs) over the opening and end credits of each episode. Flatt
  25. In the Australian War Memorial museum archives. A former soldier, Ted Bosworth, backed ,up the claims, saying that he had been involved in the secret testing. The
  26. Of vowel harmony in which the presence of an" emphatic consonant" triggers, backed ,allophones of nearby vowels (especially of the low vowels, which are backed to
  27. Or state tournaments were held by 1925. And in 1926,the Amateur Athletic Union, backed ,the first national women's basketball championship, complete with men's rules
  28. Then accompanied by the band of bagpipes and horns, where in her version she is, backed ,up by a chorus. It hit number 1 in the UK singles chart, spending 24 weeks
  29. 1972,the company was sold to another company called Company Developments Ltd., backed ,by a Birmingham-based consortium, and chaired by chartered accountant and
  30. Other positions throughout Umurbrogol, armed with and mortars, and cannons, and, backed , by a light tank unit and an anti-aircraft detachment. The cave entrances were
  31. Weeks and 713 games were lost in the middle of the season, before the owners, backed ,down on July 31,settling for much lower ranked players as compensation. By
  32. The News further said:" Through the Righteous Babe Foundation, DiFranco has, backed ,various grassroots cultural and political organizations, supporting causes
  33. A higher cost, smaller bulk, and worse battery life. However, the Game Gear was, backed ,up by significantly more popular titles and consequently the market became
  34. And it was only almost three years later that Kandahar and its Citadel (, backed ,by enormous natural features) were taken, and that minor assaults in India
  35. Presented their petition for abolition. Their argument against slavery was, backed ,by the Pennsylvania Abolitionist Society and its president, Benjamin Franklin.
  36. Growing threat of Olympus, the Spartans eagerly responded. That Olympus was, backed ,by Athens and Thebes, rivals to Sparta for the control of Greece, provided them
  37. A strong public sentiment towards having it officially accepted as language, backed ,by it recently being included among the languages of Rhineland by UNESCO on its
  38. By being the special guest. She performed" Lead Me On" and a few other songs, backed ,with the Hawk Nelson band. At the end of the concert, Grant returned to the
  39. From the presynaptic neuron into the synaptic cleft. The former hypothesis is, backed ,by studies from David Sulzer's lab at Columbia University demonstrating that
  40. Irish banks retain the right to issue their own banknotes, but they must be, backed ,one to one with deposits in the Bank of England, excepting a few million pounds
  41. Bells" ). All the music was written by and performed by himself on accordion, backed ,by the RSA Spellman (RSA Folk Musicians) on fiddles. A second solo album
  42. 111 proved to be quite capable and was much faster than the JU 52). But Hitler, backed ,Göring's plan and reiterated his order of" no surrender" to his trapped
  43. Cocker to produce slow tempo songs often building to a loud and emotive chorus, backed ,by drums, electric guitars and sometimes choirs. He argues that the power
  44. To run programs from a hard disk without worrying that their software might be, backed ,up or copied without permission. When Apple decided to bundle Catalyst with its
  45. While the rest of the Australian population pronounces them with a more, backed ,and rounded vowel. Vocabulary Australian English has many words and idioms
  46. Often fronted to in all other circumstances). In many spoken varieties,the, backed ,or" emphatic" vowel allophones spread a fair distance in both directions from
  47. The leaders of Austria-Hungary, especially General Count Leopold von Behold, backed ,by its ally Germany, decided to confront Serbia militarily before it could
  48. Transit Coordination Authority (NC TCA),the governments of Uganda and Burundi, backed ,the proposed new railway from the Ugandan western rail head at Cases into the
  49. A loan of £200,000 to purchase from the Duke of Bedford all 69 houses which, backed ,onto the Museum building in the five surrounding streets - Great Russell Street
  50. Unfit. In 1898,Wallace wrote a paper advocating a pure paper money system, not, backed , by silver or gold, which impressed the economist Irving Fisher so much that he

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