Examples of the the word, excitement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( excitement ), is the 4832 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then three divisions, the Cardinals and Cubs remained together. This has added, excitement ,to several pennant races over the years, most recently in and; both times the
  2. Home from Riemann's lecture, Weber reported that Gauss was full of praise and, excitement , Gauss died in Göttingen, Hannover (now part of Lower Saxony, Germany ) in
  3. Important call in adults is the" pant-hoot. " These calls are meant to display, excitement , sociability feelings and enjoyment of food. There have been many attacks in
  4. a thousand people assembled to witness this match, and so lost their heads in the, excitement ,as to give the Western men a very unfair reception. " In 1869,the Red
  5. Meaning and narrative may be ambiguous: is a certain facial expression one of, excitement ,or fear, for instance? Constructed language Some languages have been created
  6. Overdoses of other stimulants. It may include restlessness, fidgeting,anxiety, excitement , insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal
  7. Amongst American directors in the industry, basically because of the dramatic, excitement ,he got into his films. But there were others who were also considered as major
  8. Poll tax. Abby May wrote in her journal on January 17, 1843," A day of some, excitement , as Mr. Alcott refused to pay his town tax ... After waiting some time to be
  9. Of these briefings, Hitler invited Speer to lunch, to the architect's great, excitement , Hitler evinced considerable interest in Speer during the luncheon, and later
  10. Doggerel – but in the tradition of rock'n'roll .... The only criterion is, excitement , and Black Sabbath's got it ", yet the very same magazine would in 2003 place
  11. In his Canadian home. At Boston University, Bell was" swept up" by the, excitement ,engendered by the many scientists and inventors residing in the city. He
  12. Well as in the brain itself. These molecules are thought to modulate levels of, excitement ,and alertness, among other related affective states. Dopamine The most widely
  13. Biographers do not mention the spear, which he would indeed have touched with, excitement , But it was being shown in the time of Ananias in the 2nd century AD.
  14. Of their emotions. ' All the Negroes were attracted by the pageantry and, excitement ,of the army. Others cheered because they anticipated the freedom to plunder and
  15. Mental states in psychiatry. *Malignant catatonia is an acute onset of, excitement , fever, autonomic instability, delirium and may be fatal. Catatonia rating
  16. Personality and self concept to emanate from the experience. This results in, excitement , daring, adaptability,tolerance, spontaneity,and a lack of rigidity and
  17. Moon. Borman saw the Earth emerging from behind the lunar horizon and called in, excitement ,to the others, taking a black-and-white photo as he did so. In the ensuing
  18. His clocks. His H₅ clock was in error by less than 5 seconds over 10 weeks. The, excitement ,over the pendulum clock had attracted the attention of designers, resulting in
  19. Or rather pleasantness, and displeasure, ( b) tension and relaxation, ( c), excitement , and depression. These two views are antithetic and no solution has been
  20. And John Cello Holmes. They bonded because they saw in one another an, excitement ,about the potential of American youth, a potential that existed outside the
  21. Fashion during the years 1875–1879,when the Eastern question produced so much, excitement ,in all ranks of Russian Society. At first the Service was more Shapefile
  22. In touring with Ellington (one of his two letters to Grapple relates this, excitement ,), he was not really integrated into the band, playing only a few tunes at the
  23. To the 102-win Los Angeles Dodgers. The 1974 season started off with much, excitement , as the Atlanta Braves were in town to open the season with the Reds. Hank
  24. The piece, so that the rhythms create the excitement , rather than having the, excitement ,generated by harmonic tension and release. In his other recordings, Bo Diddle
  25. In 1888 Georg Branded (an influential Danish critic) aroused considerable, excitement ,about Nietzsche through a series of lectures he gave at the University of
  26. A similar way. Christina Rossetti was a Victorian poet who believed the sensual, excitement ,of the natural world found its meaningful purpose in death and in God. Her The
  27. The film tells the fictional story of U-96 and its crew. It depicts both the, excitement ,of battle and the tedium of the fruitless hunt, and shows the men serving
  28. Embarrassing to the Royal Family. Mountbatten quips" I haven't had this much, excitement ,since the war ". Lord Mountbatten was played by David Warner in the 2008
  29. Achievement of mankind to date ... nothing since Apollo has come close to the, excitement ,that was generated by those astronauts - Armstrong, Aldrin and the 10 others
  30. Play the same chord throughout the piece, so that the rhythms create the, excitement , rather than having the excitement generated by harmonic tension and release.
  31. That sedates without inducing sleep. It is used to relieve anxiety, excitement , restlessness or even mental disorder. * Ephedrine and Phenylephrine, as amine
  32. Dull state of nerves ", when one is" insusceptible to enjoyment or pleasurable, excitement ,; one of those moods when what is pleasure at other times, becomes insipid or
  33. Did enjoy a degree of success, however. In 1977, it quickly infused an, excitement ,that had been missing for years. For that one season it transformed the SOX
  34. However, on various grounds (e.g., that it does not involve anxiety or, excitement ,and that it is comparatively inert and compatible with the entire absence of
  35. By the thousands, seeking a lifestyle rich in cultural variety, diversity,and, excitement , From 2000 to 2009,the tree-mile radius surrounding Downtown Atlanta gained
  36. Erogenous zone of the female, the stimulation of which may produce sexual, excitement ,and clitoral erection; its continuing stimulation may produce sexual pleasure
  37. Calvin and Hobbes outside in freshly fallen snow, reveling in the wonder and, excitement ,of the winter scene. " It's a magical world, Hobbes,ol' buddy ... Let's go
  38. Any alternative rock dramatically combining elements of discord, melancholy and, excitement ,may be said to express angst. Angst was probably first discussed in relation to
  39. Use of several open-source libraries, namely Ass imp, Boost and ODE. Despite the, excitement ,in the Blitz community of Max3D being the eagerly awaited successor to Blitz3D
  40. Imply murderous actions, and any emotional implications (e.g., rage,fear, excitement ,) must be gleaned from context. Malay origin Amok originated from the Malay
  41. Goes close to the water surface whenever a human is going to feed it, or the, excitement ,of a dog whenever it sees a collar as a prelude for a walk. Imprinting Being
  42. Over District," which earlier in the 19th century had generated much religious, excitement , including the formation of the Mormon movement, and social causes, such as
  43. Group participate in the care and protection of the young. After the initial, excitement , the mother will usually select several full-time babysitters, or "
  44. Diamonds, future applications are beginning to become feasible. Garnering much, excitement ,is the possible use of diamond as a semiconductor suitable to build microchips
  45. When the animal blows through its nostrils. Trumpeting is usually made during, excitement , Its use varies from startlement to a cry of help to rage. Elephants also make
  46. Directly to another position immediately after the first position. * Catatonic, excitement ,is a state of constant purposeless agitation and excitation. Individuals in
  47. Shown that the amount of glycerol in cervical fluid increases during sexual, excitement , For several days around the time of ovulation," fertile" types of mucus are
  48. More elegant. The tomb is somberly monotone and lacks the poly chromatic, excitement ,that detracts from the elegiac mood of Urban VIII's tomb. In 1635-38,Pietro
  49. Taiko is focused on rhythm, the ma of a piece is critical to adding drama, excitement , and tension. Ma can be a rhythmic rest, or an extended silence, to be broken
  50. Of Bettendorf, Iowa,who wanted to bring to the Quad Cities some, excitement ,he felt when he ran his first Boston Marathon. In late July or early August the

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