Examples of the the word, neighbour , in a Sentence Context

The word ( neighbour ), is the 4837 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In front of their neighbor, then step backwards and slide left behind their, neighbour , Conversely, women take one step backwards and then slide to the left passing
  2. A renewed Peace Treaty in 1998. However, along the 590 km long border with its, neighbour , Colombia,relations have been strained mainly due to a cross-border raid by
  3. Jan Ilona suggests, is imperial, because it coerces its, neighbour , countries to adopt its European economic, legal,and political structures. *
  4. He does think though, that we should love God more than ourselves and our, neighbour , taken as an entirety, more than our bodily life, since the ultimate purpose of
  5. Of Northern Macedonia' to the post-1991 constitutional name of its northern, neighbour , is still currently used in relations involving states which do not recognize
  6. Plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbor vies with his, neighbour , as he hurries after wealth. But Strife is unwholesome for men. And potter is
  7. 1489 by Hendricks Marcellus, in which provincial beach appears as the southern, neighbour , of provincial samba. Book III of Marco Polo’s IL Million described his journey
  8. The commandments to" love God and one's neighbor," and to" love one's, neighbour , as oneself" touchstones of the moral law; that these imply a radical equality
  9. It is today sometimes called Guinea-Conakry to distinguish it from its, neighbour , Guinea-Bissau. Guinea is divided into eight administrative regions and
  10. His friendship with Zacharias Werner, and meeting his future biographer,a, neighbour , and fellow jurist called Julius Eduard ITIL (who changed his name to Hitting
  11. Form of tribute. A weaker state also might ask for the protection of a stronger, neighbour , against a warlike third state. Over lordship, for either reason, was a central
  12. Assisted in removing the water content from the milk to prevent mildewing by a, neighbour , a baby food manufacturer named Henri Nestlé. Rodolphe Linda invented the
  13. Unchanged since the 1850s. The Temple Inner Temple and Middle Temple (which, neighbour , each other) are two of the few remaining liberties, an old name for a
  14. Take one step backwards and then slide to the left passing behind of their, neighbour , then step forwards and slide right in front of their neighbor. The term Mad
  15. Not all of his captains had followed his orders to attach cables to their, neighbour , 's bow and stern, which would have prevented such a maneuver. The problem was
  16. Others consider that Christ made the commandments to" love God and one's, neighbour ," and to" love one's neighbor as oneself" touchstones of the moral law;
  17. Of the word" German" is uncertain. It may have been a Gaulish exonym for ", neighbour ,", comparable to the modern English word" )" GAE ". Some etymological sources
  18. Traditional ties with the United States grew more acrimonious, as did that with, neighbour , Colombia. However, ALBA ties, especially with Venezuela and Bolivia, were
  19. Cavalry acted in pairs; the reins of the mounted archer were controlled by his, neighbour , 's hand. Even at this early time, cavalry used swords, shields,and bows. The
  20. By the Chilean government for the cause of the liberation of the northern, neighbour , Chile and Peru participated in a common conflict against Spain, the Chibcha
  21. Located near the border of the south London areas of Brixton and Stockwell. A, neighbour , recalled that" London in the forties was the worst possible place, and the
  22. A rich man who hastens to plow and plant and put his house in good order; and, neighbour , vies with his neighbor as he hurries after wealth. But Strife is unwholesome
  23. Local minima of the mass excess: if such a nucleus has (A, Z ) numbers,the, neighbour , nuclei (A,Z−1) and (A, Z+1) have higher mass excess and can beta decay
  24. Of the crystal. This explains the drop of the melting point compared to its, neighbour , elements aluminum and indium. The compound with arsenic, gallium arsenide is a
  25. Even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his, neighbour , a rich man who hastens to plow and plant and put his house in good order;
  26. Men take one step forward and then slide to the right passing in front of their, neighbour , then step backwards and slide left behind their neighbor. Conversely women
  27. Of The Hunger. In Mr. Rice's Secret (2000),he played the title role as the, neighbour , of a terminally ill twelve-year-old, and the following year appeared as himself
  28. Of concentric spheres, each radiating less energy per area than its inner, neighbour , The outermost sphere of such a structure could be close to the temperature of
  29. I: II Question 26,Article 4 states that we should love ourselves more than our, neighbour , His interpretation of the Pauline phrase is that we should seek the common
  30. Goods, with nearly 20 % of American food exports going to its northern, neighbour , Nearly two-thirds of Canada's forest products, including pulp and paper, are
  31. Powers were allied with the Soviet Union. Thus, Finland had to face its big, neighbour , on its own, without any greater power's protection. As in the 19th century
  32. An Amaranth blossomed side by side in a garden, : and the Amaranth said to her, neighbour , : " How I envy you your beauty and your sweet scent!: No wonder you are such a
  33. It among the small towns of the district, probably as it was eclipsed by its, neighbour , Tarraco (modern Tarragona),but it may be gathered from later writers that it
  34. Of pushing each potential future pixel coordinate on the stack, it inspects the, neighbour , lines (previous and next) to find adjacent segments that may be filled in a
  35. Economic influence of Western European partners, especially of their powerful, neighbour , Germany. Although foreign direct investment (FDI) runs in uneven cycles
  36. The River Clyde, the chief place of the kingdom of Alt Club, south-western,neighbor, of Pict land. The siege lasted four months before the fortress fell to the
  37. Entirety, more than our bodily life, since the ultimate purpose of love of our, neighbour , is to share in eternal beatitude, a more desirable thing than bodily well-being
  38. On two tracks from Lifeson's 1996 solo project, Victor. Rush Lifeson's, neighbour , John Runway began experimenting on a rented drum kit and, in early 1968
  39. Common good is a more desirable good for the individual. 'You should love your, neighbour , as yourself' from Leviticus 19 and Matthew 22 is interpreted by St Thomas as
  40. Service. Current issues, Eritrea is embroiled in a military stalemate with its, neighbour , and rival, Ethiopia. It is estimated that Eritrea maintains a force of at least
  41. Been given to his granddaughter Minnie Hunt and subsequently destroyed by a, neighbour , 's dog. ) His Pooh work is so famous that 300 of his preliminary sketches were
  42. Practised so-called" occasional conformity ", such as his Stoke Newington, neighbour , Sir Thomas Anna. Though it was published anonymously, the true authorship was
  43. It the most populous of Canada's three prairie provinces. Alberta and its, neighbour , Saskatchewan, were established as provinces on September 1,1905. Alberta is
  44. Afghanistan and Iran. It is isolated from the nearest Dravidian-speaking, neighbour , population by a distance of more than. Distribution Brahma is spoken in the
  45. Been strongly influenced by George Rose, Under-Secretary of the Treasury and a, neighbour , of Phillip in Hampshire who would have known of Phillip's farming experience.
  46. Poll. Nevertheless, there remain Canadian fears of being overwhelmed by its, neighbour , James Tag reports that Canadian university students have a profound fear that
  47. To the EU in two reference. At the time of the first referendum (1972) their, neighbour , Denmark joined. The second time (1994) two other Nordic neighbors, Sweden
  48. Behind of their neighbor, then step forwards and slide right in front of their, neighbour , The term Mad Robin comes from the name of a dance which has the move.
  49. 25, 1967. * Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau famously said that being America's, neighbour ," is like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered
  50. Study the subject under Augusto Right, a University of Bologna physicist and, neighbour , of Marconi who had done research on Hertz's work. Right had a subscription to

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