Examples of the the word, taxation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( taxation ), is the 4844 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The establishment of a sound system of native justice, the great remission of, taxation , the reconquest of Sudan, the inauguration of the substantial irrigation works
  2. The belief that states are aggressive entities which steal property (through, taxation ,and expropriation),initiate aggression, are a compulsory monopoly on the use
  3. To tax colonists. The colonists claimed, that as they were Englishmen, that, taxation , without representation was unfair. The American colonists formed a unifying
  4. By allowing residents to earn $16,161 before becoming subject to provincial, taxation ,in addition to a variety of tax deductions for persons with disabilities
  5. Moreover, in this passage Smith goes on to specify progressive, not flat, taxation ,:" The rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to
  6. Jeffrey Sachs observes that among developed countries, those with high rates of, taxation ,and high social welfare spending perform better on most measures of economic
  7. Bermuda is an offshore financial center, which results from its low direct, taxation ,on personal or corporate income. The local tax system is based upon import
  8. Stock Exchange status under Australia's Foreign Investment Fund (FIF), taxation , rules and Designated Investment Exchange status by the UK's Financial Services
  9. Has been voluntarily funded rather than being provided by a state through, taxation , Medieval Iceland According to David Friedman," Medieval Icelandic
  10. The Protestant Church remained the established church and was funded by direct, taxation , An initial attempt by Disraeli to negotiate with Cardinal Manning the
  11. Disraeli also proposed to alter the workings of the income tax (direct, taxation ,) by" differentiating"–i. e., different rates would be levied on different
  12. Came to realize that the liberal state itself takes property forcefully through, taxation ,in order to fund its protection services, and therefore it seemed logically
  13. Tax-haven, having no capital gains, estate,profit or other forms of direct, taxation ,on either individuals or corporations. It consists of the main island of
  14. That explain the collapse of the Confederation. The lack of compulsory direct, taxation ,power was objectionable to those wanting a strong centralized state or
  15. Of purported climate change and peak oil, there is a debate about possible, taxation ,of air travel and the inclusion of aviation in an emissions trading scheme
  16. Such as defense ministry, security ministry, state court, indirect, taxation , service and so on) in the process of transferring part of the jurisdiction
  17. A company in the British Virgin Islands to take advantage of a double, taxation ,relief treaty with the United States. Within the space of a few years, hundreds
  18. On voluntary donation rather than by state institutions relying on coercive, taxation , or by cooperative self-help by groups of individuals. Like classical
  19. A flourishing condition, which had remarkably been obtained without excessive, taxation ,or extortion procedures. He was a cultivated patron of literature and art, and
  20. As of 1 January 2007 which is also among the lowest in Europe. Currently, this, taxation ,is kept while other countries highered their taxes during the crisis. For 2005
  21. Such areas as police law, international trade, manufacturing,the environment, taxation , broadcasting, immigration and transport. Administrative law expanded greatly
  22. 10 percent. Many large companies have a privileged status when it comes to, taxation , Big business is not taxed in proportion to its capacity and output, and the
  23. His favor the mass of the inhabitants, who had been worn out by the oppressive, taxation ,imposed by their spend-thrift rulers. Their religious teachers, as well as
  24. Paper money was a hidden tax on the people, and indeed was the only method of, taxation ,that was possible at the time. The skyrocketing inflation was a hardship on the
  25. Of high quality and is financed through both social security contributions and, taxation , Health insurance is compulsory. However, health care is delivered by a mostly
  26. Such as floating the Australian Dollar in 1983,reductions in trade tariffs, taxation ,reforms, changing from centralized wage-fixing to enterprise bargaining, the
  27. Large towns (1870),with elective assemblies possessing a restricted right of, taxation , and a new rural and municipal police under the direction of the Minister of
  28. Movement, and labor unions pressure the government for more intense reforms on, taxation ,and landed property, while the rightist DEM party is critical of the government
  29. Their complaint is not just that the state's defensive services are funded by, taxation ,but that the state assumes it is the only legitimate practitioner of physical
  30. Tax of 5 %. ) It is also the only Canadian province to have a single rate of, taxation ,for personal income taxes which is 10 % of taxable income. The Alberta tax
  31. GDP growth and greater tax collection rates. Some called it a" revolution" in, taxation , but the changes were met with mild discussions and some protests by affected
  32. The administrative law. They supplement the Wife and the Vigo in the fields of, taxation ,and social legislation, such as social welfare or financial support for
  33. Competitors such as private defense agencies rather than through, taxation , and money would be privately and competitively provided in an open market.
  34. Viewed independence as a means to gain freedom from British oppression and, taxation ,and, above all, to reassert what they considered to be their rights as English
  35. The economic benefits were generally not felt as a result of heavy, taxation ,used to fund Cromwell's New Model Army. Later attempts An abortive scheme for
  36. Classes. The new armies, because of their vast expense, were also dependent on, taxation ,and the commercial classes who also began to demand a greater role in society.
  37. Church lands available with which to conciliate the nobles, the burden of, taxation ,was heavy, and Albert's rule became unpopular. After Osiander's death in 1552
  38. Fiscal year. Disraeli proposed to reduce taxes on malt and tea (indirect, taxation ,); additional revenue would come from an increase in the house tax. More
  39. Direct violence, assault,murder) or property (i.e., fraud,burglary, theft, taxation , ). The initiation of force is usually referred to as aggression or coercion.
  40. Such as negotiating extraordinary taxes with the mercantile classes and direct, taxation ,of the Church, rather than debasement of the coinage. This led to his
  41. Homebrewed beer is made in the home. Brewing beer is subject to legislation and, taxation ,in developed countries, which from the late 19th century largely restricted
  42. Of their major strategic advantages: surprise and mobility. Administration and, taxation ,To obtain the needed garrison troops and workers to build and maintain the
  43. Repeatedly asked the states to provide money. But the states had no system of, taxation ,either, and were little help. By 1780 Congress was making requisitions for
  44. Tax funds would be patronage for ambitious British officers. The slogan" No, taxation ,without representation" summed up this American position. London responded
  45. Of administrative decisions contested in administrative courts are related to, taxation , Administrative law in common law countries Generally speaking, most countries
  46. Company, where he attempted to introduce reforms in the French monetary and, taxation ,system to help the peasants. While in government work, he helped develop the
  47. Of 0.80 to 0.90 euro per bottle effective August 1,2004. To circumvent higher, taxation , some German producers have switched to wine coolers, which are being marketed
  48. Most measures of economic performance compared to countries with low rates of, taxation ,and low social outlays. He concludes that Friedrich Hayek was wrong to argue
  49. Wicked and worthless "," a mean spirit ", and a" tyrant ". The measures of, taxation ,in the reign of Augustus were determined by population census, with fixed
  50. Mandatory employer health benefits, environmentalism,and" discriminatory, taxation ,to deter improper or luxurious behavior ". Similarly, Vivienne Brown stated in

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