Examples of the the word, robust , in a Sentence Context

The word ( robust ), is the 4845 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the inevitable influence of Persian gave the language a new clarity and, robust ,flexibility. For centuries after the fall of the Achaemenid Empire (in 331 BCE
  2. Diplodocids, giving it an unusually deep chest. The limb bones were also very, robust , Classification and species SP. Apatosaurus is a member of the family
  3. Bears (see Used hybrids). Biology Morphology Bears are generally bulky and, robust ,animals with relatively short legs. Bears are sexually biomorphic with regard to
  4. Of the labor force. Potatoes and citrus are the principal export crops. After, robust ,growth rates in the 1980s (average annual growth was 6.1 %),economic
  5. Not disappear completely. It was unlikely, however,that it would return to the, robust ,form of the mid-1980s. Libras had paid off a substantial portion of its debt
  6. From being blocked by terrain or entrenchments that do not include some form of, robust ,overhead cover. Combined with TOT or MRS tactics that give no warning of the
  7. Need for medication in patients with asthma, Dennis concluded that additional ", robust , well-designed randomized controlled trials are needed. " (Note that Alexander
  8. Efficient because of the division operation inside the loop. For a particularly, robust ,two-pass algorithm for computing the variance, first compute and subtract an
  9. Forced climate models," concluding that" it is of human origin, a conclusion, robust ,to observational sampling and model differences" Scientific literature and
  10. The Civil Rights Movement and recent decades have witnessed the expansion of a, robust , African American middle class across the United States. Unprecedented access
  11. Such as the church. There are some foreign capital inflows, but no, robust ,foreign investment. Despite progress since the Soviet era, the unemployment
  12. A single man among them, and they lived in the manner of Amazons. They were, robust ,of body with strong passionate hearts and great virtue. The island itself is
  13. Ten-speed bike became available many years ago. Since the advent of the more, robust ,mountain bike, trails in more rugged and wild places have been developed for
  14. The arithmetic mean is often used to report central tendencies, it is not a, robust ,statistic, meaning that it is greatly influenced by outliers. Notably, for
  15. Telling local humans what to do, but it has worked and proved itself extremely, robust , ” This was, Butler said, because " AA’s 'inverted pyramid' style of
  16. Fence-sitting Stanley's. Yorkist Small and slender, Richard III did not have the, robust ,physique associated with many of his Plantagenet predecessors. However, he
  17. And transportability of its beers. In the mid 1800s, most Americans preferred, robust , dark ales. Busch had encountered lighter lager beers during his travels and
  18. Current thrusts are to: (i) improve the quality of evaluations by using more, robust ,methodologies; (iii) give priority to country/sector assistance program
  19. The cement, which bonds the other components together, eventually creating a, robust ,stone-like material. Concrete is used to make pavements, pipe,architectural
  20. Of his time was 1.69 m. The width of the bone suggested he was Gracie but not, robust ,in body build Charles is well known to have been fair-haired, tall,and stately
  21. One. Even the facade carvings seem to be different. The cave is supported by, robust ,pillars, ornamented with designs. The size and ground plan have many things in
  22. Of freedom from interferences, so that ET AAS might be considered the most, robust ,technique available nowadays for the determination of trace elements in complex
  23. Including Daspletosaurus, Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus. Compared with these, robust ,tyrannosauruses, albertosaurines had slender builds, with proportionately
  24. Frail, even finding communication difficult. Death (1977) Chaplin's, robust ,health began to slowly fail in the late 1960s,after the completion of his
  25. Obsolete, while believing that the demand for subsonic cargo aircraft would be, robust ,into the future. The 747 in particular was expected to become obsolete after
  26. And embracing the strong Calvinism of the Presbyterians and Independents. Their, robust ,Calvinism was publicized in such confessions as the London Baptist Confession
  27. Sincere, strategic voting. In one sense, conditions where this can happen are, robust ,and are not isolated cases. On the other hand, the variety of possible outcomes
  28. The free-market and privatization-policies of its predecessor. The relatively, robust ,economic growth of the mid-1990s continued until about the third year of its
  29. Aging, were published posthumously under the title Sen ilia. Schopenhauer had a, robust ,constitution, but in 1860 his health began to deteriorate. He died of heart
  30. With a given antidepressant do not show a response. Even where there has been a, robust ,response, significant continuing depression and dysfunction is common, with
  31. Tin oxide (ITO). Carbon nanotube films are substantially more mechanically, robust ,than ITO films, making them ideal for high-reliability touchscreens and
  32. To the throne, because he had an elder brother, Nicholas,who seemed of, robust ,constitution. Even when this elder brother first showed symptoms of delicate
  33. NET (based on Microsoft's. NET Framework),which makes them faster and more, robust ,than server-side scripting in ASP, which is interpreted at run-time; however
  34. With SDR bus speeds of 100 MHz and 133 MHz). AMD designed the CPU with more, robust ,x86 instruction decoding capabilities than that of K6,to enhance its ability
  35. But the DOS software was relatively simple to use in DOS terms, and was, robust , The BSD and Linux operating systems support Applejack through an open source
  36. Directly occupied by Albion suffered less devastation and had a relatively, robust ,survival rate for towns, whereas the occupation of territory by autonomous
  37. Constants; * Various theories for generating multiple universes will prove, robust ,; * Evidence that the universe is fine-tuned will continue to accumulate; * No
  38. Is a strength of common law systems, and is a significant contributor to the, robust ,commercial systems in the United Kingdom and United States. Because there is
  39. At the beginning of the study. The results indicated that there was a, robust ,association between an increase in attendance to AA meetings with increased
  40. Have AGP support. PCI Express allows for higher data transfer rates, has more, robust ,full-duplex support, and also supports other devices. All new graphics
  41. One of Capp's greatest satires—the introduction of General Bull moose,the, robust , ruthless, and ageless business tycoon. The blustering Bull moose, who seemed to
  42. And 5-cylinder engines. Although the five-cylinder engine was a successful and, robust ,power plant, it was still a little too different for the target market. With the
  43. Areas. Needle diameters vary from 0 to 0,with thicker needles used on more, robust ,patients. Thinner needles may be flexible and require tubes for insertion. The
  44. Media critic and theorist Marshall McLuhan, who considered Camp" the only, robust ,satirical force in American life. " John Updike, comparing Abner to a “
  45. Products with a reduced environmental impact. Intensive scientific research and, robust ,investment in modern agriculture during the past 50 years has helped farmers
  46. And still off limits to visitors today, see Sverdlovsk Anthrax leak). Thus,a, robust ,surveillance system involving human clinicians and veterinarians may identify a
  47. Its transformation into a cosmopolitan city, becoming well known for its, robust ,cultural offerings. Much of the city's change in the last decade was
  48. Assumptions were once necessary for the construction of mathematically, robust ,models. However, signalling theory and agency theory extended the paradigm to
  49. The arithmetic mean may not accord with one's notion of" middle ", and, robust , statistics such as the median may be a better description of central tendency.
  50. Is that it can be statistically weak. Schaefer in particular has questioned how, robust ,the claimed alignments in the Cara col are. Because of the wide variety of

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