Examples of the the word, articulate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( articulate ), is the 4836 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Moby-Dick, Ch. 27) Although he is not an educated man, Stubb is remarkably, articulate , and during whale hunts keeps up an imaginative patter reminiscent of that of
  2. Penchant for inflationary prose," nonetheless noting Wolf's" efforts to, articulate ,an accessible, pragmatic feminism, ... helping to replace strident dogma with
  3. Scandal, but no studio wanted to make it because Carpenter proved unable to, articulate ,just how this film could relate to the Watergate scandal. After the success of
  4. How they got there and sometimes suffering from dysarthria, the inability to, articulate ,any speech, and with many other disabilities. Predicted chances of recovery are
  5. By Dionysus' grandfather,i.e. Cadmus. For Lampreys had said that the first, articulate ,sound made is" alpha ", because it is very plain and simple — the air coming
  6. Were succeeded by those that dominated the rest of the Paleozoic, such as, articulate ,brachiopods, cephalopods,and carcinoids. Articulate brachiopods, in particular
  7. Who testified that Abu-Jamal was" viewed by the black community as a creative, articulate , peaceful, genial man ". Another defense witness, Dessie Hightower, testified
  8. Research in sound and endeavored to find a way to transmit musical notes and, articulate ,speech, but although absorbed by his experiments, he found it difficult to
  9. Would go into trance and undergo a personality change, becoming fluent and, articulate , and giving diagnosis and prescription for his own disease as well as those of
  10. That almost nobody – including Commodore's marketing department – could fully, articulate ,what it was all about. " http://www.byte.com/art/9408/sec14/art1.htm Technical
  11. Some men, as a result of common experiences (inherited or shared),feel and, articulate ,the identity of their interests as between themselves, and as against other men
  12. The one baptized, whether infant or adult. Even though baptized infants cannot, articulate ,that faith, Lutherans believe that it is present all the same. Because it is
  13. That these early people had no language, but that they gradually began to, articulate ,their expressions, establishing symbols for every sort of object, and in this
  14. Cheese also specialized in sketches where two characters would conduct highly, articulate ,arguments over completely arbitrary subjects, such as in the" cheese shop "
  15. A more rounded curve to the top of the bridge, feeling that this allows them to, articulate ,each note more easily and clearly. Many fiddle players use the same top curve
  16. His wide-ranging studies through the decades, formal philosophical ways to, articulate ,thought's processes, and also to explain the workings of science. These
  17. Bead working, done by women, has a long history among the Masai, who, articulate , their identity and position in society through body ornaments and body painting
  18. William Shakespeare had his melancholy character Jacques (in As You Like It), articulate , the seven ages of man: these included three stages of childhood and four of
  19. Others. Bone wits also coined much of the modern terminology used to define and, articulate ,many of the conceptual themes and issues which affect the North American
  20. To increased lust and dissatisfaction with the sexual partner. Epicurus did not, articulate ,a broad system of social ethics that has survived. Epicureanism was originally
  21. Logician Augustus De Morgan, in work published around 1860,was the first to, articulate ,the notion of relation in anything like its present sense. He also stated the
  22. May adopt seemingly" genius" characteristics and an ability to perform and to, articulate ,thought beyond what they can do in a normal mood. But perhaps the easiest
  23. Ow ah OO GA ma. " With little convincing, visitors believed his dog could, articulate ," How are you grandma? " More indicative of his playful nature, his experiments
  24. He campaigned for the freedom of dissident writers. Miller was an unusually, articulate ,commentator on his own work. In 1978, he published a collection of his Theater
  25. Written for The American Conservative and. His work, written in a unique and, articulate ,style, is often satirical and opinionated. He got his start doing military
  26. Is there some underlying unity to aesthetic judgment and is there some way to, articulate ,the similarities of a beautiful house, beautiful proof, and beautiful sunset?
  27. And the Republican Party's nominee for President in the 1964 election. An, articulate ,and charismatic figure during the first half of the 1960s,he was known as "
  28. Was music and literary criticism, in which capacity he wrote many highly, articulate ,pieces of journalism, his main talent was for drama, and he wrote more than 60
  29. Trills are possible (but occur in no known language). It is also possible to, articulate ,uvular laterals, but they are also too hard to pronounce to occur as a phoneme
  30. Of a case involving a waitress injured by an exploding Coca-Cola bottle to, articulate ,the doctrine of strict liability for defective products. Traynor's concurring
  31. Liquid-drop" model of the nucleus, Meitner and Frisco were the first to, articulate ,a theory of how the nucleus of an atom could be split into smaller parts:
  32. On location in Central American jungles and starring Herman Brig as a suitably, articulate ,version of the character. Weissmuller starred in six Tarzan movies for MGM with
  33. Kevin. Picking techniques The pick (or plectrum) is used to obtain a more, articulate ,attack, for speed, or just personal preference. Although the use of a pick is
  34. Geographic, as a part of mainstream popular culture, has historically helped to, articulate ,a particularly American identity in opposition to" both old Europe and
  35. The Bengals’ roster. Because of this policy, many former players were highly, articulate ,and went on to have successful careers in commentary and broadcasting as well
  36. And his own artistic development, as a Modernist and Expressionist, helped, articulate , a modern Dublin of the 20th century, partly by depicting specifically Irish
  37. Sounds could be produced by electrical means, so could consonants, so could, articulate ,speech. " He also later remarked:" I thought that Helmholtz had done it ... and
  38. Her poetry was republished in the Soviet Union after 1961,and her passionate, articulate ,and precise work, with its daring linguistic experimentation, brought her
  39. Desire is somehow present in discourse, although discourse is never able to, articulate ,the entire truth about desire—whenever discourse attempts to articulate desire
  40. A working group to examine the feasibility of an Anglican covenant which would, articulate ,the conditions for communion in some fashion. Provinces All 38 provinces of the
  41. Scientific experiment to prove to his own satisfaction that intelligible ", articulate ,speech" ( Bell's words) could be electrically transmitted. After March 1876
  42. Deal with aspects of substantive law, that is, aspects of the law which, articulate ,specific criteria that a court uses to assess a party's compliance with or
  43. Feminist movement ", a largely white middle and upper class affair, did not, articulate ,the needs of poor and non-white women, thus reinforcing sexism, racism,and
  44. Pick-ups) and a Marshall tube amplifier. It is an overdrive sound that is, articulate ,yet thick. It is characterized by being quite distorted (or even achieved with
  45. As a struggle between opponents and supporters of the Roman system. The most, articulate ,North African critic of the Donatist position, which came to be called a heresy
  46. Historians have presented the whole gamut of possibilities," balancing an, articulate ,puppet against a mature, precocious,and essentially adult king ", in the words
  47. Impossible, abbreviations like" lol" sacrifice their real meaning in order to, articulate ,our nuanced intentions. They, in and of themselves, become glib, cliche—while
  48. Able to articulate the entire truth about desire—whenever discourse attempts to, articulate ,desire, there is always a leftover or surplus. For Lacey," desire is neither
  49. Ends such as truth, goodness,and beauty, transcend our ability to wholly, articulate ,them; and therefore communities of specialists require the freedom to pursue
  50. Fast-tempo black dance music ... but they were too blocked on amphetamines to, articulate ,exactly which Jackie Wilson record they wanted me to play. " In film Producer

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