Examples of the the word, spill , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spill ), is the 4828 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Always gave him a fair shake. Alaska regulations In the aftermath of the, spill , Alaska governor Steve Cowper issued an executive order requiring two tugboats
  2. Mar Ego disaster in A Coruña and the Prestige oil spill in 2002,a crude oil, spill ,larger than the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska. Flora Galicia has more than
  3. Of homes from fly ash spill s such as Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry, spill ,* Impact of water use on flows of rivers and consequential impact on other
  4. Clause that prohibits any vessel that, after March 22, 1989,has caused an oil, spill ,of more than in any marine area, from operating in Prince William Sound.
  5. And the Marbled Murrell have also decreased in numbers due to the oil, spill , Oil has also extended to the Kenji Peninsula, which is located 450 miles away
  6. 1974 to 2004. The accelerated rate of bird deaths was due mainly to the oil, spill ,destroying the animal’s habitat. Species such as the Pigeon Guillemot and the
  7. The skimmers were not readily available during the first 24 hours following the, spill , and thick oil and kelp tended to clog the equipment.
  8. Accident. Oil Pollution Act of 1990 In response to the, spill , the United States Congress passed the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA). The
  9. Broadcast to the area, or the neighboring region where analogue transmissions, spill ,over into Wales. Ireland (the Republic) shares its advertising region with
  10. Acid rain and the greenhouse effect, and,to top it all, the Exxon Valdez oil, spill ,happened the day after the announcement. In the press conference, Peterson
  11. Cells are able to engulf and quickly remove before the contents of the cell can, spill ,out onto surrounding cells and cause damage. In contrast to necrosis, which is
  12. Issue, especially with the Mar Ego disaster in A Coruña and the Prestige oil, spill ,in 2002,a crude oil spill larger than the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska.
  13. 2000. Much of the new European antisemitic violence can actually be seen as a, spill ,over from the long-running Arab-Israeli conflict since the majority of the
  14. Is that punitive damages greater than $25 million are not justified because the, spill ,resulted from an accident, and because Exxon spent an estimated $2 billion
  15. In the west and narrows to in the northeast, where sea waves occasionally, spill ,over into the lagoon. Land elevations average, though Clipper ton Rock, a barren
  16. Has moved into creating European criminal law. In 2006,a toxic waste, spill ,off the coast of Côte d'Ivoire, from a European ship, prompted the Commission
  17. By other animals, including humans. Plants have also suffered due to this oil, spill , The oil spill led to a significant increase of the temperature of water. The
  18. Explodes in the Gulf of Mexico, killing eleven workers and beginning an oil, spill ,that would last five months. Births * 702 – Afar Sadiq, Shi'a Imam and Muslim
  19. The economy of the city of Cordova, Alaska was adversely affected after the, spill ,damaged stocks of salmon and herring in the area. Several residents, including
  20. Katina P. runs aground off of Maputo, Mozambique and 60,000 tons of crude oil, spill ,into the ocean. *2001 – India and Bangladesh begin a five-day border conflict
  21. Effects of the engine failure were countered by the opening of the auxiliary, spill ,door and the full extension of the ramps, which deflected the air downwards
  22. Has a long reading—for example 〜に携わる (reading たずさ)—the fumigant may instead, spill ,over into the space next to the two neighboring characters, without condensing
  23. According to several studies funded by the state of Alaska,the, spill ,had both short-term and long-term economic effects. These included the loss of
  24. Name" scientific American" /> name" AUTOREF12" /> The effects of the, spill ,continued to be felt for many years afterwards. Overall reductions in
  25. XX' and implement this as a change in new production. The Exxon Valdez oil, spill ,occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska,on March 24, 1989,when the Exxon
  26. A hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll, in 1969,an ecologically catastrophic oil, spill ,from an offshore well in California's Santa Barbara Channel, Barry Commoner's
  27. Lack of available equipment and personnel hampered the, spill ,cleanup. Cleanup measures and environmental
  28. Tense and past participle of the verbs learn, spoil,spell, burn,dream, smell, spill , leap, and others, can be either irregular (learned, spoilt, etc.) or regular
  29. Including humans. Plants have also suffered due to this oil spill . The oil, spill ,led to a significant increase of the temperature of water. The hot water was
  30. And around fuel lines are used to solve this problem. Also, most engines have a, spill ,return system, by which any excess fuel from the injector pump and injectors is
  31. I’ve thought about it so much over the years that that fascination is bound to, spill ,over into my writing. " The evolutionary biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins
  32. One trial explosion was also conducted during the early stages of the, spill ,to burn the oil, in a region of the spill isolated from the rest by another
  33. Stott Despot and Andrew Bartlett voted against the GST. In 2001,a leadership, spill ,saw Meg Lees replaced as leader by Natasha Stott Despot after a very public
  34. 1936 to 1939 after fires, the second of which caused rum from the factory to, spill ,into the nearby Burnett River. H T Christen Pty Ltd operated their own
  35. Disasters caused by the coal industry. Cleanup of the recent coal ash, spill ,in Tennessee is estimated to cost up to $1 billion, not including pending
  36. Damage to the engines. This was done by a pair of intake ramps and an auxiliary, spill ,door, whose position was moved during flight to slow the air down. The
  37. That the conflict between communist North Vietnam and South Vietnam might, spill ,over to Cambodia, steadfastly opposed the bombing campaign by the United States
  38. London, seriously damaging about 150 properties. *2007 – The Hebei Spirit oil, spill ,begins in South Korea after a crane barge that had broken free from a tug
  39. Both the long-term and short-term effects of the oil, spill ,have been studied. Name" AUTOREF11" /> Immediate effects included the
  40. An accidentand because Exxon spent an estimated $2 billion cleaning up the, spill ,and a further $1 billion to settle related civil and criminal charges.
  41. A" clumsy oaf ", which causes him to inadvertently poison Mozart instead and, spill ,wine on his favorite coat. *Patrick Stewart played Salary in the 1985
  42. Fluoridation. Alternative medicine and mainstream medicine debates can also, spill ,over into freedom of religion discussions, such as the right to decline
  43. Several residents, including one former mayor, committed suicide after the, spill , Name" AUTOREF21" /> name" AUTOREF22" /> Edouard Alexandre de
  44. On hair due to grooming. Some twenty years after the, spill , a team from the University of North Carolina found that the effects were
  45. During the early stages of the spill to burn the oil, in a region of the, spill ,isolated from the rest by another explosion. The test was relatively successful
  46. It also has a large series of cliffs that follow the southern border and, spill ,into the northwest area of Peru. Area and borders Ecuador is bounded on the
  47. do somewhat in part to the opportunity presented for study by the Exxon Valdez, spill , Despite the extensive cleanup attempts, less than ten percent of the oil was
  48. 346 transients),numbered only 7 individuals and had not reproduced since the, spill , this population is expected to die out. Sea otters and ducks also showed
  49. Living area. Some species have been drastically affected by this oil, spill , In particular a bird species by the name Kittlitz's Currents have declined
  50. Other marine life have a small region for gathering food and living. The oil, spill ,has affected many of the hunting and living areas of many marine animals, and

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