Examples of the the word, individually , in a Sentence Context

The word ( individually ), is the 4841 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Series. Each valve pressed diverts the air stream through additional tubing, individually ,or in conjunction with other valves. This lengthens the vibrating air column
  2. Matambre and cut with a knife, or empanadas made with cheese. Empanadas are, individually ,sized and closed savory pastries which may be fried or baked in the oven and
  3. Through penal substitution. Arminius held that God's justice was satisfied, individually , while Hugo Grotius and many of Wesley's followers taught that it was
  4. At court with a crown on her head and demanded that all his courtiers kneel and, individually ,pay homage to her decomposed hand. Today, their ornate tombs face each other so
  5. Tertiary and off-line storage use file systems.; Content-addressable: Each, individually ,accessible unit of information is selected based on the basis of (part of)
  6. Are used at unequal volume and altogether absent when each pickup is used, individually , 'J' Style pickups tend to have a lower output and a thinner sound than 'P '
  7. For gold and ivory in East Africa; he considered the island more stable and, individually ,prosperous than the busy coastal ports of Mombasa, Zanzibar,Kiowa and Vital.
  8. Accomplished using TBBS with a TDBS add-on presenting a complete menu system, individually ,customized for each user. During the mid 1980s,a very popular BBS software "
  9. On the role of Huntsman on the day of the hunt. Beagles may also be employed, individually ,or in a brace (a pair). As hunting with Beagles was seen as ideal for young
  10. A block cipher by breaking the message into blocks and encrypting each block, individually , However, in this method all blocks are encrypted with the same key, which
  11. Clothing that is considered undignified or revealing. Generally, candidates are, individually ,immersed by a single baptizer, In circumstances of extended isolation, a
  12. Figures are 6.6 ft (2 m) tall. Rather, each is isolated from his brothers, individually ,deliberating and struggling with his expected fate. Rodin soon proposed that
  13. Advantage of series of small differences that would not be profitable if taken, individually , *Economists use the term" global labor arbitrage" to refer to the tendency
  14. Autistic children aged 8–15 performed equally well as, and adults better than, individually ,matched controls at basic language tasks involving vocabulary and spelling.
  15. Spirit),the first section of the creed ascribes the divine attributes to each, individually , Thus, each person of the Trinity is described as uncreated (increases)
  16. The countryside and seas. Finally, some archaeologists consider Brock sites, individually , doubting that there ever was a single common purpose for which every Brock was
  17. Of Iroquois government. The two forms of government are distinctive and, individually ,remarkable in conception. " England In England, Henry I's proclamation of the
  18. The boomerang must travel at least from the thrower. Throwing takes place, individually , The thrower stands at the center of concentric rings marked on an open field.
  19. And the wheel. Other innovations, such as writing, seem to have been developed, individually ,in each area. Cities, states and empires developed in these lowlands. The
  20. Particularly in television or radio advertisements, integers can be pronounced, individually ,in the expression of amounts. For example, on sale for £399 might be expressed
  21. Machines, freely moving about between the water molecules of the solution and, individually ,operating on the substrate, no more mysterious than a factory full of machinery
  22. Well together. However, for clarity of each voice, recording each voice, individually ,is most commonly the norm with most modern vocal groups. In recent years
  23. With Bernie polynomials to yield a set of fitting coefficients that, individually ,represent different types of aberrations. These Bernie coefficients are
  24. Session singers to record guide vocals for each member of the group to sing, individually ,if the members cannot harmonize well together. However, for clarity of each
  25. Yugoslavia at the time, was eventually charged with the" murders of about 600, individually , identified ethnic Albanians" and" crimes against humanity. " In Clinton's
  26. Time Capsules. By the time of his death, the collection grew to include 600, individually , dated " capsules ". The boxes are now housed at the Andy Warhol Museum. *
  27. Spite of winning the referendum, each new law had to be analyzed and approved, individually ,which has caused delays in Costa Rica's compliance to CAFTA. As of September
  28. Sold with up to thousands of files on each CD-ROM. Small BBS copied each file, individually ,to their hard drive. Some systems used a CD-ROM drive to make the files
  29. In the field whether the mind is best viewed as a huge array of small but, individually ,feeble elements (i.e. neurons),or as a collection of higher-level
  30. Is typical of off-line storage. Addressability; Location-addressable: Each, individually ,accessible unit of information in storage is selected with its numerical memory
  31. Population of deaths (around 2,000) is at Angkor Was, where they appear, individually ,and in groups. Tarapacá Dvarapalas are human or demonic temple guardians
  32. Prayer and devotional (general) prayer. Baha'is over the age of 15 must, individually ,recite an obligatory prayer each day, using fixed words and form. In addition
  33. To the households of believers which typically would include children, or, individually , to children or infants of believing parents (see Infant baptism). In this
  34. Head coach at the University of California, Berkeley. " I was very impressed, individually , by his knowledge, by his intelligence, by his personality and hired him,"
  35. Navigation locks and large breakwaters. Such large structures, even though, individually ,placed in formed horizontal blocks, generate excessive heat and associated
  36. Was fused with All Saints' Day in the Anglican Church, though it was renewed, individually ,in certain churches in connection with the Catholic Revival of the 19th century
  37. Of counsel who share the costs of premises and support staff whilst remaining, individually ,self-employed. In December 2004 there were just over 11,500 barristers in
  38. The 20th century Before the 20th century, most manufactured products were made, individually ,by hand. A single craftsman or team of craftsmen would create each part of a
  39. Quantity of oscillators vs. polyphony and where one can program each partial, individually ,with envelopes. Full programming (known as Fourier Synthesis option) is only
  40. Passion, were published as sets until several years later, but prints were sold, individually ,in considerable numbers. Creating a mid-tone throughout the print to which the
  41. Sign of entrance into the New Covenant and therefore may be administered, individually ,to new believers making a public profession of faith. Paedobaptists further
  42. Sheets could include many individual songs, which would be cut apart and sold, individually ,as" slip songs. " Alternatively, they might be folded to make small cheap books
  43. Set by Big Brother and the" Diary/Confession Room," in which the housemates, individually ,convey their thoughts, feelings,and frustrations and reveal their nominees for
  44. Stand still or substitute a swing: :A2 (16) Actives down the center, turn, individually , come back, and cast off. The inactive stand still for the first 3/4,take a
  45. The flow of a baseball game has natural breaks to it, and normally players act, individually ,rather than performing in clusters, the sport lends itself to easy
  46. Contract-specific regulation,i.e. requiring every rolling stock lease to be, individually ,approved by the Rail Regulator before it could be valid. Swift's report did
  47. And failed to get power over navigation laws. Meanwhile, each State acted, individually ,against Great Britain to little effect. When other New England states closed
  48. Seafloor sediments. Pterobranchs are colonial animals, often less than long, individually , whose dwellings are interconnected. Each filter feeds by means of a pair of
  49. It was a complex political and military based game, using a number of, individually ,purchased expansions or components, which could take up to 5 hours to play.
  50. Paper stands at one end of the press, and each sheet passes through the press, individually , The paper will be printed on both sides and delivered, flat,as a stack of

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