Examples of the the word, verbal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( verbal ), is the 4831 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Call libation because of its similarity with Arabic. The word order is in, verbal ,and adjectival sentences, and in nominal and adverbial sentences. The subject
  2. Field. Etymology The word" axiom" comes from the Greek word (axioms),a, verbal ,noun from the verb (Ohioan),meaning" to deem worthy ", but also" to
  3. Pronouns are attached to the end of a verb, noun or preposition and indicate, verbal ,and prepositional objects or possession of nouns. The first-person singular
  4. Linguistics) seeks to understand the processes of human communications, verbal ,and non- verbal , variation in language across time and space, the social uses of
  5. Detail. The neurology of abstraction A recent meta-analysis suggests that the, verbal ,system has greater engagement for abstract concepts when the perceptual system
  6. Is a mystery of the providence of God, but the result of this process is a, verbal , plenary, inerrant,and authoritative record. " Most evangelical Biblical
  7. General User Interface for Disorders of Execution (GUIDE) is an interactive, verbal ,prompting system that talks people with cognitive impairment through daily
  8. Formed with the particle ли after the verb; a subject is not necessary, as the, verbal ,conjugation suggests who is performing the action: *Идваш – 'you are coming ';
  9. Players leaked to the press before the season ended, and all of them suffered, verbal ,abuse and physical threats from the ranks, as baseball fans were called at the
  10. Feelings experienced by two different people can be represented by an identical, verbal ,expression. Wittgenstein stated this in his lectures on aesthetics and language
  11. The dogmas defined in the Creed. This bold attempt is entirely factitious and, verbal , and it is only his employment of various terms not generally used in such a
  12. Mohandas Farmhand Gandhi strongly believed in this principle. Avoidance of, verbal ,and physical violence is also a part of this principle, although AHIMA
  13. Is a figurative mode of representation conveying meaning other than the, verbal , Allegory communicates its message by means of symbolic figures, actions or
  14. Or not in keeping with anatomical structure. The Alexander teacher provides, verbal ,coaching while monitoring, guiding and preventing unnecessary habits at their
  15. It varies in person, number,voice, aspect,mood, tense and even gender. Finite, verbal ,forms Finite verbal forms are simple or compound and agree with subjects in
  16. Non verbal impressions or" gleanings" derived from the nervous system, and, verbal , indicators expressed and derived from language). Sometimes our perceptions and
  17. Form in Imperial Aramaic, while the second is Classical Syriac. Conjugations or, verbal ,stems Like other Semitic languages, Aramaic employs a number of conjugations
  18. Words the captain had ever heard, but creating new ones to exceed the limits of, verbal ,debauchery. In March 1748,while the Greyhound was in the North Atlantic, a
  19. That" Elizabeth" is not what you would call her. We find Elizabeth not in the, verbal ,domain, the world of words, but the non verbal domain (the two, he said, amount
  20. By the example of his Christian labor of healing, rather than through the, verbal ,process of preaching, and believed that this service should be acceptable
  21. Tenses: *Present tense is a temporally unmarked simple form made up of the, verbal ,stem and a complex suffix composed of the thematic vowel, or and the
  22. Number, voice,aspect, mood,tense and even gender. Finite verbal forms Finite, verbal ,forms are simple or compound and agree with subjects in person (first, second
  23. Formerly communist East Germany, The Netherlands Antisemitic incidents, from, verbal , abuse to violence, are reported, allegedly connected with Islamic youth, mostly
  24. School being dismissed within mainstream economics. Instead they use mainly, verbal ,arguments based on, what proponents claim, are self-evident axioms. Mainstream
  25. Specific past action; it is made up of a effective or an imperfection, verbal ,stem and the person/number ending (пристигнах,'I arrived ', четох,'I read
  26. And energetic). There are also two participles (active and passive) and a, verbal ,noun, but no infinitive. The past and non-past paradigms are sometimes also
  27. Verbal aspect As in English, and the other Celtic languages a variety of, verbal ,constructions are available to express grammatical aspect, for example showing
  28. Groups (average IQ 106),while the late onset ADAM children scored lower on, verbal ,processing speed. Again, all groups means were within one standard deviation of
  29. He was contracting his whole body prior to phonation in preparation for all, verbal ,response. He developed the hypothesis that this habitual pattern of pulling the
  30. On women as women or because they are women. Common misconceptions Gratuitous, verbal ,abuse or" name-calling" itself is not an ad hominem or a logical fallacy. In
  31. Equivalent used for intransitive denominations. The associated participles and, verbal ,nouns of a verb are the primary means of forming new lexical nouns in Arabic.
  32. Do not affect mutual intelligibility; these include: different use of some, verbal ,auxiliaries; formal (rather than notional) agreement with collective nouns;
  33. And interjections. Verbs and adverbs form the group of the verb or the, verbal ,group. Nominal morphology Nouns and adjectives have the categories grammatical
  34. Where people gather together to have a" discussion" ( another lexicalized, verbal ,noun). Another fairly common means of forming nouns is through one of a
  35. Like other Semitic languages, Aramaic employs a number of conjugations, or, verbal , stems,to extend the lexical coverage of verbs. The basic conjugation of the
  36. Had increased significantly in Europe since 2000,with significant increases in, verbal ,attacks against Jews and vandalism such as graffiti, fire bombings of Jewish
  37. Be derived the Form VIII verb" to cooperate, participate ", and in turn its, verbal ,noun" cooperation, participation " can be formed. This in turn can be made
  38. 280 of al-Jihad's members and executed 6. Due to bin Laden's continuous, verbal ,assault on King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, on March 5,1994, Fahd sent an emissary to
  39. All six children performed in the normal range on most tests, including, verbal , IQ and performance IQ, but performed at least one standard deviation below age
  40. Process by which, for example, the English gerund" meeting" ( similar to a, verbal ,noun) has turned into a noun referring to a particular type of social, often
  41. To the input or reception of language, with difficulties either in auditory, verbal ,comprehension or in the repetition of words, phrases,or sentences spoken by
  42. Linguists. Morphologically, they are derived from the perfect. Non-finite, verbal ,forms Bulgarian has the following participles: *Present active participle (
  43. Ergative case (shown by the suffix -k). This also triggers main and auxiliary, verbal ,agreement. The auxiliary verb, which accompanies most main verbs, agrees not
  44. Are in Chronicles, and the books of Samuel and Kings, forty parallels, often, verbal , proving that the writer of Chronicles both knew and used those other books.
  45. Reflexive or passive). Aramaic also employs a system of conjugations, or, verbal , stems,to mark intensive and extensive developments in the lexical meaning of
  46. To other past actions; it is made up of an imperfection or a effective, verbal ,stem and the person/number ending (пристигаx, пристигнеx,'I was arriving' );
  47. Of free will). Hume believes that all disputes on the subject have been merely, verbal ,arguments—that is to say, arguments which are based on a lack of priors
  48. No personal information about him. Haggai's name is derived from the Hebrew, verbal ,root egg, which means" to make a pilgrimage. " W. Bible Towner suggests that
  49. Templates for the past and non-past stems, active and passive participles, and, verbal , noun. These are referred to by Western scholars as" Form I "," Form II ", and
  50. Ad in any country or region because the measures are based on the visual, not, verbal , elements of the ad. Foreign public messaging Foreign governments, particularly

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