Examples of the the word, excel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( excel ), is the 4840 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Level than their synchronous counterparts, it is evident that they do at least, excel ,in simpler math operations. This, combined with their excel lent power
  2. Rider. These are motorcycles that are not specialized to one task, but may not, excel ,in one area either. The standard posture is used with touring and commuting as
  3. Excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel , the Jihad fighters, excel , and the children excel . Accordingly, (Palestinians) created a human shield of
  4. And improve people’s lives. The American Psychological Association aspires to, excel ,as a valuable, effective and influential organization advancing psychology as a
  5. Office: office" XML: x="urn: schemas-microsoft-com: office:, excel ," XML: SS="urn: schemas-microsoft-com: office: spreadsheet" XML:
  6. Price. But the colorful Brad" The Animal" Lesley was unable to consistently, excel , and former all-star Jim Kern was a big disappointment. Kern was also publicly
  7. As an alpine country, the main sporting opportunity for Liechtensteiners to, excel ,is in winter sports such as downhill skiing: the country's single ski area is
  8. Success in his studies won the admiration of his teachers. Bernard wanted to, excel ,in literature in order to take up the study of the Bible. He had a special
  9. Prominent European observers of the time seemed to agree that the Japanese ", excel ,not only all the other Oriental peoples, they surpass the Europeans as well" (
  10. On this land: the elderly excel , the Jihad fighters excel , and the children, excel , Accordingly, (Palestinians) created a human shield of women, children,the
  11. Solving, learning speed, and knowledge retention. Results show that horses, excel ,at simple learning, but also are able to solve advanced cognitive challenges
  12. However, there are many modernist and contemporary artists who continue to, excel ,in the skills of drawing and painting and in creating hands-on works of art.
  13. Exposed and yet in many cases extremely difficult to attain. The stamina to, excel ,is likely to confer celebrity status in itself. For instance, careers in the
  14. Skill, his capacity for bold decision, and his ability to inspire his men to, excel ,in battle against a dangerous foe. After a brief terror-raid into Ottoman held
  15. Haphazard education had left her without the strong base she needed to truly, excel , As explained by Gray,“ Germain's work in elasticity suffered generally from
  16. The patchwork of fields and avenues appear flat and lack perspective, but, excel , in their intensity of color. The vibrant light in Axles excited him, and his
  17. Intelligence Siberian Huskies are highly intelligent, which allows them to, excel ,in obedience trials, though many clubs would like to keep the Husky's instinct
  18. Invents his or her own values and creates the very terms under which they, excel , By contrast, Kierkegaard was a Christian, but one who argued that objective
  19. Often made of an engineered material such as Acronym. Impact-resistant doors, excel ,in high traffic areas such as hospitals, schools,and hotels. Frame and filled
  20. TV,“ For the Palestinian people death became an industry, at which women, excel ,and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel , the Jihad fighters excel
  21. In the Sporting, Cultural,Intellectual, Social and Scientific spheres, and to, excel ,internationally in these areas and for this reason, in October 2004,the
  22. To believe in all of them (Sure Al-Aqsa). God has caused some messengers to, excel ,above others and in Sure Al-Aqsa He singles out Muhammad as the" Seal of the
  23. Could be mishandled in many ways, but the rate of roll was too slow for it to, excel ,as a dog fighter. The P-38 was the only American fighter aircraft in production
  24. The Babylonian Empire. An old Sumerian proverb averred that" he who would, excel ,in the school of the scribes must rise with the dawn. " Women as well as men
  25. Or potential suspensions.; Offense: * Left and right wingman. These typically, excel ,at ball control and wide jumps from the outside of the goal perimeter to get
  26. Egypt is internationally known for the excel lence of its squash players who, excel ,in both professional and junior divisions. Giza Club in Amalek is where
  27. Upon based on recent computer simulations. And sprout appendages at will, they, excel , at 'closer-than-melee-range combat, primarily " meme-toxins" against other
  28. To succeed in obedience competition but few excel in it, and fewer still, excel ,in dog agility or fly ball because the courses and activities are generally
  29. As a circular process means that to have growth the inputs of period2 must, excel ,the inputs of period1. Therefore, the outputs of period1 not used or usable as
  30. Although Fidel took an interest in history and debating at Been, he did not, excel ,academically, instead devoting much of his time to playing sport, including
  31. That they live" beyond this whole river-country" ( the Rhineland) and ", excel ,all the others in power and numbers. " He also places them near the Hercynian
  32. With special techniques the" Damascus steel" by the year 1000. " The Hindus, excel ,in the manufacture of iron, and in the preparations of those ingredients along
  33. English & Scots songs from the parents of friends. Although he did not, excel ,as a student (he dropped out of high school in his fourth year and did not
  34. Net, which allows shorter players with strong passing and defensive skills to, excel ,in the position and play an important role in the team's success. A player
  35. Different SAT solvers will find different instances easy or hard, and some, excel ,at proving unsatisfiability, and others at finding solutions. All of these
  36. Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to, excel ,others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are
  37. Including stealth and alternatives for most of their offensive moves; Cats, excel ,in damage dealing so in cat from the druid assumes the melee damage dealer role
  38. May use collection condoms with holes pricked in them. Other uses Condoms, excel ,as multipurpose containers because they are waterproof, elastic,durable, and
  39. Of monarchical states, the environment and social freedom in which to, excel ,may have been reduced. Athens retained its position as the most prestigious
  40. One Scottish writer described his Highland countrymen this way: They greatly, excel ,the Lowlanders in all the exercises that require agility; they are incredibly
  41. Very similar bikes and training regimes to time trialing, and often riders who, excel ,at pursuit are also proficient road time realists (such as Bradley Wiggins
  42. Dogs, and they can be well-behaved around cats if properly socialized. Gallons, excel ,at performance activities like lure coursing and racing. They are eligible to
  43. If I was to choose any one element of what I do, I don't know if I would, excel ,at any one of them. But put all of them together, and I know what I'm doing. "
  44. Seems to be the case in the honey bee where bees from different sperm lines, excel ,at different roles within a single hive, benefiting the health of the hive as a
  45. He became" full of admiration" for" the greatest determination to, excel ,of any actress I've known. She'd have crawled over broken glass if she
  46. Industry, at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly, excel , the Jihad fighters excel , and the children excel . Accordingly, (Palestinians)
  47. Shells, minerals,and birds. Curious and intelligent, the young Fort did not, excel ,at school, though he was quite a wit and full of knowledge about the world –
  48. Byrd, whom in that kind, I know not whether any may equal, I am sure none, excel , even by the judgement of France and Italy, who are very sparing in the
  49. As Ruston's,Clayton's,Proctor's and William Foster's. Lincoln began to, excel ,in heavy engineering, building diesel engine locomotives, steam shovels and all
  50. Coyote hunting. A few are trained to succeed in obedience competition but few, excel ,in it, and fewer still excel in dog agility or fly ball because the courses and

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